Su Chen stepped forward and hugged High Priest Bo Saixi and looked at Poseidon with a smile. Poseidon, the God of Poseidon, was now alone.

High Priest Bo Saixi and the Seven Guardians no longer listened to his orders. The Douluo on Poseidon Island were afraid that Nor will he obey Poseidon's orders.

Poseidon Island is presided over by the high priest Bo Saisi.

If the adult Poseidon does not show up, he will just stand on Poseidon Island and say that he is Poseidon. The Sea Douluo on Poseidon Island will probably not believe it unless it is the high priest Bo Saisi himself. admit.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, said to Bo Saisi with a sullen face,"Woman? Bo Saisi, I didn't expect you to get married.""

"If I don’t marry, will I have to be sacrificed by you? Poseidon, your time has come. Originally, I wanted to ask you about your power of faith, but you are unlucky. I don’t have time to stay on Poseidon Island." boom!

"Don't even think about killing me. I, the God of the Sea, Poseidon, am not that easy to kill.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, suddenly burst out with powerful momentum. He broke free from the pressure of Su Chen's aura and quickly ran away towards the sea.

"Don’t overestimate your capabilities! You can't escape Poseidon"

"Space moves!"

"Space prison!"

Su Chen waved his hand when he saw Poseidon escaping, and

Poseidon suddenly appeared next to Su Chen. This time, Su Chen didn't wait for Poseidon to escape again. He directly used space to imprison him. Imprisoned Poseidon

"I'll do it! Is this the end?"

"Is Poseidon too weak? Or is Su Chen too powerful?"

"It's so scary. The momentum that Poseidon just burst out is very powerful, but in Su Chen's hands, there is no resistance at all. I don't know if Poseidon is dead?"

"This bastard is too powerful"

"Well, it's too powerful"

"This bastard is simply inhuman. When we see this bastard in the future, we'd better take a detour."

Ning Rongrong and the others saw that Su Chen had easily captured Poseidon, and even imprisoned Poseidon in some space prison.

This was all done in an instant, and

Su Chen's strength made them feel very She was shocked.

When High Priest Bo Saixi looked at Su Chen, her beautiful eyes showed some light.

She was also very surprised by Su Chen's power. For a strong man of the first level of soul god,

Su Chen instantly caught him and imprisoned him. Up,

High Priest Bo Saixi felt that if her and Su Chen’s future children could inherit Su Chen’s cultivation talent, their children would also become peerless strong men in the future.

"A Yin, go kill Tangshan!"

"Yes, master!"

When Su Chen went to kill Tangshan, he looked at Poseidon, the god of sea, in the space prison, and then activated the space cutting.

Each space light blade attacked Poseidon in the space prison.

Su Chen looked at it and If you are not paying attention to Poseidon, in less than a quarter of an hour, Poseidon will be killed and his soul will be scattered.

"Bo Saixi, I will go back to the Eastern Continent in a while. There are urgent matters in the Eastern Continent that I need to deal with."

"I understand that I was with you when you got the secret message, but you must rush back when our child is born."

I guess!


There is a kid."

Su Chen looked at the high priest Bo Saixi and felt very helpless.

He felt that he had deceived the high priest Bo Saixi so miserably. If Bo Saixi knew that she was not pregnant in the future, Bo Saixi would Will Sisi strangle himself?

"I will definitely come back!"

Bo Saixi knew that Su Chen had urgent things to do, but she also had to warn this bastard,"Su Chen, if you don't come back before the child is born, you don't have to come back again."

"Ahem, cough, I will definitely come back on time. By the way, these are some cultivation resources I have prepared for you. There is a book of exercises in it. From now on, you can practice the exercises in the Space Najie."

Su Chen coughed when he heard Bo Saixi's words. He took out a space ring and handed it to Bo Saixi and said,"


Su Chen shook his head when he thought about Bo Saixi's words. The birth of a child? Is this possible


If they wait, they may not be able to have a child for ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years. Su Chen's cultivation will become higher and higher in the future. It is very, very difficult to have children. He only has one biological daughter, Su Yue. , Jellyfish Yinji, Ji Ruxi and those women all wanted children, but they had never succeeded. Bo Saixi shook his head when he heard the skills Su Chen mentioned and said,"Su Chen, I don't know the skills of immortal cultivators at all. May practice


"You will understand this difference after you practice. Remember, this is our Su family's ancestral technique. It is more powerful than the techniques in the immortal world. You should not pass it on to other people to practice."

"I see."

After Su Chen explained to High Priest Bo Saixi, the High Priest left with the Seven Guardians. It is impossible for Poseidon to appear again in the future. High Priest Bo Saixi also wanted to make some changes to Poseidon Island.

Su Chen looked towards Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu’s three daughters, he thought about it and walked over to remind Ning Rongrong and the other three daughters.

"Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, if you want to stay on Poseidon Island to practice, you can stay. Also, the Spirit Empire is not something your academy can deal with. The Queen of the Spirit Empire, Bi Dong'er, has a good relationship with me."

"Moreover, the Wuhun Empire has formed an alliance with your ancient tribes in the Southern Continent. If you want to go against the Wuhun Empire, just think about the consequences. If you want to go to the Wuhun Empire to practice, tell me your name when the time comes, and the Queen of the Wuhun Empire will be fine. Nurture you."

Ning Rongrong and the other girls were very surprised when they heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen actually knew the Queen of the Wuhun Empire?

So what's the relationship between him and the Queen?

Ancient Clan?

The Ancient Clan of the eight major Dou Qi families in the Southern Continent actually knew each other. The Spirit Empire has formed an alliance? Why didn't they hear the news?

Ning Rongrong looked at Su Chen and asked,"Su Chen, what is the relationship between the Queen of the Spirit Empire and you?"

"It's hard to say this. If you go to Wuhun Empire, you will understand."

Su Chen thought of the adulterer Qian Xueer said.

How could he say it?

Su Chen could only let them find the answer.

Zhu Zhuqing asked Su Chen with a cold face,"What if we stay on Poseidon Island? Cultivation, can the high priest help us practice?"

Su Chen looked at the plump Zhu Zhuqing and said with a smile,

"Can! I will let the high priest take care of you. After all, we are old acquaintances. Each of the three of you owes me a kiss, but I remember it clearly."

Su Chen didn't expect that after a few years of seeing each other, this little beauty Zhu Zhuqing would become more and more beautiful, especially her proud figure, which was even more perfect than the Zhu Zhuqing she saw back then.

"You are so shameless!"

"Color embryo!"

"shameless bastard!"

When Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu heard what Su Chen said, they all blushed and yelled. They didn't expect that Su Chen still remembered the thing about the Monster Forest. This bastard is a shameless pervert.

Su Chen and Ning Rongrong and the others chatted for a while and left.

After he collected Nie Xiaoqian and other female ghosts, he looked at Lan Yincao who hadn't killed Tangshan yet. Su Chen walked over to see what was going on.

"No, don’t take away my blue grass martial spirit"

"Hum, as the Blue Yin Emperor, I have the right to deprive any Blue Yin Grass martial spirit."

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