Cangsong Taoist saw Su Chen killing Qi Hao, which made him furious.

Qi Hao was the only heir he trained. Now that Qi Hao is killed, Longshou Peak will have no successor.

Cangsong Taoist took out his magical weapon and attacked Su Chen.

Su Chen was very disdainful when he saw Cangsong Taoist attacking.

A person with a combined cultivation level still wanted to kill him. It has to be said that the peak masters of Qingyun Sect were all confused.

Even if the Qingyun Sect is a top force, is a top force invincible?

Su Chen casually moved his hands, and a powerful force of space attacked Taoist Cangsong. boom!

After Taoist Cangsong's attack collided with Su Chen's space power,

Taoist Cangsong was shocked and took more than ten steps back.

When he looked at Su Chen, he was very shocked.

He guessed that Su Chen's cultivation level was not simple. But Su Chen's casual wave knocked him back more than ten steps.

Cangsong Taoist felt that he might not be Su Chen's opponent. Su Chen's cultivation realm was much stronger than his.

"Cangsong Taoist, continue to attack, I would like toSee how you destroyed me?"

"Along the way, Wu Xiangjun Su Chen was very powerful."Taoist Cangsong looked at the people around him and shouted hurriedly.

The leader Daoxuan looked at Su Chen and was very shocked.

He did not expect that Su Chen was in the same cultivation realm as him, a cultivator in the Cave Void Realm. For the realm.

Su Chen is not yet thirty years old, and this bastard’s cultivation talent is too evil.

Daoxuan feels that Su Chen cannot be allowed to escape this time, otherwise,

Qingyun Sect will face a huge threat in the future.

Daoxuan He took out his magic weapon long sword and said to the other peak masters,

"Let’s come together. Wu Xiangjun Su Chen is an immortal cultivator in the Cave Void Realm. He must die here. If Wu Xiangjun escapes this time, you should understand the consequences."

"Yes, Senior Brother!"

After the other branch leaders heard Daoxuan's words, they were all very surprised.

Dongxu Realm?

Wu Xiangjun Su Chen turned out to be a cultivator of Dongxu Realm. This is simply unbelievable.

They all know this Secondly, if they cannot kill Su Chen, Qingyun Sect will be in danger of being exterminated in the future.

Wu Xiangjun Su Chen must die this time. No matter what the cost, they must kill this biggest threat to Qingyun Sect.

"laugh! Can you kill me if there are too many people?"

Su Chen saw six Qingyun Sect masters surrounding him, and he didn't care. No matter how many ants there are, can they not kill the elephant?

Su Chen looked at the Wudang Virgin who was still sitting and shouted,

"Wudang, it's your turn to take action,"

Wudang Madonna rolled her eyes when she heard Su Chen's words.

Did this bastard regard her as a subordinate?

Or was she going to do whatever this bastard said? She was not the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother. That bitch Guanyin,

Wudang Virgin smiled and wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail Su Chen,"Will I take action if you ask me to? Why should I listen to you? Unless you agree to a condition, I will kill these little scum for you."

"If you don't want to, forget it. It's not like I can't beat you."

Su Chen also wanted to test whether Our Lady of Wudang would help him. It seems that Our Lady of Wudang has no intention of helping him.

Su Chen did not want to beg this cold and beautiful beauty, otherwise,

Our Lady of Wudang would ask him in the future. To save the disciples of Jie Jiao, he might not be able to reject Wudang Holy Mother.


When Mother Wudang saw that Su Chen refused to agree to her condition, she glared at Su Chen angrily.

However, if

Su Chen was in danger,

Mother Wudang would not sit idly by.

Daoxuan heard that After Su Chen and Wudang Mother's words, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

The night was long and he had many dreams. Daoxuan, the head of Qingyun Sect, was afraid that someone would come to save Su Chen. He looked at Su Chen and waved his hand and shouted,


Swish swish swish".......

After the other peak masters heard Daoxuan's order, they all held magic weapons and attacked Su Chen.

"Space moves! Space bounces!"

Boom boom boom boom.......

In the square, after the six masters of the Qingyun Sect fought with Su Chen, everyone retreated. In the Fusion Realm and the Cave Void Realm, such a powerful battle was not something they could watch at close range.

In an attic far away from the square,

Baguio saw Su Chen fighting with ease against the six masters of Qingyun Sect, which surprised her very much.

It is impossible for her father to face the siege of the six peak masters of Qingyun Sect. Su Chen has not fallen behind at all until now.

"Is this bastard so powerful? Not even the six masters of Qingyun Sect can do anything to this bastard."

Shui Yue was very worried when she saw the battle in the square.

The brothers of Qingyun Sect might be in trouble this time. She didn't expect that Su Chen would be so strong.

Shui Yue looked at Wu Dang who was still sitting on the chair. Holy Mother, she felt that this woman might be even more powerful than Su Chen.


Su Chen would not have let this woman take action just now.

Master Feixuan, Lu Xueqi, Ning Zhongze, and even all the female disciples of Xiaozhu Peak, they saw When they arrived at the battle in the square, they were all very surprised. Su Chen's powerful strength made them not expect that five immortal cultivators from the Fusion Realm and one powerful immortal cultivator from the Cave Void Realm, such a luxurious and powerful lineup, could actually defeat Su Chen. There was no way at all, which made them all feel incredible.

Wenmin looked at Master Feixuan and asked doubtfully,"Junior sister, is your husband really a cultivator of the Cave Void Realm?"

"Probably so, I'm not sure."

Shi Feixuan is very happy now.

She didn't expect that Su Chen's strength would advance so quickly.

Su Chen, who used to need the protection of powerful women like Jellyfish Yin Ji, might need Su Chen to protect them in the future.

Lu Xueqi tightly She was very angry as she held the long sword in her hand.

She felt that she could never avenge the Yunlan Sect. This bastard was too powerful. She, an out-of-body cultivator, was not that bastard at all. Opponent.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked at Su Chen in the square with a confused expression.

Qingyun Sect was a top sect, and six powerful immortal cultivators could not do anything to Su Chen.

This made her feel that her understanding of Su Chen was only superficial.

This bastard is so good at pretending.

Last time in Yunlan Sect, this bastard only revealed his cultivation level in the Aperture Realm. This bastard is an ancestor who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

Daoxuan, the head of the Qingyun Sect, said to the surrounding brothers He shouted and said,

"All the junior brothers used the divine sword to control the thunder, and together they killed Wu Xiangjun Su Chen."

Daoxuan saw that their normal attacks were useless.

Su Chen's speed was too fast.

Their normal attacks couldn't hit Su Chen at all.

Without the use of ultimate moves, the six of them couldn't kill Su Chen even if they exhausted their mana..When the peak masters of Qingyun Sect heard Daoxuan’s order, they flew into the air one by one and raised their swords.

Boom boom boom boom......

For a moment, thunder rolled over the entire Qingyun Gate, and the sky turned completely dark. The black thunder in the sky crackled and continued to erupt with huge thunder sounds, and streaks of lightning pierced the sky and appeared above the Qingyun Gate.

"The Nine Heavens Xuansha turned into divine thunder, and the brilliant power of heaven was used to attract it with the sword!"

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