The crown prince of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Yang, sat down with a livid face.

He had lost all face today.

Five million gold coins?

He really doesn't have one now.

He used to have five million gold coins at his fingertips six months ago, but since the war between the imperial court and Lord Wu Xiang in the south, the imperial court's treasury has been unable to make ends meet, and most of his money has been used as military pay.

At this time, the old man next to Zhao Yang reminded Zhao Yang,"Prince, let this kid be rampant for a while. I will kill him after the auction, and I will also bring the beautiful snake back to you intact.""

"Thank you very much, Sir."

Zhao Yang smiled and nodded when he heard the words of worship.

He thought that even if Su Chen spent an orb to get the beautiful snake, wouldn't it be a wedding dress for him?

"Your Highness, there is no need to thank you."

At this moment,

Mr. Fu from the auction began to give a final reminder,

"Five million gold coins for the first time!"

"Five million gold coins for the second time, there was no bidder, so the beautiful snake went to the young master on the second floor."

Everyone in the auction shook their heads when they heard Mr. Fu's words.

Although five million is good for buying a beautiful snake in the Golden Core realm, Su Chen on the second floor is obviously determined to win the beautiful snake.

Besides, Su Chen's identity is probably It's not simple at all. These people in the auction have no intention of continuing to compete with Su Chen.

"Five million gold coins, the third transaction, congratulations to the gentleman on the second floor for getting the beautiful snake girl."

Su Chen looked at the Prince of Song Dynasty and shouted to him,"Send it to my private room."

"Yes, sir!"

Baguio kept staring at Su Chen when he saw Su Chen sitting back. He was very suspicious of Su Chen's bastard.

"Don't look at it. Here, take it and play with it."

Su Chen saw Baguio staring at him.

He also knew that Baguio had doubts about his identity. Su Chen smiled and threw a colorful bead to Baguio.

Baguio took Su Chen's colorful bead. He asked in surprise,"You.....You actually still have colorful beads?"

Baguio was very confused when she looked at the colorful beads in her hand.

A colorful bead is a priceless treasure.

Just now she was complaining about this bastard for wasting a priceless treasure for a snake girl.

Now it seems that this bastard probably has many of these orbs. Where did this bastard find this kind of orb?

Su Chen looked at Baguio's surprised look and said with a smile,

"Haha, I, the young master, have plenty of beads like this. If I give you one more, our good deeds will come in pairs!"

"Bastard, what are you talking about? What good things come in pairs?"When Baguio heard Su Chen talking nonsense again, he turned his head in shame and anger.

Good things come in pairs?

With this bastard?

Baguio took the colorful beads and wanted to kill this bastard.

Su Chen patted Baguio on the shoulder. He joked and said,

"I got the beautiful snake, and you got two colorful beads. Aren't these good things coming in pairs?"

"Shameless pervert!"


At this time, the door of the private room was knocked, and a man's voice shouted outside the private room,"Sir, the beautiful snake you auctioned has been delivered."

"Come in!"

"Yes, sir!"

After a while, two maids helped the snake girl Yue Mei into the room. They helped the snake girl on the chair and bowed out.

"Lord Su Chen? why you?"

Yue Mei looked up to see who bought her, but she looked up and saw Su Chen, which made Yue Mei feel like she was dreaming.

Su Chen came to Yue Mei and unlocked her restricted question. road,

"Yue Mei, how did you get caught by the people at the auction? What about Cai Lin? Something happened to her too?"

Yue Mei resumed her actions and hurriedly saluted Su Chen,

"Sir, nothing happened to the queen. I was just accidentally caught by human traffickers in the Jia Ma Empire."

Yue Mei knows the relationship between Su Chen and Queen Medusa.

Su Chen will be the queen's man from now on.

She dare not be disrespectful to Su Chen. Besides, Su Chen saved her this time. Yue Mei is even more fond of Su Chen. Respectfully.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Yue Mei's words.

Queen Medusa is his future woman.

He can't let anything happen to Queen Medusa.

"So, I thought something happened to Cai Lin, and you were really unlucky."

Baguio didn't expect that Su Chen knew this snake girl, and even this snake girl was very respectful to Su Chen.

Who is this bastard?

And what is the relationship between the queen of the snake tribe and this bastard? Why does this bastard Will she be very concerned about the Snake Queen?

Yue Mei was a little embarrassed and said to Su Chen,

"Sir, I'm a little unlucky. If I hadn't met you this time, I'd probably be worse off than dead."

"From now on, you should follow me. When I go to the Snake Tribe, I will take you back with me to save you from being caught again."

"Yes, my lord!"

Su Chen noticed that Baguio had been looking at him, so he shook his head and said,"Wang Yao, what are you looking at? Am I handsome again?"

"You are so handsome!"Baguio's face turned red when she heard Su Chen's words and she cursed.

Baguio was also fascinated by the identity of this bastard. For a moment, she forgot that she had been staring at this bastard.

This made her feel very special. Embarrassing.

Su Chen hugged Baguio's shoulders and said teasingly,

"I'm not handsome, but you are getting more and more beautiful. Now I think you will look very beautiful in women's clothes."

Baguio slapped Su Chen's hand away and said fiercely with eyes wide open,

"Shameless pervert, stay away from me. I am a man. If you touch me like this again, get out of here."


Yue Mei looked at Su Chen and then at Baguio.

She didn't mind these other things.

She closed her eyes and quickly regained her strength.

The auction started again, but Su Chen was not interested in the items to be auctioned, and he did not participate in the auction.

An hour later,

Mr. Fu from the auction held a jade vase and said,

"Everyone, this is one of the last three treasures today.

"Tianyuan Dan"

"A Tianyuan Pill can elevate a cultivator below the distraction realm to a larger realm, but the disadvantage is that it is impossible to advance again in the future."

"There are three Tianyuan Pills in the jade bottle. They will be auctioned together this time. The starting price of the Tianyuan Pill is three million gold coins, and each increase in price will not be less than ten thousand gold coins."

After everyone in the auction heard what Mr. Fu said, these people were all jealous. Looking at the jade bottle in Lao Fu's hand, there are three Tianyuan Pills, which can create three powerful masters.

Some immortal cultivators who have no hope of advancing to the distraction realm are even more eyeing for Tianyuan Pills.

"Three and a half million gold coins!"

"I offer four million gold coins, and I must bid for the Tianyuan Pill."

"Four and a half million gold coins. I will never have the chance to advance to the distraction realm. I must get the Tianyuan Pill."

"Four million and eighty million gold coins!"

"Five million gold coins!"

"Six million gold coins!"

As the ghosts at the auction started bidding, even the big sects and top sects on the third floor started bidding.


Why do those women from the Hehuan Sect keep looking at me?

Are they attracted by Baguio?

Su Chen suddenly He found that some women in the private room of Hehuan Sect were looking here, and they all seemed to be sizing up Baguio.

Su Chen laughed at Baguio in a funny way,

"Wang Yao, look at the third floor. Are the women from the Hehuan Sect looking at you affectionately?"

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