The next day,

Su Chen sighed when he got up from the bed.

He still couldn't hold it back last night.

This can only be said that Xu Zhihu is too beautiful.

Su Chen is now having a relationship with Xu Zhihu. There was no way he would let Xu Zhihu die like this.

Su Chen also guessed that Xu Zhihu was going to do this.

Xu Zhihu probably wouldn't live long.

She must have done this because she wanted to assassinate her again when he wasn't paying attention. Is this possible? Su Chen's current physical strength made it impossible for Xu Zhihu to cut him with a knife.

Su Chen saw that Xu Zhihu was crying and had not yet woken up. He took out a red fruit and a pot of low-level fairy wine from the system space. Su Chen crushed the red fruit and mixed it into the fairy wine.

"Drink it and your body will fully recover in the future."

Su Chen quickly tapped Xu Zhihu's vagina. He picked up Xu Zhihu and fed her to drink the fairy wine mixed with red fruits.


"Hey, how did Five Elements Talisman General Red Armor advance?"

After Su Chen took out the Five Elements Talisman General Hongjia from the system space, he found that the Five Elements Talisman General Hongjia was actually a puppet of the Golden Core Realm.

This made Su Chen confused.

He didn't have the Five Elements Talisman General Hongjia. After being promoted, how did the Five Elements Talisman General Hongjia advance from Grand Master to the Golden Core Realm?

Is it because of the spirit stone?

Su Chen checked the Five Elements Talisman General Hongjia and found nothing wrong. He thought of the Five Elements Talisman General Hongjia. The red armor has been stored next to the spirit stone. He guessed that it was the effect of the spirit stone that allowed the five-element talisman to advance the red armor.

Su Chen squeezed out a few drops of blood from Xu Zhihu's fingers, and dropped one drop on the space ring. The remaining five drops were sent by Su Chen into the core of the Five Elements Talisman Red Armor. Su Chen gave Xu Zhihu the space ring and stood up.

Su Chen touched Xu Zhihu's delicate little face and sighed,

"Xu Zhihu, this is all I can do for you. There are some money and daily necessities in the space ring. The five-element talisman will protect you all the way. Please cherish it in the future."

Su Chen put a spiritual stone into the core of each of the five Five Elements Talisman Red Armor. He also hoped that the Five Elements Talisman Hongjia could continue to evolve in the future.

"Bye now! Xu Zhihu!"Su Chen untied Xu Zhihu's vagina and disappeared instantly with Qingying.

After Su Chen left,

Xu Zhihu slept until almost noon before she woke up. She looked around and found Su Chen disappeared.

This made Xu Zhihu nervous.

She hurriedly got up, dressed and went to look for Su Chen.

She lost her virginity to the bastard last night, just to find an opportunity to assassinate that bastard. Xu Zhihu couldn't let Su Chen go. Then left.

Xu Zhihu got off the bed and suddenly found that she didn't feel any discomfort due to her quick movements just now.

This surprised Xu Zhihu.

Her body was not capable of doing violent movements, or even walking for a while. She was out of breath even when she was on the road. Why did she feel so good now?

Xu Zhihu checked her body and was very shocked,"My body?" How did my body become so light? And the pain in the chest has disappeared? What exactly is going on?"


Xu Zhihu saw the beautiful Space Nai Ring on her finger, and she could actually feel the items stored in the Space Nai Ring.


Xu Zhihu's mind moved, and a bottle of fine wine in the Space Nai Ring appeared in front of her. In his hand,"This is the Space Nai Ring, was this given to me by that bastard Su Chen?" Where's that bastard?"

Xu Zhihu hurriedly opened the door to the room to look for Su Chen.

As soon as she opened the door to the room, five puppets in thick armor stood outside the room. When Xu Zhihu saw these armor puppets, he felt that he could command them.

Xu Zhihu felt that he could command them. Zhihu's heart moved, and the five-element talismans all took a step back in red armor.

Seeing this, Xu Zhihu said doubtfully,"Is this?" Is this an agency puppet? And they are very powerful puppets, but how can I command them?"

Xu Zhihu suddenly thought of something.

She hurriedly took the five-element talisman Hong Jia to look for Su Chen in the inn. However, she searched for a while but did not find Su Chen. Even the waiter at the inn did not see Su Chen. Morning.

Xu Zhihu now understands that

Su Chen may have left.

The space Najie!

The money and items in the Najie.

Five Elements Talisman General Hongjia.

Even her body was completely cured.

These are probably that bastard. To compensate her.

Xu Zhihu shouted with a pale face,"Su Chen, don't think that I won't kill you, I will definitely find you, Qingyun City, Qingyun Gate, you can't escape."

Xu Zhihu thought that she had lost her virginity to that bastard. Did that bastard leave these things to get rid of her?

She died with Su Chen in his arms.

Xu Zhihu could not let that bastard go.

But at this moment,

Xu Weixiong's whole body The embarrassment also came to this town.

Behind her, there were dozens of masters who were chasing her.

Xu Weixiong had been running away last night.

Now she was not only seriously injured, but also hungry and thirsty. Xu Weixiong had never been So embarrassed


At this time,

Xu Weixiong suddenly saw Xu Zhihu coming out of the inn. She hurriedly ran over and shouted.

Xu Zhihu suddenly heard Xu Weixiong's cry.

She turned around and saw a dirty man The woman ran towards her, and when she found out it was her sister Xu Weixiong.

Xu Zhihu hurriedly ran up and hugged Xu Weixiong and shouted,"Weixiong, what's wrong with you?" Why were you injured so badly?"

Xu Weixiong saw that Xu Zhihu had not been killed and was still here intact.

This made Xu Weixiong cry with joy and said,

"Sister, it’s good that you’re not dead, it’s good that you’re not dead, I’m fine, I’m just slightly injured."

Xu Zhihu supported Xu Weixiong and said worriedly,"Stop talking, get in the carriage quickly, and I will treat your wounds."

In the carriage,

Xu Zhihu bandaged Xu Weixiong's wound, and Xu Weixiong also knew that Xu Zhihu was brought to this town by Su Chen, and even knew that the bearded man was Su Chen.

Xu Weixiong Listening to Xu Zhihu's narration, she felt very confused.

She looked at Xu Zhihu and asked, frowning,

"Sister, Su Chen not only cured your chronic illness, he even left the five-element talisman"

"The Five Elements Talisman General Red Armor is all at the Golden Core Realm. The five Five Elements Talisman General Red Armor is Nascent Soul. Immortal cultivators are probably no match. That bastard left a space for the eldest sister to receive the ring."

"Sister, that bastard Su Chen is our enemy, why would he do this?"

Xu Zhihu was very embarrassed when he heard Xu Weixiong's question, but Xu Weixiong must know these things. Not only was Su Chen's strength powerful, but Xu Zhihu also had to know that that bastard had a monster. Let Xu Weixiong know.

She blushed and stammered,"I......I.....Xiong, I wanted to assassinate Su Chen last night, but I failed. Later I thought of a way to die with Su Chen. I......"

Xu Weixiong was shocked and shouted when he heard Xu Zhihu's words,

"What? Sister, did you lose your virginity to that bastard? You lost your virginity to that bastard in order to die with Su Chen. No wonder, no wonder Su Chen left these treasures and even completely cured your stubborn illness."

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