Although Su Chen didn't know much about Qingying's transformation, as an ancient sacred bird, the slower she transformed, the greater her potential. Not all the great powers in the prehistoric world were golden immortals when they transformed. Or Daluo Jinxian? Qingying should be like those great powers in the ancient world. As long as Qingying takes form, he will become a golden immortal or a Daluo golden immortal.

Ho ho ho......

Boom boom boom......

At this time, the roar and terrifying aura of a powerful monster suddenly erupted in front, followed by the sound of a fierce battle.

At this moment, a tiger-shaped monster suddenly appeared and killed more than a dozen of the hundreds of people who had escaped earlier. The rest fled one after another when they saw the powerful monster. They all saw that although this tiger-shaped monster is not as powerful as the monster behind, it is very easy to kill them.

"Run quickly, this is a god-level monster (Dongxu Realm), none of us can be its opponent."

"Chiyunhu? This is the Red Cloud Tiger in Dongxu Realm, run quickly"

"Oh my god, this monster is so big that we can't escape at all."

"Hill, retreat, retreat quickly"

"Everyone in the Xiao family retreats. Quickly, everyone retreats to their original place."

"Princess, let’s retreat quickly. The monster in front of us is too powerful."

Just when these people were hurriedly trying to retreat to their original place, the red cloud tiger did not let go of the humans who invaded its territory. The huge demon red cloud tiger trampled to death with one step, and there were not many humans in time. Some humans even attacked it. 's attacks don't care at all.


The red flame attack that Chiyunhu spewed from its mouth made it impossible for the fleeing humans to avoid it. The blazing flames immediately stopped some humans who were about to escape, and even more than ten people were directly burned to ashes.

" me, save....."

"Don't look back, run away!"

"Master, bastard, save the master quickly, otherwise we will be executed when we go back."

"Miss, run away, don’t fly, move quickly"

"Damn it, are those fools trying to lure Chi Yunhu to come? Don't fly. If anyone dares to fly again, I will kill you."

The fleeing people moved quickly in the forest one by one.

Just now, some humans wanted to fly away, but as soon as they took off, they were shot by the spikes on the Chiyun Tiger's body.

The Chiyun Tiger also quickly chased them, More than half of the more than a hundred people were killed in less than three breaths, and the remaining people were panicking and running for their lives.

Isabella and the elf princess Sylph, they pulled each other and quickly rushed back. Retreat.

The terrifying aura of the Red Cloud Tiger just now made them breathless.

If they hadn't stayed away from the Red Cloud Tiger, they would have either been injured or killed by the Red Cloud Tiger.

Isabella saw Sylph trying to save her Guards, she hurriedly shouted,"Sylph, we can't save those guards, run quickly, we must escape back to Suchen.""

Sylph looked at the guards who were either burned to death or shot by some sharp spikes.

She felt very regretful when she thought about what Isabella said earlier. If she had listened to Isabella and stayed in that Su Chen There, their guards would not suffer heavy casualties.

Sylph looked at Isabella and said apologetically,"Isabella, I'm sorry, almost all of your men died."

"Now is not the time to say this, let's run away quickly."Isabella pulled Silver and said anxiously.

Isabella didn't expect that Silver would still be thinking about this now.

If they were caught up by the Red Cloud Tiger, they would be killed easily. Apologize? Let’s wait and see if we can escape Chiyunhu’s pursuit.


The Chiyun Tiger had no intention of letting these humans go. It kept dodging to kill the humans who were trying to escape. If the humans weren't too scattered, it would have wiped out the group of humans in one bite.

Under the big tree,

Su Chen took out a piece of food and started eating with the girls.

Qing Ying stood on Su Chen's shoulder.

With Qing Ying here, what else was Su Chen afraid of in this forest? Qingying is probably the strongest person in this forest.

Su Chen can also walk sideways in this forest from now on.

When Su Chen saw Qingying about to fly, he hurriedly patted Qingying's little head and said,"Little guy, calm down, we don't have to worry about the life and death of those people."

Tweet Tweet Tweet.....

When Qingying heard Su Chen's words, she nodded and shouted softly.

Su Chen picked up a piece of meat and said to Qingying,"Here, I'll give you this soy sauce beef. It's very delicious.""

"Su Chen, does your friend not care whether she lives or lives?"

Xiao Xun'er looked at Su Chen feeding Qing Ying. She thought of the veiled woman before and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen shook her head and said,

"She is not my friend, we met after the ship sank, and I just learned her name. Xiao

Xun'er sighed while drinking Su Chen's spirit wine,"I'm afraid not many of those people can escape alive.""

"Life and death matter. Since they are looking for some ruins, they should know the dangers here."

"Su Chen, do you want to find the relics in this space?"Xiao Xun'er looked at Su Chen and asked with a smile.

Xiao Xun'er also knew that Su Chen had Qingying, and Su Chen would not be in danger in the whole forest.

Although she didn't care about the ruins, she could go and see them. What kind of relic is it?

Xiao Xun'er still wants to know a lot.

"We'll see what happens later. By the way, Xun'er, Queen Bi Dong'er of the Wuhun Empire may come looking for you......."

Su Chen suddenly thought about Bi Dong'er, so he told Xiao Xun'er about Bi Dong'er's alliance with the ancient tribe.

As for whether Xiao Xun'er is willing to form an alliance with Bi Dong'er, that's none of his business. Anyway, Bi Dong'er won't be able to trouble him again in the future.

When Xiao Xun'er heard Su Chen's words, he asked suspiciously,"Huh? What does Queen Bidong have to do with you?"

Xiao Xun'er was really speechless about Su Chen.

This bastard actually knew the Queen of the Spirit Empire. , damn bastard,

Xiao Xun'er felt that Su Chen was an out-and-out pervert, and she also regretted the decision she just made.

Su Chen took a sip of wine and shook his head and said,"It doesn't matter much. She wants to form an alliance with me, but I don't agree."

Xiao Xun'er rolled her eyes at Su Chen when she heard what he said.

She understood now. , the Queen of the Wuhun Empire sought an alliance with this bastard, and this bastard actually pushed the Queen of the Wuhun Empire to her, which made Xiao Xuner really speechless towards this bastard.

She had a very bad relationship with Su Chen before. Why did this bastard think that she would listen to him and form an alliance with the Spirit Empire?

"Master, someone is coming!"

At this time,

Ning Zhongze came over and reported to Su Chen.

Su Chen also discovered that some people were coming, but he didn't know whether the monster would follow.

Qingying now hid her aura.

If that powerful monster didn't sense Qingying's existence,

I'm afraid it would really come and kill her.

"Let's see who else can come back alive."

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