In the back hall of Qingyun Gate,

Baguio escaped from the main hall in a bit of embarrassment.

Baguio did not expect that this main hall was actually the Shuiyue Cave, a forbidden area leading to Qingyun Gate.

The dreamland in Shuiyue Cave almost made Baguio get lost in it.

Baguio's face turned red when she thought about the fantasy in Shuiyue Cave. She didn't expect that Su Chen actually appeared in the fantasy in Shuiyue Cave, and she even talked to Su Chen. Chen became husband and wife in the fantasy world.

This made Baguio clenched her fists tightly and felt very uneasy.

Baguio looked at the main hall behind him and said to himself angrily,

"Damn it, how could I fall in love with that shameless pervert? This must be my inner demon, and I need to hone my mind in the future."

Baguio disappeared outside the hall in a flash.

This time she did not find the four great sword techniques of the Qingyun Sect, nor did she find the Qingyun Sect's sacred weapon, the Immortal Killing Sword.

She wasted an invisibility talisman in vain.

This time But she didn't gain anything at all.

Su Chen checked Baguio and smiled.

Baguio looked embarrassed and angry.

Su Chen guessed that Baguio didn't get the items she wanted, and she was going to leave empty-handed this time. Returned.

Our Lady of Wudang also discovered the sneaky Baguio.

When she saw Su Chen laughing, she asked suspiciously,"Have you ever known that thief?"


"You bastard, do you know all the beautiful women?"

"none of your business!"

Our Lady of Wudang didn't care about this bastard's attitude.

She thought that since this bastard liked beauties, there were many beautiful disciples in their sect.

After thinking about it, Our Lady of Wudang seduced Su Chen,

"Su Chen, our Jiejiao also has many beautiful beauties, and they are all powerful fairies. If you can help our Jiejiao, I can introduce you to a few beautiful fairies."

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard the words of Our Lady of Wudang.

He also knew that there are many beauties in Jiejiao, such as Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Ghost Spirits, Yunxiao, Bixiao, Qiongxiao, Our Lady of Fire Spirit, and Golden Light. Holy Mother, etc., these are all top-notch beauties.

Su Chen also understood that Wudang Holy Mother was trying to seduce him. These beautiful disciples of Jie Jiao either refused to be killed or were controlled by the List of Gods. He had never thought about fighting with Jie Jiao. They met beautiful disciples.

Su Chen looked at Madonna Wudang and said mockingly,

"Yes, there are many beautiful disciples of Jiejiao, but those beautiful female disciples were either destroyed or controlled by the God List. Do you think I will be tempted by those beautiful fairies?"


"Huh? Holy Mother, you are the only beautiful disciple left in Jiejiao. You don’t want to seduce me with your love, do you?"

After Mother Wudang heard Su Chen's words, she was very ashamed and angry.

She didn't expect that this bastard would hit her. This damn bastard, if he couldn't kill this bastard, Mother Wudang would do it now. Break this bastard's neck.

The Virgin Mother said with a frosty face,"You are wishful thinking, shameless pervert, stop daydreaming here."

Su Chen took a look at the beauty of Wudang Madonna, with her well-proportioned figure. Wudang Madonna is very beautiful, but who is Wudang Madam? She is a disciple of Jie Jiao.

He doesn't want to have too much contact with Jie Jiao. , whoever falls into this big pit will be unlucky.

Su Chen crossed his arms and said disdainfully,"Hey, I still look down on you, an old maid who has lived for who knows how many years.""

"Do you want to die?"

"Hey, just kidding, just kidding!"

Our Lady of Wudang looked at Su Chen and reminded her coldly,"Su Chen, if you dare to talk nonsense to me again, be careful I will kill you."

Su Chen rolled his eyes and looked towards the arena in the square.

Su Chen didn't dare to offend the tough girl Wudang Madonna.

In the Shenyun Continent,

Su Chen was still useful enough to Wudang Madonna. He wouldn't do it at this time. She would offend this powerful old beauty.

In the square arena,

Lu Xueqi's competition was very easy. The female disciple of Xiaozhu Peak immediately gave up on the arena. Lu Xueqi was also the first Qingyun sect disciple to win without a fight.

When she was about to arrive , At noon, the twelve-to-six competition ended.

Lu Xueqi, Shi Feixuan, and Wen Min all successfully advanced to the top six. Xiaozhufeng really impressed the people around him this time.

Starting from the Seven Meridians Martial Arts Competition,

Xiaozhufeng The disciples basically occupy half of the country, but the top six Xiaozhufeng really occupy half of the people.

"I guess, Xiaozhufeng is too powerful here, but I am not a woman, so it is impossible for me to join Xiaozhufeng"

"Me too, alas! Why doesn't Xiaozhu Peak accept male disciples?"

"What you think is beautiful, there are all beautiful female disciples in Xiaozhu Peak, Lu Xueqi, Shi Feixuan, Wen Min, these disciples are like fairies. If Xiaozhu Peak recruits male disciples, I am afraid that Xiaozhu Peak will have many in an instant. Hundreds of male disciples crowded the crowd"

"Yes, Xiaozhufeng is simply a man’s paradise"

"Forget it, it’s impossible for us to add Xiaozhu Peak. As long as we don’t add Dazhu Peak, the other main peaks are all good."

The warriors around the square looked at the six disciples on the ring, and they all talked about it. The performance of the Xiaozhufeng disciples made these warriors who were about to join the Qingyun Sect very yearn for it.

"Are you a disciple of Qingyun Sect?"

At this time,

Baguio also appeared in the square.

When she arrived in the square, she checked her surroundings.

After she didn't find Su Chen,

Baguio saw a Qingyun Sect disciple sitting aside depressed, so she walked over. I want to know about the martial arts competition in the ring.

"I.....I am."

Zhang Fan didn't expect that someone would come to talk to him.

He feels very embarrassed now.

He was eliminated from the Seven Meridians Martial Arts Competition at the beginning. He didn't grab any of the spirit balls.

Zhang Fan, who has low strength, was eliminated yesterday. Tian Buyi gave him a severe lesson.

If it weren't for the intercession of several senior brothers, Zhang Fan might have been punished and not be able to appear in the square today.

Baguio looked at this uncomfortable Qingyun Sect disciple and felt that he could start from this When the stupid boy got the information she wanted to know,

Baguio smiled and asked,

"My name is Wang Yao, what is your name?"

"My name is Zhang Fan"

"Zhang Fan, didn't you participate in the Seven Meridians Martial Arts Competition?"

Zhang Fan touched his head in embarrassment and replied,"Uh! I participated, but I was eliminated at the beginning."

Baguio smiled when she heard Zhang Fan's words.

Zhang Fan is just a warrior in the heavenly realm.

How can he be the opponent of an immortal cultivator?

This stupid boy is really funny.

"Zhang Fan, who among your Qingyun Sect disciples is the most powerful? Who can get the title of Qingyun Sect’s chief disciple?"

Zhang Fan hurriedly replied after hearing Baguio's words,

"It's Lu Xueqi from Xiaozhu Peak. I heard my senior brothers say that Lu Xueqi has reached the realm of out-of-body cultivation, and she is the most promising to win the title of Qingyun Sect's chief disciple."

Lu Xueqi?

The cultivation realm of the out-of-body realm?

This Lu Xueqi is really powerful.

Baguio looked at the six Qingyun Sect disciples on the stage.

Among the three women, the cold one should be Lu Xueqi. She is really beautiful. She is beautiful, and the other two girls are also very beautiful.

Baguio looked at the ring with some interest.

There were three powerful female disciples in this generation of disciples of Qingyun Sect. Will Qingyun Sect be controlled by women in the future?

"Wang Yao, have you seen my husband?"

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