Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang saw Su Yue using the law of time to speed up time and make the little flowers bloom.

This surprised them all.

Su Yue understood the law of time before she was even three years old. This little girl was so unbelievable.

Mother Wudang suddenly looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and asked hurriedly,"Guanyin, does Su Chen know the law of time?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva shook his head and replied,

"I don't know. Su Chen only revealed the laws of space in front of me. I don't know if he hid other techniques and other laws.

Our Lady of Wudang continued to ask,

"Does Su Yan know the laws of space?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Our Lady of Wudang and suddenly understood.

She understood why Our Lady of Wudang asked this question. If Su Yan knows the law of space and Su Yue knows the law of time, it means that bastard Su Chen can also know the law of time.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes She was very angry when a trace of light appeared in her eyes.

Su Chen would hide so many things from her.

The emperor of the Xuantian Empire?

Tianxuan Continent?

The Human Emperor?

Even the techniques and laws?

That shameless and shameless bastard did this to her Are you so defensive?

"Mother Wudang, do you suspect that Su Yue inherited the law of time from Su Chen?"

Our Lady of Wudang said with an ugly face,

"Well, I have this suspicion. Su Chen is too mysterious. It shouldn't be difficult for his daughters to inherit his abilities. After all, he, Su Yan and Su Yue are all connected by blood."

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded and agreed,"If Su Yan knows the laws of space, then Su Yue's laws of time will make sense. That bastard Su Chen must also know the laws of time. That bastard is hiding too deeply."

"Guanyin, let’s ask Su Yue. Su Yue can’t hide Su Yan’s ability from us. After all, we are not asking about that bastard Su Chen."


In the sea of ​​flowers,

Su Yue happily searched for the flower bones that were not in bloom. She wanted to make them bloom.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Our Lady came to Su Yue.

They looked at Su Yue and couldn't play. They were so happy that Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin shook their heads speechlessly.

The law of time actually came to make the flowers bloom.

This was really overkill.

Guanyin Bodhisattva squatted next to Su Yue and asked with a smile,"Yue'er, Will your sister Su Yan disappear instantly?"

"elder sister?"

"Yes, does your sister suddenly disappear when she is playing with you?"

Su Yue understood what Guanyin Bodhisattva said when she heard it.

She thought of her sister Su Yan showing off in front of her before, saying that her father could teleport. She didn't believe it at first, but after Su Yan tried it several times, Su Yue also I believe it.

It's just that Su Yan's teleportation can only move a little distance. She even laughed at her sister's teleportation at that time.

"Hahaha....., Auntie, my sister is stupid. Sometimes she suddenly disappears in front of us. After a while, my sister appears not far from me, and she still looks tired."

"not far away? how far?"

"How far? Just from here to the house, it should be about the same distance."

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang looked at the distance and were very speechless.

They were only more than ten meters away.

However, this also shows that Su Yan has understood Su Chen's space laws. One of these two girls has inherited Su Chen's space laws. , the one who inherited Su Chen’s law of time, and that bastard had too many secrets. The

Mother Wudang looked at Su Yue, thought for a moment and asked,"Yue'er, what other abilities do you have that are the same as your sister's?"

Su Yue bit her fingers when she heard Wudang Holy Mother's words and thought.

She seems to have no other abilities like her sister Su Yan.

Her sister Su Yan has already practiced the exercises, but she has not practiced them. Her sister has a powerful legion, and she also No, not even her sister had her father's spiritual sword Luo Xue, but she didn't.

Su Yue felt that she was nothing compared to her sister.

Su Yue suddenly thought of the Bloodline Black Bird and said loudly,"I have a little blue bird, sister." There are also little bluebirds, but my sister’s little bluebird is bigger than my little bluebird."

"Little bluebird?"

Our Lady of Wudang and Guanyin Bodhisattva seemed to have a look. They didn't know what little blue bird Su Yue was talking about.

"Auntie, let me show you my little blue bird."Su Yue said to Madonna Wudang, and she summoned the black bird in her body.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

At this time, a small green bird suddenly appeared from Su Yue's body. After this small blue bird, which was only the size of a teacup, flew in the air and landed on Su Yue's shoulder.

When the Holy Mother saw it , The little blue bird appeared and was very surprised.

Although the little blue bird was still in its infancy, the smell of the little blue bird made her feel very familiar.

"Black bird? Guanyin, this is a mysterious bird as famous as the Phoenix in the Longhan Tribulation."

Guanyin Bodhisattva watched Su Yue and Xuanniao playing, she nodded seriously and said,"Yes, it's Xuanniao, and this Xuanniao is still in its infancy, even.....Even the black bird is basically the blood of Su Yue. Su Yue actually has the blood of the black bird. This is incredible."

"Guanyin, not only Su Yue has a black bird, but Su Yan also has one. I'm afraid this is the continuation of the bloodline of that bastard Su Chen."

"So that bastard Su Chen also has a black bird, and the black bird blood was passed down to his two daughters by Su Chen."

"That damn bastard, how many secrets does he hide from us?"

"Next time we see that bastard Su Chen, we must not let that bastard go. We must find out all his secrets."

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang are getting more and more angry with Su Chen.

The more they know about Su Chen, the angrier they feel.

That bastard is so good at hiding.

Law of time?

Blackbird bloodline?

Is this because they discovered Su Chen? Some secrets, that bastard Su Chen didn’t know how many secrets he had hidden from them.

Su Yue played with Xuanniao for a while, then she ran to Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Holy Mother and shouted,"Auntie, look, my Isn’t the little bluebird pretty?"

"pretty! Very beautiful!"

"Yue'er, your little bluebird is very beautiful."

Bodhisattva Guanyin and Our Lady of Wudang both nodded and replied,"


More than just beautiful!

Xuanniiao will be a quasi-sage when he becomes an adult.

How many quasi-sages are there in the prehistoric fairy world?

And Su Yue and Su Yan's achievements in the future may not be the same." Simple, the black bird is the natal beast of Su Yan and Su Yue, and the black bird will grow up with Su Yue and Su Yan in the future.


At this time, a beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and this beam of light fell from the sky. Disappeared after leaving the Eastern Continent

"There are immortals from the fairy world who have gone down to the next world."

"Could it be the immortal's clone in the lower realm?"

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