Su Chen touched his fake beard and couldn't understand, how could Xuanyuan Qingfeng become a prisoner?

Did Xuanyuan Qingfeng rob the two sisters of the Xu family?

Xuanyuan Qingfeng should not do such things to offend the Northern Liang King, so why did Xuanyuan Qingfeng become a prisoner?

Su Chen couldn't figure it out as he sat on the grass.

It was possible that Beiliang had taken a liking to the Xuanyuan family. After all, the Xuanyuan family controlled the water transportation of a river.

But it is impossible to catch Xuanyuan Qingfeng.

The current Xuanyuan Qingfeng has no status at all in the Xuanyuan family.

After lunch,

Sister Xu Weixiong did not leave immediately.

Su Chen also enjoyed a leisurely time.

He lay on the grass and thought about how to get close to Xuanyuan Qingfeng.

"Ha ha....Xu Zhihu, Xu Weixiong, have you finally been found?"

At this time, a figure quickly appeared on the carriage. An old man without a beard laughed and said to the Xu sisters.

Xu Weixiong hurriedly protected Xu Zhihu when he saw the coming person. She waved. Waving his hand to get the guards ready to fight,

Xu Weixiong looked at the old man on the carriage and asked with a cold face,"Han Diao Temple? What are you doing here, an old eunuch?"

Han Diao Si looked around and said disdainfully,"What are you doing? Xu Weixiong, my disciple has never forgotten you. Second Miss of the Xu family, you are worthy of being my disciple."

"Your disciple? who?"

"Zhao Kai!"

Xu Weixiong was very surprised when she heard what Han Diao Temple said. She didn't expect that Zhao Kai was actually a disciple of Han Diao Temple.

However, after she heard what Han Diao Temple said,

Xu Weixiong sneered with an indifferent expression,"Zhao Kai is actually your disciple, Han Diao Temple, you are thinking too much, Zhao Kai and I have no relationship at all."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a relationship. As long as you get married, won't there be a relationship?"

"Damn it, what are you going to do?"

Han Diao Si smiled sinisterly and said,

"do what? Of course, I want you to become my disciple’s wife, the second young lady of Beiliang. After the death of the Crown Prince Xu Nian of Beiliang, you can be Beiliang’s successor, and my disciple can legitimately control Beiliang’s 300,000 cavalry. In this way The sale is very cost-effective."

Xu Weixiong looked angry and shouted loudly,"You are dreaming that my brother Xu Nian is dead, and my other brother, and even my eldest sister are also here. Han Diao Si, you are just talking in your dreams."

Xu Weixiong did not expect that Han Diao Temple had such a plan.

Did Han Diao Temple eat himself?

Or would he definitely eat their Beiliang Palace?

Han Diao Temple said with disdain when he heard Xu Weixiong's words.

"Your other brother is a fool. Someone will deal with him in the future. Your eldest sister, Xu Zhihu, may die at any time due to her illness. You are the only one left among the four siblings in the Xu family."

"Guard ready!"

Xu Weixiong waved his hand and prepared to fight.

It is impossible for her to be captured by Han Diao Temple, and it is even less possible for her to be humiliated by that bastard Zhao Kai.

Even if Xu Weixiong dies, he will not let Han Diao Temple have an easy time.

Su Chen Lying on the grass without getting up, he is just Han Diao Si.

Ning Zhongze and Qingniao can kill him, but these are very different from the plot.

Zhao Kai and Han Diao Si were assassinating Xu Nian before. What happened today? Want to catch Xu Weixiong and force her and Zhao Kai to cook rice together?

Is Han Diao Si so sure of killing Xu Nian?

By the way!

Five Elements Talisman General Hong Jia is still in his system space. This is what Su Chen originally snatched from Zhao Kai snatched it from his hand.

If Han Diao Si saw the red armor of the Five Elements Talisman here, would he be frightened and run away immediately?

Xu Weixiong looked at Han Diao Si and said to Xu Zhihu behind him," Sister, go to that bastard and let him protect you during the battle."

"Bear, you have to be careful."

Xu Zhihu nodded and gave Xu Weixiong instructions, and she walked towards Su Chen.

She knew that she couldn't help at all now, and Xu Zhihu didn't want to stay and let Xu Weixiong be distracted by her.

"Mr. Su, can you help my sister?"

After Xu Zhihu arrived at Su Chen's place, she looked at Su Chen and Ning Zhongze and begged.

When Su Chen heard Xu Zhihu's words, he shook his head and said,"Miss Xu, that old eunuch is a Yuan. We are the great masters who are in the early stages of cultivating immortals. Do you think we can help?"

"I was reckless."

Xu Zhihu lowered his head in embarrassment when he heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't know much about warrior training at all. Su Chen and Ning Zhongze didn't expect that their strength was so low. It seems that this time Xu Weixiong will have to face it alone. Regarding this matter.

Han Diao Si kept looking at Su Chen.

He felt that this bearded man posed a great threat to him.

This made him very confused.

Why would a great master make him feel so dangerous? da da da da......

At this time, the sound of horse hooves came over, and after a while, a group of thousands of troops appeared in front of everyone.

These thousands of troops were very elite. After the army arrived, they quickly surrounded Han on the carriage with evil aura. Diao Temple

"Beiliang Iron Cavalry!"

Han Diao Si looked at these troops and said.

At this time, a general with a spear and a horse came over.

He looked at Han Diao Si and shouted,"Han Diao Si, be captured immediately, or I will let you taste it. The charge of Beiliang cavalry."

Han Diao Si was very confused when he saw Chen Zhibao arriving.

How could Chen Zhibao be here with his army?

And it was aimed at him.

Did the King of Beiliang know his intention?

"Chen Zhibao? I didn't expect you to be here, but do you think a thousand Beiliang cavalry can do anything to me?"

Xu Weixiong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chen Zhibao arriving with his army.

After all, Han Diao Si was a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm, and she was a cultivation state in the early stage of the Golden Core.

She and Han Diao Si were facing each other. There was no chance of winning.

Su Chen was very surprised when he saw these people.

Xu Weixiong, Xu Zhihu, Han Diaosi, Chen Zhibao, will Xu Nian and his brother arrive soon?

And Zhao Kai, plus Go to Nangong Girl, isn't this a proper plot to surround and kill Han Diao Si and Zhao Kai?

"Just you?"

"Who says I'm the only one?"

Han Diao Si smiled when he looked at Chen Zhibao.

Fortunately, he also brought his subordinates this time.

Although these people are all disintegrating people towards him, he is also afraid of accidents, especially the bearded man. He is a Unstable factors.


Han Diao Si took out a loud arrow from his arms and fired it into the air. da da da da......

At this time, more sounds of horse hooves came from the distance

"Be on alert, all Beiliang cavalry are on alert!"

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