Su Chen was very surprised when he heard Xiao Xun'er's words, ancient ruins?

What is this?

Could it be that Xiao Xun'er came here to look for some ancient ruins?

"you do not know?"Xiao Xun'er looked at Su Chen and asked in confusion.

Su Chen shook his head and replied,

"I do not know!"

Ancient ruins?

He has never heard of it.

Did Xiao Xun'er appear in this forest to find ancient ruins?

Xiao Xun'er stared at her beautiful eyes and asked Su Chen,"Then how did you appear in this forest? This independent space?"

"Is this an independent space?"

Su Chen stood up hurriedly when he heard Xiao Xun'er's words. He looked at Xiao Xun'er and asked hurriedly.

Xiao Xun'er looked at Su Chen's surprised look and suddenly thought that entering this independent space requires a key, and the key There are six in total, and six pieces of spiritual jade have been obtained by their various forces.

Su Chen does not have spiritual jade, how did he come to this independent space?

"Yes, by the way, you didn’t open the Lingyu of the independent space, how did you appear here?"

What the hell!

This is actually an independent space?

Su Chen didn't expect them to appear in an independent space, but how could the independent space appear in the river? And let people like them come in by mistake? Isabella and the Blue Bird girls were also very surprised when they heard the conversation between Su Chen and Xiao Xun'er. They didn't expect that they entered an independent space by accident. No wonder there are such powerful monsters here. They How could he appear in an independent space after just landing on land? Su Chen said to Xiao Xun'er a little depressed,"I just bumped in by mistake. I don't even know why I appeared here." Su Chen looked at the other people who had arrived and found some acquaintances. He did not expect that these people had entered the independent space. Could it be that all these children of luck came to this independent space to look for opportunities? Xiao Huohuo was indeed not attracted by Yun Yun. Kill, this little cockroach didn't expect to appear here, but without his golden finger, can Xiao Huohuo survive here? And Tangshan, he also appeared here, a soul king unexpectedly appeared here If they are not dead, these sons of destiny are probably protected by others all the way. Su Chen doesn't know anyone from the other three factions, but the people from these six factions are all pretty powerful, and Xiao Xun'er is actually protected by Dou Sheng It seems that this independent space has the treasures they need, or some inheritance. Xiao Huohuo also discovered Su Chen. He hated Su Chen very much. Xiao Huohuo's teacher was killed, and he didn't even want to take revenge. He didn't dare to take revenge. The Qingyun Sect was too powerful. Even his ancestors didn't dare to provoke the Qingyun Sect easily. But Su Chen would not let it go. Xiao Huohuo saw that Su Chen also appeared in this space, which made him With the hope of revenge, his ancestor was a strong fighting saint (distracting spirit realm). He did not believe that there were fighting saints among the women around Su Chen. Xiao Huohuo said to a middle-aged man next to him,"Ancestor, can you kill that man?" When the middle-aged man heard Xiao Huohuo's words, he asked doubtfully,"Huh? Is that person your enemy?


"Yes, I will not be a human unless I kill him."Xiao Huohuo looked at Su Chen angrily and said harshly.

The middle-aged man shook his head and refused,

"Not now. There is a powerful woman beside that young man. Her strength is equal to mine."

"Moreover, Gu Xun'er of the ancient clan should have a good relationship with him. If I try to take action, I will be besieged by two fighting saints. We want to get the treasures in the ruins this time, so don't cause trouble first."

The middle-aged man also saw Isabella's strength.

With a fighting saint beside Su Chen, it is impossible for him to kill Su Chen. Even if he kills Su Chen, I'm afraid that woman will also kill Xiao Huohuo.

Dou. Sheng wanted to kill someone, but he couldn't guard against it, and it was impossible to protect Xiao Huohuo.


Gu Xun'er from the ancient tribe had a close relationship with Su Chen. If he dared to take action, I'm afraid he would also die here. Two powerful people The fighting saint is not something he can deal with.

"Yes, ancestor!"

Tangshan also discovered Su Chen, but he only met Su Chen once.

He was very dissatisfied with Su Chen, a pervert, but he didn't want to provoke Su Chen. Tangshan knew that Su Chen's background was very unfair. Simple, as long as Su Chen didn't provoke him, he wouldn't let his father kill Su Chen. The other three parties didn't pay much attention to Su Chen, but they were also very wary of Su Chen and Xiao Xun'er.

People like them They were originally trying to balance each other, but now Su Chen and Xiao Xun'er have a close relationship.

This makes them all worry that after Su Chen and Xiao Xun'er unite, it may not be easy for them to get the treasures in the ruins.


At this time,

Isabella saw some people wearing cloaks nearby and shouted,

"Isabella, you actually appeared here?"

Besides, among more than a dozen people wearing cloaks, a tall woman heard someone calling her, and the voice was even very familiar. She walked out of the crowd and shouted in surprise,

Isabella faced Sylph He shouted,"Come here quickly, we haven’t seen each other for a long time."

Isabella didn't expect that the elf princess would also appear here.

She thought she had seen it wrong just now.

The elf princess Sylph is her best friend. With Sylph here this time, she should not look at Su Chen again. The bastard's face turned pale.

At this moment,

Su Chen also learned some information about this independent space from Xiao Xun'er. The independent space will be opened once every thousand years. There are exotic flowers and herbs, spiritual fruits and elixirs here, and even some There are some artifacts and inheritances, but the relics in the independent space are different every time.

Xiao Xun'er didn't know what relics it would be this time.

Su Chen looked at the people resting next to him and asked Xiao Xun'er,"Xun'er, Who are those people?"

Xiao Xun'er smiled when she heard Su Chen's words and said,

"You know Xiao Huohuo, right? Next to him is his ancestor Xiao Tian. Xiao Tian is a fighting saint. You have to be careful, Xiao Huohuo hates you very much."

Su Chen looked at Xiao Huohuo and said disdainfully,"I didn't care about him at all, just a bastard."

Xiao Xun'er rolled her eyes and continued,

"The people wearing black clothes next to them are the Tang family. They are also very powerful. This time they are protecting a person named Tangshan."

"There are also those people wearing golden armor. They are from the angel organization. That woman’s martial spirit is that of an angel. Although her strength is not the same, don’t underestimate her. When she grows up, she will definitely be an angel. strong person"

"The two parties are not very clear, but your person seems to know one of them."

Su Chen nodded when he heard Xiao Xun'er's words.

Only one of these people he didn't know,

Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Huohuo, Tang Shan, the woman with Angel Wuhun should be Bi Dong'er's daughter, and People who are familiar with Isabella.

The remaining party is obviously the immortal cultivator from the Eastern Continent. The fact that these people can be gathered together shows that they all have good luck.

Su Chen is also interested in the ruins in this space..

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