Mother Wudang did not expect that this bastard would hold her down, and there was no way she could push this bastard away.

This bastard's body is filled with the power of space.

Every time she pushes hard, it will be pushed empty.

This shameless pervert, the Incompetent

Mother, even if she wants to kill this bastard, there is nothing she can do.

The power of space?

This bastard's Space Law didn't expect him to be so advanced in his cultivation.

"Haha, Holy Mother of None, as long as you promise not to retaliate against me, I will let you go."

"Don't even think about it!"

"Then let's just keep spending it like this."

"Shameless! You are such a shameless bastard"

"You have the same face as I said, but you are being suppressed by me now. If this is according to the commandments of us human women, you will not be able to marry anyone you want to marry in the future. You no longer have an innocent body."

"Go away, you are not innocent!"

"Cough, cough, cough, if you are not a holy mother, I have lost my innocence a long time ago. My daughter is already so old, how can I still have my innocence?"

Our Lady of Wudang's chest rose and fell with shame and anger when she heard Su Chen's words.

She hates this bastard now.

She wants to kill this bastard now, but she can't kill him at all. She scolds this bastard?

This bastard Her skin was thicker than the city wall.

After thinking about it, Our Lady of Wudang bit Su Chen's shoulder. Holy shit!

Our Lady of Wudang actually bit someone!

Our Lady of Wudang bit someone!

She bit someone!

Su Chen was stunned for a moment. , he has now forgotten that the pain caused by being bitten by the Virgin Mary is on his shoulder.

The majestic Quasi-Saint of the Ancients, a Virgin Mary who has lived for who knows how many years actually bites someone? She bites like an ordinary woman. ?

Outside the carriage,

Ning Zhongze and Qingniao were driving the carriage while listening to the sounds in the carriage.

After a while, why was there no sound in the carriage again?

Ning Zhongze patted Qingniao on the shoulder and whispered,

"Bluebird, what happened in the carriage? Why was there no sound at all before? It was still noisy just now. Why is there no sound now?"

Qingniao shook his head and reminded,

"I don’t know. This is not what we should care about. Sister Ning, let’s not care about what happens inside."

"Well, I'm just worried that the master will anger the Virgin Mary. If the master angers the Virgin Mary, I'm afraid the master will be finished."

"You are worried unnecessarily. Is there any woman that the young master can't deal with?"

Ning Zhong heard Qingniao's words and hurriedly covered her mouth.

Su Chen's ability to pick up girls is very powerful.

She knows all this, but the woman in the carriage is an immortal, and she is also a very, very powerful one. Ning Zhong was worried that their conversation would be in vain and the Holy Mother would know about it, and they would be doomed by then.

"Ahem, cough, Xu, don’t talk nonsense. If the Incompetent Mother hears it, we will both be doomed."

Qingniao blinked and looked at Ning Zhongze.

She felt that Ning Zhongze's worries were unnecessary.

Although Our Lady of Wudang is a very, very powerful immortal, Su Chen's ability to pick up girls is very powerful.

What happened to an immortal?

Maybe Wudang When I become a Virgin, I will be taken care of by Su Chen.

"Ah~" Su Chen's scream suddenly came from the carriage , and Ning Zhongze and Qingniao hurriedly opened the door to get in.



The carriage door was quickly closed by Ning Zhongze and Qingniao again.

They all looked at each other with flushed faces.

Ning Zhongze and Qingniao did not expect that such a thing would happen inside, which made them all surprised. Unexpected

"Get off!"

The Holy Mother of Wudang felt that she had no shame to see anyone.

Su Chen's screams just now,

Ning Zhongze and Qingniao must have seen the situation in the carriage.

This bastard just pressed her down, and she was still buried in the arms of this world. Looking at this bastard, Ning Zhongze and Qingniao must have misunderstood her relationship with Su Chen.


After Su Chen let go of Our Lady of Wudang, he looked at his shoulder and took a breath.

Blood flowed out.

No wonder the lips of Our Lady of Wudang were very red. It turned out that it was his blood that stained her lips.

Wudang When the Holy Mother sat up, she glared at Su Chen fiercely. After she tidied up her dress, the Holy Mother of Wudang got out of the carriage.

She wanted to think about what happened just now.

Her heartbeat was suppressed by Su Chen just now. Very fast. Even when she was in danger before, her heart would not beat so fast.

What happened this time?

When Su Chen saw Our Lady of Wudang going out, he shook his head and quickly stopped the blood on his shoulder.

He leaned on the soft body and just thought about what had just happened. The figure of Our Lady of Wudang is really good, but this is a clone, and the clone is not the same as the original body. Almost half an hour later,


Chen's carriage arrived At the foot of Jinshan Temple, the black-armored troops surrounding Jinshan Temple saw Su Chen's arrival. These black-armored troops quickly escorted the carriage towards the temporary camp.

In the big tent, a heavy-backed black-armored general saluted Su Chen,"The fourth of the Northern Combat Corps Legion, the commander of the legion, Liu Zhong, joined the king. Su

Chen sat down, waved his hands and asked,"Get up, what are the monks at Jinshan Temple doing these days?""

"Reporting to your Majesty, there has been no movement at Jinshan Temple since it was besieged."

"Well, order the army to have a good rest today and attack Jinshan Temple tomorrow."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Su Chen and Liu Zhong left, he rubbed his forehead and felt very strange.

Jinshan Temple did not escape after being besieged?

Are thousands of Jinshan Temple monks going to fight to the death?

Fighting with tens of thousands of black-armored troops, the monks of Jinshan Temple Do we have this ability?

Or is there a clone of the immortal in Jinshan Temple?

"Forget it, everything will be known tomorrow."

In Jinshan Temple,

Fa Hai, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked down the mountain and frowned. Just now, a powerful aura appeared at the foot of the mountain.

Has the strong man under Wu Xiangjun arrived?

At this time,

A young monk with hair who was practicing meditation next to Fa Hai said,"Master, can the monks in the temple repel Wu Xiangjun's army? Fa

Hai looked at Xu Xian and shook his head and said,"Xu Xian, these are not things you should know. Have you done your homework today?""

Fahai was also very helpless towards Xu Xian.

Xu Xian was a man of great luck, but during this period he found that Xu Xian's luck had been dissipating.

If Xu Xian and White Snake were not allowed to get married, Xu Xian would not be able to survive a year, and his The luck will be completely dissipated.

Xu Xian continued with a grimace,"Master, I am restless today and have no intention of doing my homework at all.""

"Xu Xian, you have your cause and effect. Bai Suzhen and you are destined to be married. Tomorrow the Guanyin Bodhisattva in the immortal world will descend to the world. I will report your matter to the Bodhisattva."

"Thank you, master."

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