At the square of Qingyun Gate,

Xu Zhihu and Xu Weixiong looked around the square.

They did not find Su Chen who had arrived first.

This made them very confused.

Did Xu Weixiong think that bastard Su Chen was A troublemaker, she was worried that Su Chen would also cause trouble in Qingyun Sect. The Qingyun City auction was a very good example.

Xu Zhihu smiled without any worry.

Su Chen had told her that Master Shuiyue of Qingyun Sect had a good relationship with him. One of Su Chen's wives was even a disciple of Master Shuiyue.

As long as Su Chen doesn't reveal that he is Wu Xiangjun in Qingyun Sect, nothing will happen to that bastard in Qingyun Sect.

At this moment, the girls of Xiaozhufeng in the square were dispatched one after another. Under the leadership of Lu Xueqi, Shi Feixuan and Wenmin, the girls of Xiaozhufeng flew one by one to join in the snatching of the spirit ball.

Everyone outside the square saw more than twenty beautiful female disciples and joined in the fight for the spirit ball.

This made everyone here look at the square intently. Those powerful and beautiful female disciples were very attractive.

Whoosh whoosh!

Lu Xueqi, Shi Feixuan, and Wen Min easily caught the spirit ball in the air. Although the spirit ball was very fast, it was nothing to them.

On the winner's platform in the square,

Shi Feixuan looked at the spirit ball in her hand and asked Lu Xueqi,"Senior sister, can the other senior sisters catch the spirit ball?"

"More than half can."

Lu Xueqi shook her head as she looked at the square.

The disciples of other main peaks in the square are not weak. It should not be difficult for the Nascent Soul Realm cultivators of Xiaozhu Peak to obtain the spirit ball, but it may be difficult for the disciples of the Golden Core Realm.

Wen Min The one beside him said with a smile,

"It’s already good if half of our Xiaozhu Peak disciples advance to the individual competition. This time our Xiaozhu Peak disciples will definitely impress the other main peaks."

"Senior sister, why are there only a few disciples at Dazhu Peak? There is even a little monk who is a celestial being? Is Dazhu Peak so down and out?"

"Alas, Dazhu Peak is a bit down and out."Wen Min looked at the Dazhu Peak disciples in the square and shook his head.

Lu Xueqi looked at some of the disciples nearby who were grabbing the spirit balls, and she reminded Shi Fei Xuan,

"Feixuan, don't worry about them at Dazhu Peak. In this individual competition, you have to be careful about Xiao Yicai from Tongtian Peak and Qi Hao from Longshou Peak. They are our biggest competitors."

"I see!"

At this moment, the head of the Qingyun Sect and the other peak masters saw the disciples of the Xiaozhu Peak snatching away a dozen spirit balls, and they all looked at Shui Yue next to them.

"Senior Brother, Xiaozhufeng is going to steal the show this time."

"Yes, the overall strength of Xiaozhufeng's disciples is good, especially Lu Xueqi, she is all in the out-of-body realm."

"Well, Lu Xueqi, Xiao Yicai, Qi Hao, they will all be the future of our Qingyun Sect from now on."

"The junior concubine Xuan from Xiaozhu Peak is also pretty good. When she came to Qingyun Sect, she was still a warrior in the Heavenly Realm. Now she is a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm. I really envy Junior Sister Shuiyue."

"Xiaozhufeng, Lu Xueqi, Wen Min, and Shi Feixuan, this time may be a nightmare for all the disciples."

The peak masters of Qingyun Sect's main peaks were all talking about the disciples in the square.

However, these peak masters were very envious when they looked at the disciples of Xiaozhu Peak.

The corners of Shui Yue's lips curled up slightly. Since then, eleven disciples of Xiaozhu Peak have grabbed the spirit ball, which is already very good. This is better than the previous Seven Meridians Martial Arts Competition.

Daoxuan, the leader of Qingyun Sect, looked at Shuiyue He smiled and said,

"Junior sister, your disciple Lu Xueqi will probably become the chief disciple of our Qingyun Sect. Junior Feixuan and Wenmin are also very good, and they can also achieve good rankings."

"Senior brother, your disciple Xiao Yicai is not bad either."

"Xiao Yi is good, but there is still a gap between him and Lu Xueqi. He can only take second place."

"Let’s watch the individual competition later."Shui Yue looked at Shi Feixuan and said to Daoxuan with a smile, can Xiao Yicai get the second place?

Shui Yue looked at Shi Feixuan on the high platform and was looking forward to it.

Although Shi Feixuan is only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, level, but Shi Feixuan’s strength is not weak.

Shi Feixuan has successfully practiced two of the four major sword arts. Although Xiao Yicai’s cultivation realm is stronger than Shi Feixuan, it’s really true who loses and wins. Not sure.

Daoxuan was very confused when he heard Shuiyue's words. Is there anyone among Shuiyue's disciples who can defeat his disciples? Master

Fei Xuan?

Wen Min?

None of them can match Xiao Yicai's strength.

Daoxuan thought about it After thinking about it, he turned to look at Tian Buyi, who had a gloomy face.

He looked at Tian Buyi and sighed,

"well! Junior Brother Tian, ​​your disciples are really disappointing. So far, not a single disciple has grabbed the spirit ball."

"Senior brother, those losers haven't practiced well all day long. I will punish them severely when they go back."

Tian Buyi was very embarrassed when he heard Daoxuan's words.

The weird looks looked at him by the brothers next to him made him feel ashamed. The other disciples of the main peak in the square all grabbed the spirit balls, and only one of the seven veins of Qingyun Sect was left. None of his disciples qualified for Dazhu Peak.

Tian Buyi also felt very embarrassed.

"Junior brother, you should recruit more disciples. Those disciples of yours are too lazy. If this continues, your Dazhu Peak will probably completely decline."

"Senior Brother, I understand."

In the back hall of Qingyun Gate, in the pool,

Su Chen had already seen the water unicorn sleeping in the pool.

Su Chen looked at this huge water unicorn and nodded.

The strength of the water unicorn is quite good, and it is in the Mahayana realm. Strength, with a dragon head and a snake body, covered with scales, huge eyes and a big mouth, huge fangs that are very sharp and powerful, the water unicorn's ferocious face makes people very fearful.


The water unicorn suddenly opened its doors. Eyes, it sensed a strange aura around it, and

Shui Qilin stared at Su Chen with its huge eyes and roared.

Shui Qilin did not expect that a stranger would appear next to it, which made Shui Qilin very wary of Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at the huge water unicorn and said hurriedly,

"Water Qilin, be honest, I just came to see this strange beast like you, I have no other intention."

Su Chen was worried that Shui Qilin's too much movement would attract the attention of Qingyun Sect.

If people from Qingyun Sect discovered him,

Su Chen would not be able to explain why he appeared here, and he might even expose Baguio in the hall.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Qingying also shouted to Shui Qilin.

If Shui Qilin was not honest,

Qingying would teach the big man a lesson.

Shui Qilin looked at Qingying and immediately shrank his head.

Qingying gave it a very special feeling. If it dared to move, Qingying would probably kill it instantly.

Su Chen saw Shui Qilin shocked by Qingying, so he smiled and said to Shui Qilin,"Shui Qilin, I'm just here Take a look at the Qingyun Sect's Zhuxian Sword. Don't worry, I won't snatch the Zhuxian Sword. I don't like a high-quality magic weapon."

"Su Chen, didn’t you get our Jiejiao’s Zhuxian Sword? Why are you still interested in a magic weapon?"

"Damn it, Holy Mother, why are you here?"

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