Su Chen looked at the items in the storage bag and was very surprised.


And purple spirit stones?

What level of spiritual stone is this?

There are actually hundreds of purple spirit stones, the primary spirit stones and the intermediate spirit stones each have thousands of pieces, and the advanced spirit stones also have four to five hundred pieces.

There are also some unknown immortal fruits and elixirs, and there are also four jade slips for cultivating immortality and magical powers.

Su Chen looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva unexpectedly.

He guessed that Guanyin Bodhisattva was making a big bet for him in the future.

If Su Chen destroyed the Song Empire in the future, established a new empire, and even ruled the Eastern Continent in the future.

This is very beneficial for Buddhism to compete for the destiny of the human race, and even the destiny of the human race in the entire Eastern Continent will be plundered by Buddhism.

But will Su Chen let Buddhism fulfill his wish?

If Guanyin Bodhisattva knew in the future that Buddhism would not only lose any luck from the human race in the Eastern Continent, but that Buddhism would even be destroyed by Su Chen, would Guanyin Bodhisattva tear himself alive?

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not refute what Su Chen said.

Su Chen was right.

She was optimistic that Su Chen could destroy the Song Empire in the future, and even other empires and dynasties in the Eastern Continent.

As long as Su Chen establishes Buddhism as the state religion in the future, the luck of the human race in the Eastern Continent will return to Buddhism.

Their Buddhist sect's quasi-sage power will be able to take advantage of the luck of the human race to practice, and their strength will be one step closer, and they can even advance to the pinnacle of quasi-sage. Strength.

Seeing Su Chen's surprised look, Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled and said,"Su Chen, these were originally rewards from my lower realm to the Buddhist sects in Shenyu Continent, but now it's easier for you."

"What is purple spirit stone?"Su Chen asked suspiciously when he heard Guanyin Bodhisattva's words.

"It is the best spiritual stone. A single purple spiritual stone can allow you to cultivate to the realm of cultivating immortals in the realm of distraction. I can’t bring better spiritual crystals to the Divine Meteor Continent. This is already the limit of what I can bring from the fairy world."

"Isn’t it possible for a Bodhisattva to bring treasures at will from the immortal world?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva shook his head and said,


"I need the help of three quasi-sages to clone myself into the lower realm once. Moreover, I cannot bring high-level treasures from the fairy world, so I can only bring some low-level treasures and items."

"This time, with the help of five quasi-sages, I can bring hundreds of top-grade spiritual stones, but these top-grade spiritual stones are also cheaper for you."

Su Chen nodded when he heard this.

He also felt that this was only fair. If Buddhism and Taoism could bring treasures to Shenyu Continent at will, then Shenyu Continent must be full of cultivators who have transcended the tribulation realm. It seems that Shenyu Continent is full of immortal cultivators.

The laws of heaven and earth on the continent cannot be destroyed even by the great powers in the prehistoric times. How was the Divine Meteor Continent formed?

Why are there such powerful rules of heaven and earth?

Su Chen became more and more curious about the Divine Meteor Continent.

Su Chen Chen looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and continued to ask,"What about the saint? Can’t a saint bring treasures down to the lower world?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Su Chen unexpectedly and said,

"saint? You bastard knows a lot. Saints can't even appear in the prehistoric times. Do you think a saint can come to this place where no one can shit?"

Holy crap! Is it possible that the prehistoric era has passed the stage of becoming a god?

Yes, the little fox may be Su Daji, and becoming a god must have passed.

So is the journey to the west about to start in the prehistoric world now?

Su Chen is also interested in the prehistoric fairyland. I have some understanding, but how long will it take for Journey to the West to start?

Su Chen has no idea.

If he becomes an immortal in the future, will he be able to catch up with the plot of Journey to the West?

Su Chen touched his chin and thought: How can he start from Guanyin? Did the Bodhisattva get some more information out of his mouth?

Bi Donger was very shocked when she looked at Su Chen and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

She was not paying attention to Su Chen like the Sword Master. She heard the conversation between Su Chen and Guanyin Bodhisattva just now. It is clear.

Bi Donger did not expect that the woman beside Su Chen came from the fairy world, and that the lower realm of immortals also needs the help of three quasi-sages.

What realm is the quasi-sage in the fairy world?

There are also saints.

She just heard the words of Guanyin Bodhisattva and was very excited. Doubtful, [The saint is not in the fairy world at all, and he doesn’t even care about the Shenyu Continent.】

【Are saints the masters of the immortal world? ]

Bi Dong'er was also very curious about Su Chen.

This peeping tom was actually noticed by the immortal. The immortal even gave this bastard all the treasures that were originally intended for the sect in the lower world. Could it be that this bastard also has elders in the immortal world?

Su Chen looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and smiled and asked,"Bodhisattva, what is the situation in the ancient world now? Is there anything big happening in Buddhism, Taoism, or even in heaven?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva heard Su Chen's words and asked doubtfully,

"What do these do, you ask? You bastard is still far away from becoming an immortal. Don't ask about these things you shouldn't know."

Su Chen took out some wine and snacks from the system space, and quickly placed them on a stone table.

Like a dogleg, Su Chen flattered Guanyin Bodhisattva and said,"Bodhisattva, please sit down. I'm just curious. Tell me.!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was very speechless when she looked at Su Chen.

This bastard was so shameless just because he wanted to know something. She had no choice but to deal with this shameless bastard.

However, she still felt that she could not easily agree to this bastard,"Curiosity killed the cat. , you should think about how to rule the Eastern Continent in the future."

Su Chen immediately stood behind Guanyin Bodhisattva and massaged her shoulders and said,

"My men will conquer the Eastern Continent. Bodhisattva, you see we are all so familiar with each other. Just tell me some things about the fairy world. Anyway, we have nothing to do now."

Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't expect that Su Chen would dare to touch her.

Although this was just a clone, its consciousness was her own. When this clone returns, it will merge into the original body. If her consciousness also merges with the original soul, her Thoughts are the thoughts of the main body. If this bastard dares to touch her, aren't she afraid that she will destroy him?

Just looking at Su Chen's shameless look, she shook her head.

This shameless bastard who has never been offline is even more shameless than the Buddhist Ran Deng. , even more shameless than that superior saint.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is helpless to this bastard Su Chen

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"What big thing is happening in heaven?"Su Chen saw that Guanyin Bodhisattva agreed. After thinking about it, he asked Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Su Chen did not dare to ask about Buddhism at the beginning. If he dared to ask about Buddhism, Guanyin Bodhisattva would probably doubt him.

Anyway, Everything that happens in Heaven is related to Buddhism's Journey to the West.

As long as Su Chen knows what happens in Heaven, he can determine whether the plot of Journey to the West has begun.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Guanyin Bodhisattva thought about it and replied,"Heaven, Heaven is here There was a big fuss by a monkey four hundred years ago, but nothing major happened in heaven now."

Four hundred years have passed since the monkeys made trouble in heaven?

Then isn't there still another hundred years before the plot of Journey to the West begins?

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