After Su Chen heard the bids from Tianyin Temple and Hehuan Sect,

Su Chen was very confused.

The women from Hehuan Sect made bids. Could it be that Hehuan Sect wanted to bring mermaids into their sect?

But what about Tianyin Temple?

Why did those monks also bid?

Are all these monks in Tianyin Temple breaking their precepts?

Yue Mei shook her head when she heard Su Chen's words and said,"Sir, I don't know, but I think the monks from Tianyin Temple are probably targeting you."

Baguio analyzed Su Chen with a serious look on his face. ,

"It should be so. After all, Tianyin Temple was humiliated by you just now. I'm afraid they are deliberately causing trouble. Why the Hehuan Sect also bids for the mermaid, I can't guess."

Baguio also didn't expect that after Su Chen offered 20 million gold coins, Tianyin Temple and Hehuan Sect would follow suit.

This bastard is a disaster star.

The prince of the Song Dynasty,

Tianyin Temple, and another Hehuan Sect appeared this time. Zong, does this bastard want to offend all the powerful forces in the auction?

Su Chen nodded when he heard Yue Mei and Baguio's words.

He also thought of this.

Tianyin Temple was probably deliberately looking for him. The trouble was just those messy women from the Hehuan Sect, and Su Chen didn’t know what they were going to do.

At this time,

Monk Huizhi from Tianyin Temple said to the girls from the Hehuan Sect,

"Amitabha, since the female benefactors of the Hehuan Sect have also bid, our Tianyin Temple will no longer bid. We hope that the female benefactors of the Hehuan Sect will treat the mermaids well in the future."

Yi Yi from the Hehuan Sect smiled coquettishly and said to Huizhi from Tianyin Temple,"Master Huizhi, the mermaid may not necessarily be bought by our Hehuan Sect. You said it too early."

"Amitabha, the female donor is right."

After Su Chen heard what the old monk from Tianyin Temple said, he walked out of the private room with Yue Mei in his arms.

The old bald donkeys from Tianyin Temple would really go down the steps. If the Hehuan Sect doesn't participate in the bidding this time, Tianyin Temple will These old bald donkeys in Yinsi probably have a different look.

Su Chen looked at the old bald donkeys on the third floor and mocked loudly,

"You bald donkeys, why do you want to abstain? Don’t you bald asses not want mermaids? I just want to see what you bald asses will do when you get a mermaid."

When Monk Huizhi saw Su Chen appear, he even directly attacked Tianyin Temple.

He said to Su Chen without changing his expression,

"Amitabha, benefactor, our Tianyin Temple wants to rescue the mermaid. After all, the mermaid is also a living being. She should not be bought and humiliated by you like this."

Su Chen looked at the hypocritical old monk and cursed with disdain,

"Damn it, you old bald donkey said it nicely. Today, I want to buy this mermaid and humiliate it. You Tianyin Temple has the guts to continue to increase the price. I will pay 35 million gold coins. Old bald donkeys, This young master has increased the price again."

After Su Chen scolded these old bald donkeys, he hoped in his heart that these bald donkeys would angrily increase their prices.

As long as these bald donkeys continued to increase their prices,

Su Chen would no longer bid. This time, he would let these old monks bid. Get off the mermaid. Anyway, he will kill these monks tonight, and then he can rescue the mermaid.

After Baguio heard Su Chen bid again, she hurriedly came out of the private room and reminded Su Chen,

"You bastard, are you bidding on what the mermaid is doing again? What if the monks at Tianyin Temple stop bidding? Weren't you fooled by the monks from Tianyin Temple? Su

Chen shook his head indifferently and replied,"The monks from Tianyin Temple will not bid unless they bid. Wouldn't it be good to get a beautiful mermaid for 35 million?""

"You are an idiot! Su

Chen looked at Baguio and said speechlessly,"I mean, Wang Yao, why do you always get angry at me?" We are one, you should join me in yelling at those bald donkeys"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you. Baguio glanced at Su Chen with a red face and said angrily, she and this bastard are one?

The genius and this bastard are one.

This damn pervert,

Baguio suspected that this bastard guessed that she was a woman, Otherwise! Why does this bastard tease him again and again?

"Forty million gold coins, Tianyin Temple offered 40 million gold coins."

At this time, when a middle-aged monk came out of the private room of Tianyin Temple, he glared at Su Chen and shouted loudly,


Huizhi heard that Huiming was bidding without his permission, which made him frown and feel very uneasy.

Huiming pointed at Su Chen and said angrily,

"Senior brother, that boy is too arrogant. I will make it difficult for that boy this time. I will raise the bid higher and let that bastard boy pay more money. Huizhi sighed and reminded,"Oh, Huiming, what if the donor stops bidding?""

Huiming shook his head and said with great certainty,

"Senior brother, this is simply impossible. Didn't you see that pervert holding the snake girl? That boy is an extreme sex fiend, there is no way he would let us take a photo of the mermaid.

When people in the auction heard that Tianyin Temple was bidding again, they all looked at Su Chen and Hehuan Zong who were laughing.

They all wanted to know whether Su Chen and the Hehuan Sect would still bid.

If Su Chen and the Hehuan Sect stopped bidding,

Tianyin Temple would probably become famous.

The monks of Tianyin Temple actually spent a huge amount of money to buy the auction. A stunningly beautiful mermaid.

It will be difficult for Tianyin Temple not to become famous in the future

"Ha ha......"

Su Chen heard that Tianyin Temple was bidding, which made him laugh.

The mermaids were given to these bald donkeys from Tianyin Temple first.

Forty million gold coins?

Tianyin Temple is too rich

"Su Chen, you won’t bid anymore? Baguio asked suspiciously when she saw Su Chen laughing.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Aren't you stupid?"

"I guess, this young master is smart, Tianyin Temple actually bids again, I am still bidding, as long as the Hehuan Sect stops bidding, Tianyin Temple will become famous this time. Baguio looked at Su Chen's proud look and reminded him,"Then you will be even more dangerous in the future. Tianyin Temple will not let you go.""

Su Chen suddenly hugged Baguio's shoulders and said with a smile,

"Wang Yao, I can only count on you to protect me. After all, we are brothers who live and die together."

Baguio was hugged again by Su Chen and hurriedly broke away and yelled,

"Go away, we are not familiar with each other, and whether you live or die has nothing to do with me."

Baguio was very sure that this bastard had found her woman. Damn it

, this bastard touched her just now. This made Baguio want to take out a short blade and stab this shameless bastard to death.

Su Chen looked at it in shame The angry Baguio smiled.

This girl's body is really soft, but it seems that Baguio is starting to guard against herself. Did Baguio find out that he knew she was a woman?

Su Chen didn't dare to tease Baguio too much. , he shouted to the monks of Tianyin Temple,"Old monk, your Tianyin Temple is too rich, this time I am willing to give up, and the mermaid will belong to your Tianyin Temple."

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