Su Chen's face turned dark when he heard Bi Dong'er's words.

He just wanted to send Bi Dong'er away.

As for whether Bi Dong'er could form an alliance with Xiao Xun'er's family?

He knows shit.

Besides, that woman Xiao Xun'er has always been hostile to him.

That girl wants to kill him. Bi Dong'er's alliance with the ancient tribe is really difficult to succeed.

Su Chen thought about it and decided to bribe Xiao Xun'er.

Didn't that girl want Zhu Guo?

This time he asked Bi Dong'er to bring a few pills to Xiao Xun'er. He didn't believe that Xiao Xun'er could refuse.

"If I write you a letter, the Ancient Clan will 100% form an alliance with you."

"Hum, I will believe you this time."

Bi Dong'er nodded when he heard Su Chen's words. This bastard actually said this, so he couldn't be deceiving himself. Bi Dong'er decided to believe this bastard for once.

"Give this Najie to Gu Xun'er."

After Su Chen wrote a letter, he took out a Na ring and put in a few red fruits.

He handed it to Bi Dong'er and said,

Bi Dong'er saw Su Chen quickly put in a few fruits, she He asked doubtfully,

"What's inside?"

Su Chen rolled his eyes at Bi Dong'er and reminded,

"Why do you care so much? This is not for you. The items inside are related to the success of your alliance. You should not use the items inside without permission."

Bidong'er's face changed when she heard Su Chen's words. Her chest swelled with Su Chen's anger, as if it would explode at any time.

"Do you think the emperor would care about your things?"

"It’s best not to be rare. Bi

Dong'er glared at Su Chen fiercely and stretched out his hand and said,"Give me one of your purple spiritual stones.""

Bi Dong'er just heard that Guanyin Bodhisattva gave Su Chen some items. Among them, she was very interested in the purple spirit stone that the immortals had brought from the fairy world. That purple spirit stone must be better than ordinary spirit stones.

Bi Dong'er wants to try the more precious spiritual stone, and see if the purple spiritual stone is useful for her soul power cultivation.

"You're eating farts!"Su Chen cursed rudely when he heard Bi Dong'er's words,

"Bastard, do you want to die?"

Bi Dong'er grabbed Su Chen's clothes and yelled.

She didn't expect that this bastard would say dirty words to her. This bastard without quality, Bi Dong'er wanted to strangle this bastard to death.

Su Chen looked at Chi Chi Bi Dong'er was late, and the fragrance of her body came to his nostrils. Her exquisite face, convex figure, and arrogant noble temperament made Su Chen distracted and wanted to kiss this arrogant queen.

Su Chen He bit his tongue and regained his clarity and said,

"Bi Dong'er, it's best to forget what you just overheard. If that powerful woman knew that you were talking nonsense, you and your spirit empire would be destroyed by her. You should know that with her strength, you can Did it. Bi

Donger let go of Su Chen and said proudly,

"Do you think I'm stupid? A purple spirit stone. I won’t tell anyone about your relationship with your fairy world clone. I didn’t see or hear anything about what happened today."

"I'll do it! You are blackmailing"

"This is just hush money, how can it be called blackmail?"

"You are cruel, Bi Donger. If the purple spirit stone is of no use to you, remember to return it to me later."

Su Chen has no choice.

What this woman heard today must be kept secret.

If other immortal cultivators find out that he possesses purple spiritual stones, I am afraid there will be constant troubles in the future, and even some old monsters who cultivate immortals will not be able to stand it. Live in temptation to rob

"Haha, let’s talk about it later."

Bidong'er took the purple spirit stone that Su Chen gave her and said with a smile, how could she return the treasure to this bastard in her hand ? Spirit stones are a rare treasure even in the Eastern Continent, not to mention this She just won't be able to use the top-grade purple spiritual stone in the future. She can also exchange some treasures with those cultivating sects in the future.

"Bi Dong'er, what are you doing here? Where are your disciples and subordinates?"

"I was originally going to the Liyang Dynasty to discuss an alliance, but I don’t need to go now."

"Are you going back to the Southern Continent?"

"Of course, I have been out for almost half a year, and it’s time to return to the Southern Continent."

"Goodbye and have a good trip."

Su Chendu showed off to Bi Dong'er and then disappeared in an instant.

He has nothing to do here.

Bi Dong'er was also taken care of by him.

Su Chen didn't want to stay and be blackmailed by this woman.

"Damn bastard!"

Bi Dong'er was very helpless when she saw Su Chen running away instantly.

She originally wanted to ask about Tangshan, but this bastard avoided her like the plague. This made Bi Dong'er look ugly and wanted to chase after that bastard and beat him up.

"Hum, Su Chen, we will meet again, and I will never make it easy for you in the future."

Bidong'er yelled angrily and disappeared in an instant.

At this time,

Jiujianxian limped back to the square.

He saw that there was no one in the square, which made Jiujianxian breathe a sigh of relief.

The woman just now was too powerful. She could easily knock him away with just one finger. This was because the woman didn't want to kill him, otherwise he would have been a corpse.

Hangzhou City,

Mu Guiying's Northern Battle The legion has arrived with 300,000 troops, and the army of the Song Dynasty court has also begun to attack Hangzhou City.

In the city lord's palace,

Xiaobai, Xiaoqing, Mu Guiying, Ji Ruxihe, Shui Rou (Mrs. Ye Di), Lin Yueru, Bird Demon, Hongyi and other women were listening to Mu Guiying's war deployment.

Xiaoqing looked at the heroic Mu Guiying and asked,"Commander Mu, do you want to fight against the enemy in the Red Moon Plain?" The Song Dynasty's army faced a decisive battle?"

Mu Guiying is wearing a fitted armor, with an uneven figure, a pretty face, and a serious and cold expression.

This makes Mu Guiying look even more beautiful, and she wants people to conquer her even more.

Her eyes are cold. He nodded and replied,

"Well, the Song Dynasty's army dispatched 500,000 troops this time, plus the troops from various cities in the south who want to fish in troubled waters, there may be more than 700,000 troops this time. I want to wait for my work this time, and win the red army in one fell swoop. These armies were wiped out on the Moon Plain. Xiaobai asked worriedly while holding Su Yue in his arms.

"But your northern combat regiment has only arrived at 300,000 troops. Even if you add the 100,000 troops from Hangzhou City, it only amounts to 400,000 troops. Mu Guiying, can you win this war?"

Xiaobai felt that Mu Guiying was a little overconfident.

The Song Dynasty's nearly 800,000 troops were a huge army.

Hangzhou City only had 400,000 troops, and it was impossible to dispatch them all. This was a difference of more than half.

Xiaobai couldn't understand Mu Guiying's confidence to say this.

Mu Guiying clenched her fists and said with a smile,

"Haha, I was worried before, but now I am not worried at all. Don’t worry, this time I will destroy all the 700,000-800,000 troops of the Song Dynasty, and I will also conquer the southern part of the Song Dynasty within half a year."

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