When King Miao heard what Elder Hei Miao said, he cursed angrily.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Sect did not show up, which made him feel that he had been deceived by the Moon Worshiping Sect.

Nanzhao's army suffered heavy casualties.

The black-armored army will probably attack Dali City soon, and Nanzhao will be destroyed. All of this is the fault of the leader of the Moon Worshipers.


"Let's go to Bai Miao's priest temple.

Elder Hei Miao was surprised when he heard King Miao's words and said,"What?" Your Majesty, are we going to the priest temple of Bai Miao? The Bai Hmong people would not agree. King

Miao waved his hand and said anxiously,

"Now, where do we have to go? Are the remaining cities in the rear safe? We can only temporarily hide in the priest temple of Bai Miao"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The Miao King then hurriedly left the city wall with his guards. The black-armored cavalry was about to rush into Dali City. If the black-armored cavalry rushed into Dali City, he would not be able to escape even if he tried to escape.

Outside Dali City,

Qilin Cave,

Zhao Ling'er and Butterfly Demon also discovered the war in Dali City.

Zhao Ling'er was a little uneasy.

Dali City was the capital of the Nanzhao Kingdom and the kingdom of her cruel father. She didn't know whether the Nanzhao Kingdom would be destroyed in this war. She I don’t know if his cruel father will be killed.

The butterfly demon looked at the fighting armies in the distance and said doubtfully,

"Ling'er, that's the black-armored army. Isn't the black-armored army Su Chen's army? Why did Su Chen's army come to attack Nanzhao?"

"Su Chen's army?"

Zhao Ling'er was very surprised when she heard Butterfly Demon's words.

How could Su Chen's army appear in Nanzhao? Aren't Su Chen's troops at war with the Song Empire? Could it be that Su Chen wanted to destroy Nanzhao for her? Mother revenge against mother?

Zhao Ling'er knew that Su Chen looked down upon her father very much.

When Su Chen told her about her mother, Su Chen was very disdainful of her father, King Miao, and even revealed some murderous intentions.

Butterfly Demon Point He nodded and explained,

"Yes, I heard Ning Zhongze say that Su Chen’s army was all black-clad and black-armored. Su Chen had controlled the entire southern part of the Song Empire. The southern part of the Song Dynasty was also adjacent to the Nanzhao Kingdom. Su Chen’s black-armored army It makes sense to come and attack Nanzhao."

"Butterfly, let’s go over and see why Su Chen’s army wanted to destroy Nanzhao."

"well! All right!"

Butterfly Demon nodded and agreed.

She knew that Zhao Ling'er was the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom and the only daughter of King Miao of Nanzhao Kingdom.

Butterfly Demon was worried that Zhao Ling'er still had some affection for her father.

If Zhao Ling'er still had feelings for King Miao, There is a relationship between father and daughter. I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for Zhao Ling’er.

If Zhao Ling’er prevents the Black Armored Legion from attacking Nanzhao Kingdom, this may anger Su Chen.

When Su Chen originally talked about King Miao, he revealed his murderous intention. The Butterfly Demon saw it clearly.

A quarter of an hour later,

Nanzhao's army completely collapsed. Except for some Nanzhao troops who escaped, the rest were either killed or knelt down to surrender. A crowd of people knelt outside Dali City. The Nanzhao army surrendered.

Outside Dali City, a messenger hurriedly ran to Princess Chei and saluted,

"Legion commander, the First Cavalry Corps has occupied Dali City, and the Miao King has fled. More than 60,000 Nanzhao troops were killed, more than 10,000 fled, and more than 70,000 Nanzhao troops surrendered."

After hearing this, Princess Che said expressionlessly,"The vulnerable army, what will be the casualties of our army?"

"Legion commander, our army has more than 3,000 casualties, most of which are injured."

"Well, the injured soldiers are being treated intensively, and the dead soldiers are cremated on the spot, and their ashes are to be taken back to Hangzhou."

"Yes, Legion Commander!"

After Su Yan heard this, she said sarcastically,"Auntie, I didn't expect King Miao to have escaped. A king who is so greedy for life and afraid of death, King Miao is not worthy of being a king at all. Princess Chai smiled and replied,"Yan'er, not every king is a wise and powerful king. It is easy to say that the king dies in the country, but it is very difficult to do." Su

Yan suddenly looked up at Princess Che and asked,"If my father's Xuantian Empire is destroyed, aunt, do you think my father will escape?""

Princess Chai was very speechless when she heard Su Yan's words.

Will the Xuantian Empire be destroyed?

This is simply impossible.

The Tianxuan Continent will be unified.

There are tens of millions of black-armored troops in the Xuantian Empire. , with more than millions of alien servants, only the Han Empire of the Northern Continent is still struggling in the Tianxuan Continent. It will be a matter of time before the Han Empire is destroyed.

How can the Xuantian Empire be destroyed?

The Xuantian Empire will also become a The real fairyland.

Princess Chei rolled her eyes at Su Yan when she thought of this, shook her head and said,

"No, although your father has not been serious all day long, he is a great king. Even if the Xuantian Empire is destroyed, your father will not escape when the country is destroyed.

"Besides, the black-armored troops of the Xuantian Empire are loyal to your father, and the people also love your father very much. Your father's empire cannot be destroyed."

"Unless the tens of millions of black-armored legions are wiped out and the people all oppose your father's rule, the Xuantian Empire will not be destroyed. Even the gods and Buddhas in the sky cannot destroy your father's Xuantian Empire."

Su Yan nodded when she heard Princess Chei's words.

She also knew the Black Armor Legion's loyalty to her father. There are tens of millions of Black Armor Legions. Even if there is a rebellion in the Xuantian Empire, the Black Armor Legion will soon To quell the rebellion.

The Black Armored Legion has six combat legions, plus her Black Bird Legion, there are seven powerful combat legions.

Among the seven combat legions, the commander of five combat legions is her aunt, Su Yan is the commander-in-chief of the Black Bird Combat Legion. The remaining commander-in-chief of the Tenglong Combat Legion is also held by her uncle Wei Zhuang's senior brother Gai Nie. None of the seven combat legions can rebel against her father.


While Su Yan was thinking, the black-armored troops suddenly discovered two women appearing on the battlefield. The black-armored troops immediately surrounded the two beautiful women who came uninvited.

Princess Chei and Su Yan also looked over,

They did not expect that two beautiful women would appear on the battlefield, and they seemed to be very powerful.

Otherwise, they would not have been discovered when they arrived near Su Yan and Princess Chei.

Butterfly Demon and Zhao Ling'er saw the nervous black people around them. Army A, if they move forward, these black-armored troops will attack them.

Butterfly Demon and Zhao Ling'er were also afraid of being misunderstood by each other, so they stopped in a hurry.

Butterfly Demon looked around and shouted hurriedly: ,"Don't be nervous, we are your friends Wu Xiangjun"

"Let them come over!"When Princess Che heard what the Butterfly Demon said, she waved her hands to the surrounding troops and shouted,

"Yes, Legion Commander! Princess

Chei saw Butterfly Demon and Zhao Ling'er arriving.

She looked at these two beautiful women and asked,"Who are you?" Why come to the battlefield?"

"My name is Butterfly, this is Zhao Linger, is Su Chen here too?"

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