In the following days,

Su Chen's name spread thoroughly in Qingyun City. All the immortal cultivators in Qingyun City knew about Su Chen. Some powerful immortal cultivating sects were also very afraid of Su Chen.

The background of the immortal, the powerful monsters in the Tribulation Realm, and even a group of powerful female ghost subordinates made the various immortal cultivating sects who got the news very curious about Su Chen's identity.

In the small courtyard,

Su Chen looked at Baguio who was practicing, he walked over and shouted,

"Baguio, when will you change into women's clothes? You look like this make me very uncomfortable."

In the past few days,

Baguio also told her name, but the identity of this little beauty is still strictly hidden.

Su Chen knows Baguio's identity clearly, but this time Baguio is going to Qingyun

Su Chen really doesn't know what the door does.

In the plot, when Baguio went to Qingyun Sect this time, she and Zhang Fan should have met in Qingyun Sect. They even had a crush on each other after just meeting like this.

This is really It was unbelievable.

Baguio stopped practicing her beauty eyes and stared at Su Chen and shouted,"Why should I put on women's clothes?"

Su Chen said with a smile while sitting on the futon next to Baguio,

"You are a woman, so of course you have to wear women's clothes. You are dangling in front of my eyes in men's clothes all day long, and I look very tired of it. Baguio pushed Su Chen with a slightly red face and said,

"Bah, don't even think about it, you bastard. Do you think I don't know what you, a pervert, are paying attention to? You pervert, stay away from me"

"Come on, we're already so familiar, you'd better put on women's clothes"

"I won’t change. Su Chen, I saw you touching the mermaid Delia’s tail the day before yesterday. Do you think I dare to change into women’s clothes with such a shameless pervert like you here?"

Su Chen was very embarrassed when he heard Baguio's words.

Since he touched the mermaid Delia's tail the day before yesterday, Delia has been avoiding him these days.

Su Chen also felt that the day before yesterday was a bit rash.

He also I’m worried that mermaids have a tradition of not being able to touch the fish’s tail, just like the ears of an elf, only husbands can touch them

"Hey, I'm just curious about mermaids, aren't you curious?"

Baguio looked down at Su Chen and said disdainfully,"Sex is just sex, why are you so curious? You are really shameless."

"A pill, as long as you put on women's clothes, I will give you one of Su Ying's jelly beans"


"Absolutely true!"

"Humph, just dream! You want to send me away with just one pill? Do you think I am a beggar?"

"Don't pull it down!"

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Baguio's words.

A pill?

This is the fifth-turn golden elixir.

If Baguio takes the fifth-turn golden elixir, her strength will probably break through from the golden elixir realm to the late Yuanying realm. , it is possible to break through even the out-of-body realm.

When Baguio saw Su Chen leaving, she felt very regretful.

She really wanted to get Qingying's pill, why didn't that bastard insist on it?

Damn the pervert , do you want to change into women's clothes?

In the room of the snake girl Yue Mei, the mermaid Delia listened to Yue Mei talking about Su Chen with a cute look on her face.

Delia has been touched by Su Chen since the day before yesterday She had never dared to appear in front of Su Chen.

The mermaid's tail could not be touched, and only those closest to her could touch it. Delia's face turned pale as soon as she thought of Su Chen touching her tail. Very rosy.

Yue Mei looked at Delia's absent-minded look. She shook her head and stopped explaining some things about Su Chen.

She looked at Delia and asked doubtfully,

"Delia, since you are the princess of the mermaid clan, why don't you have any guards to protect you?"

Delia smiled awkwardly when she heard Yue Mei's words and said,

"I ran out secretly last time. I was going to see my sister. Who knew I would meet those hateful humans on the road? I saved those humans, but those humans actually stunned me and sold me Given to the humans at the auction."

Yue Mei smiled and shook her head.

Mermaid Delia is really innocent.

She is probably well protected in the kingdom of mermaids. Delia doesn't know the insidiousness and cunning of human beings at all.

"Human beings are very hateful. We snake girls have been captured by humans a lot in the past. However, after our snake queen advanced to the Dou Zun (out-of-body realm), no humans in the Gama Empire dared to capture us snake girls.."

When Delia heard Yue Mei mention her queen, she hurriedly asked Yue Mei,"Yue Mei, is your queen really Su Chen's wife?"

"Of course, this is absolutely true"

"Su Chen actually has your queen as his wife, why is he still engaged to the elf princess Sylph?"

"Delia, Sir Suchen is a very powerful man. Isn't it normal for a strong man to have three wives and four concubines?"

"That's it! But why do we mermaids always have a partner? Yue

Mei thought for a while and said to Delia,

"Maybe this is the tradition of your race"

"Delia, in the Eastern Continent, it is very common for humans to have three wives and four concubines. Even for some uncultivated humans, as long as they have money, it is also very common for humans to have three wives and four concubines."

"I see."

Delia nodded and looked towards the yard.

After being caught this time,

Delia has also grown a lot. If she hadn't met Su Chen this time, I'm afraid her fate would have been very miserable.

Qingyun City Outside, a carriage or two arrived at Qingyun City under the protection of five armored puppets.

In the carriage, sisters Xu Zhihu and Xu Weixiong also breathed a sigh of relief after arriving at Qingyun City. They had experienced countless things along the way. In this pursuit, if the Five Elements Talisman General Hongjia hadn't been there, the sisters would have been caught or killed.

In an inn in Qingyun City,

Xu Zhihu and Xu Weixiong looked ugly after having lunch. Then he returned to the room.

Xu Weixiong shouted after entering the room,

"That bastard Su Chen actually bought a snake girl and even snatched a mermaid. Sister, that bastard is a shameless pervert."

When Xu Weixiong and Xu Zhihu were having lunch, the warriors and immortal cultivators in the inn were all spreading the news about what Su Chen had done at the auction a few days ago.

The sisters also knew what Su Chen had done when he came to Qingyun City. What he did was

Su Chen bought a beautiful snake girl at the auction, and massacred the monks from Tianyin Temple and Jinshan Temple before the auction. That bastard also had a powerful monster and some female ghosts.

Even Su Chen His identity and background actually included the existence of an immortal. These things made the sisters very surprised.

However, what the sisters were most angry about was that the bastard not only got a beautiful snake girl, but also robbed a beautiful snake girl. Mermaid, this made the Xu Zhihu sisters look very ugly.

Xu Zhihu said with an indifferent expression,

"Xiong, Su Chen has nothing to do with us, we should still think about how to kill that bastard!"

"Sister, we can't kill Su Chen at all. Four of the immortal cultivators in the Fusion Realm were killed by Su Chen. I'm just a young cultivator in the Golden Core Realm. Do you think I can kill that bastard?"

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