The little fox was very helpless after being hugged and kissed by Su Chen.

She had no choice but to deal with this bastard.

The little fox wanted to kick Su Chen away, but she thought about it and decided not to kick this bastard. Su Chen did this to her. It was so much that she would never be able to leave this bastard in the future.

Su Chen hugged the little fox and did not let her go.

He smiled when he saw the little fox struggling to leave without anger. It seemed that he was getting closer to his goal of capturing the little fox.

"Little fox, I will be leaving soon. Do you want to go back to Hangzhou with me? The little fox shook his head and replied,"No, I'm living a good life here. I don't want to see your women of all races.""

"Well, those are just my friends, you misunderstood"

"I misunderstood you, will you let those foreign beauties go? Don't you blush when you say these words?"

Su Chen was speechless by the little fox, but he was right, he had no intention of letting the mermaid Delia go, and the snake girl Yuemei. Su Chen never thought about it, but if Queen Medusa comes in the future , the snake girl Yue Mei is just a concubine. Su Chen shook his head and changed the subject,

"Let’s not talk about this anymore, little fox. I want to become an immortal in three years. I don’t have much time. In three days, you and I will go to Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang City. Those monks should also deal with them."

When the little fox heard that she was going to Jinshan Temple, she shook her head and refused,"Let Our Lady of Wudang go with you, I will go into retreat again."

The monks at Jinshan Temple are related to the fairy world, and even Guanyin Bodhisattva comes to Jinshan Temple from the fairy world from time to time.

Her status is special, and the little fox is also worried that it will bring unnecessary trouble to Su Chen.

Su Chen thought after hearing what the little fox said After thinking about it, there might be something wrong with the little fox not going to Jinshan Temple. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the little fox not to go with him.

"Okay, you can go into seclusion. I'll go back and make arrangements before getting ready to go. After the monks from Jinshan Temple have dealt with it, I will also go into seclusion to make a breakthrough. If you have anything to do in the future, come to Hangzhou to see me."

The little fox came out of Su Chen's arms and reminded Su Chen,"Well, you have to be careful and don't get too close to Jie Jiao."

"I understand that I will not jump into the big pit of Jie Jiao."

Three days later,

Su Chen and Our Lady of Wudang left Hangzhou City together.

In the carriage,

Su Chen rubbed his forehead in great depression.

He did not expect that in just a few days, Qingying would be abducted by that girl Su Yan.

The little girl Su Yan is getting better and better at deceiving people now.

He doesn't understand what Su Yan said to Qingying. Qingying actually agreed to be with Su Yan. However


Su Chen thought of Qingying Protecting Su Yan, Su Yan will not be in danger in the Shenyu Continent.

In the carriage, the Virgin Mother of Wudang looked at Su Chen and asked with a smile,"Su Chen, do you need me to take action this time?"

"You are too expensive, I can't afford it."

Su Chen shook his head and refused directly.

He asked Our Lady of Wudang to come with him this time just in case.

Jinshan Temple is the place where Buddhist immortals go to the lower realm of the immortal world.

In case when Jinshan Temple is destroyed, there are Buddhist immortals in the lower realm.

Su Chen Chen is not the opponent of those immortal clones.

The Wudang Virgin is just an insurance. Without the immortal lower world, it is impossible for Su Chen to use the Wudang Virgin.

The Wudang Virgin was very angry when she heard Su Chen's words. This damn bastard, this bastard doesn't need to be used. If you take action yourself, then why should you go to Jinshan Temple with him?

"Bastard, I took action once, and you only saved one Jiejiao disciple. Why am I too expensive?"

Su Chen took a sip of wine and laughed at Our Lady of Wudang,"Hey, are Jie Jiao's disciples so easy to save? Have you ever saved a disciple over the years?"

Our Lady of Wudang explained in embarrassment,

"I......I can't take action at will, otherwise those people will know that I did it. The other Jiejiao disciples are controlled by the Conferred God List, and it is even more impossible for them to take action."

Su Chen looked at the beautiful Wudang Virgin and said with a smile,

"Mother Wudang, don’t you think you were too arrogant and overbearing before you became a god?"

"Why do you ask?"

Our Lady of Wudang was very confused when she heard Su Chen's words.

The Jie Jiao before the Conferment of Gods was very prosperous, with thousands of immortals coming to court!

This is not just to say that

Jie Jiao was the only one family in the prehistoric world.

If it weren't for the Chan Jiao and the The Human Sect colluded with Buddhism. How could they fail in the Battle of the Gods? The leader Tongtian was besieged by four saints before he broke the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

Su Chen thought about it and explained to the Holy Mother Wudang,

"Jiejiao is known as the Ten Thousand Immortals Coming to the DPRK. There are more golden immortals, Taiyi Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, and even quasi-sages in the sect than all other sects combined. You Jiejiao teaches all kinds of things, and even makes some people with karma The powerful demons joined, and during the Lich War, many demons who had harmed humans were taken in.

"Wudang Holy Mother, you have to know that the human race is the protagonist in the fairy world now. Although the human race is just a puppet of the great religions, the human race's luck is very strong, otherwise the great religions would not be able to compete for the human race's luck.

"And there are quite a few cannibals among your disciples of Jie Jiao. When humans declined, they did not dare to offend Jie Jiao. In this way, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race will have resentment towards you Jie Jiao for a long time."

"And Master Tongtian thinks he has the Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand. The Four Saints cannot break the Formation. I am afraid that Master Tongtian is also arrogant. There are six saints in the ancient world. Has your teacher ever won over a saint?

"If Tongtian wins over a saint, will you still fail in the Battle of the Gods?"

"Mother Wudang, the Chan Sect, the Human Sect, Buddhism, and even the Human Race all took action against the Jie Sect. Do you have any allies in the Jie Sect? Have any friends? Jie Jiao failed in the Battle of the Gods. Have you ever thought about how many Jie Jiao disciples betrayed Jie Jiao?"

After Su Chen said this, he looked at the silentWhen Duo Bao betrayed Jie Jiao, he simply said to Wu Dang Holy Mother that not many Jie Jiao's disciples may have their hearts towards Jie Jiao. When Duobao betrayed Jie Jiao, he took away many Jie Jiao disciples. The three thousand disciples captured by Saint Zhunti.

The loyal disciples of Jiejiao are dead. Those who are on the list of gods are on the list of gods, and the others are just idlers. Even if the great religion is powerful, those disciples will turn to that great religion.

Zhenjiang City, Jinshan Temple.

A 50,000-strong black-armored army has surrounded Jinshan Temple.

In Jinshan Temple, thousands of monks are guarding Jinshan Temple one by one as if they are facing a formidable enemy. The monks of Jinshan Temple did not expect that tens of thousands of black-armored troops would be surrounding them today. Jinshan Temple, in the main hall of Jinshan Temple, an old monk reported to Fahai,"Abbott, Lord Wu Xiang's army has surrounded Jinshan Temple. It seems that the entire southern temples will be eradicated by Lord Wu Xiang."

After Fahai heard this, He calmly called out the Buddha's name and said,"Amitabha, Fa Ming, when will the masters from Tianyin Temple arrive?"

"Abbot, he should be here within the next day or two."

"Well, that's good. I will report the changes that happened in the Immortal World Shenyu Continent later. I hope the Buddhist immortals in the Immortal World can send a clone to Jinshan Temple."

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