When Su Chen heard Xu Zhihu's words, he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Why did this evil woman suspect that he was disguised again?

Beautiful and smart women are really annoying.

Su Chen now wants to leave this woman. After a while, this woman may even guess what underwear he is wearing.

"I'm just asking casually."

Xu Zhihu looked at Su Chen's face.

She smiled and lowered her head.

Xu Zhihu just tested it casually.

It seems that this bastard is really disguised.

Xu Weixiong thought of Ning Zhongzehe Qingniao is a very beautiful woman, and it is impossible for them to find an ugly man as their husband.

Moreover, Ning Zhongze and Qingniao obeyed Su Chen, which made Xu Weixiong very suspicious. Qingniao obeyed Su Chen, so It's because Qingniao is just a maid.

But Ning Zhongze is Su Chen's wife, a beautiful lady like a flower.

Shouldn't Su Chen take great care of her? But why does Ning Zhongze always show respect to Su Chen.

Xu Zhihu suspected that Ning Zhongze and QingI'm afraid they are all Su Chen's maids, and

Su Chen and Ning Zhong are also fake husband and wife.

Su Chen looked at Xu Zhihu and threatened,"Xu Zhihu, has anyone told you that you are too smart, so be careful that no one wants you in the future?"

Xu Zhihu smiled and said nonchalantly,"No one wants me in the first place. Oh, what does this have to do with me?"

Su Chen curled his lips when he heard Xu Zhihu's words and reminded,"Isn't there a lover of yours in the Wudang Clan? It's not like no one wants you, you've been waiting for someone people"

"you......How did you know?"

Xu Zhihu was very shocked when he looked at Su Chen. Apart from her family members, no one else could know about her relationship with the Wudang Clan.

How did Su Chen know about it?

Su Chen took out a bottle of wine and took a sip. He said,"Don't worry about this. I know a lot about the secrets of the Northern Liang Palace. I also know that Xu Weixiong is not your biological sister at all.""


Xu Zhihu stared at Su Chen in disbelief,

Xu Weixiong!

This is even more of a secret among secrets, and she and her father are the only ones who know about this matter. Where did this bastard know about this matter?

"Don't make a fuss, secrets will be exposed if they are hidden for a long time. Some of the plans of King of Northern Liang are good, but it is a pity that King of Northern Liang will probably die soon."

"Nonsense, my father will not die"


"you......Do you know who killed my mother?"

"We know that Han Diao Si is one of the murderers."

Xu Zhihu heard Su Chen's words and continued to ask hurriedly,"Han Diao Temple? So my mother was killed by the Dali Dynasty."

Su Chen shook his head and replied to Xu Zhihu,"Not only the Dali dynasty, but also the Beimang dynasty was involved. Your mother was dealt with by the masters of Dali and Beimang together."

Xu Zhihu was so dizzy that he was about to fall down.

I guess?

Is Xu Zhihu going to have a seizure and die?

Is this him?

Can Xu Zhihu die now? If Xu Zhihu dies next to him, he I'm afraid that there were several mouths that couldn't explain it clearly.

Su Chen hurriedly hugged Xu Zhihu who was about to fall down, and slowly let her lie down on the grass.

"Xu Zhihu, you can’t die now. I’m going to call your sister back."

"Don't worry, I won't die yet."

Xu Zhihu turned to look at Su Chen and was very speechless.

She was just furious for a moment.

This bastard was actually worried that she would die here. Damn bastard. This bastard must be worried about him. Beiliang will not let her go in the future. Get over this bastard.

Xu Zhihu felt very cold now.

She did not expect that her mother was killed by Dali and Beimang in cooperation. It seems that the Dali Dynasty really cannot tolerate Beiliang, so the Dali Dynasty would actually Colluding with a hostile country to kill her mother

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

At this time, there are less than a hundred Beiliang cavalry left, and the guard masters Xu Weixiong brought there are less than fifty. There are hundreds of cavalry in Qingzhou, and there are hundreds of masters.

Chen Zhibao and Xu Wei Xiong hurriedly ordered a retreat.

They couldn't kill Zhao Kai and Yuan Tingshan now.

There were too many masters surrounding them. If they didn't order a retreat, the entire army would be annihilated.

Zhao Xun saw the remaining people To escape, he hurriedly ordered loudly,"Surround me. No one here can be let go.""

"Yes, little prince!"

The surrounding Qingzhou cavalry and masters quickly surrounded them.

"You bastard, what did you do to my eldest sister?"

At this time,

Xu Weixiong ran to Su Chen and Xu Zhihu and screamed.

When Su Chen heard Xu Weixiong's words, he shouted with a black face,"I'm here, I didn't do anything, you don't I believe you can ask your sister"

"Calling it a bear, I'm just dizzy, it's none of Mr. Su's business. Xu Zhihu sat up with a pale face and explained,

"Hurry up, the Qingzhou cavalry is coming after you."

Chen Zhibao shouted anxiously as he rode over.

Xu Zhihu shook his head and said,"You guys leave. How can I escape with a body like mine? General Chen, take Xu Weixiong and leave quickly."

"How is this possible? Miss, get on your horse and we’ll leave together."

"No, I will drag you down, Wei Xiong, you and General Chen leave quickly"

"No! Sister, I can't leave you, let's go together."Xu Weixiong said that he was about to pick up Xu Zhihu, mount his horse and run away together.

Xu Zhihu suddenly took out a dagger.

She pointed the dagger at her neck and said threateningly,"Xu Weixiong, you want my sister? Will I die in front of you now? Leave quickly with General Chen"

"eldest sister....."

"Leave quickly! Otherwise I will die in front of you"


Xu Weixiong clenched her fists tightly and shouted.

She looked back at Xu Zhihu and Su Chen. With an ugly expression on her face, she rode away quickly with the rest of the people.

Su Chen looked at the people leaving. Xu Weixiong and the remaining remnants were defeated.

When he came to Xu Zhihu, he smiled and asked,"Xu Zhihu, if you don't leave, you will die.""

"I won't die?"

Xu Zhihu smiled when he heard Su Chen's words. She put away the dagger and looked at Xu Weixiong and the others who were far away.

Su Chen curled her lips and reminded,"You won't die? Who are you lying to? In less than a quarter of an hour, those enemies will arrive and kill you. How can you, a woman without cultivation, resist?"

"Isn’t this about you?"

Xu Zhihu looked at Su Chen and said with a smile.

When Su Chen heard Xu Zhihu's words, his face turned dark and he said,"I guess, what does this have to do with me? I have no intention of saving you from leaving"

"You can't tell!"

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