Butterfly Demon doesn't care about falling out with Zhao Ling'er.

Su Chen's relationship with her is not comparable to that of Zhao Ling'er.

Besides, the reason why she and Zhao Ling'er are together is because of Su Chen's relationship. Butterfly Demon can't let Zhao Ling'er catch Su Yan.

Su Yan looked at all this in amusement.

She now understood that

Butterfly Demon might be his father's woman, and Zhao Linger should be a friend of his father. There was no way that Butterfly Demon would let Zhao Linger catch her. boom!

At this time,

Zhao Ling'er struck the butterfly demon with a palm, and she was about to go forward to catch Su Yan.

However, the butterfly demon was even more powerful than Zhao Ling'er. She stopped Zhao Ling'er in an instant. If Zhao Ling'er did not transform, Zhao Ling'er would Can't fight off the butterfly demon

"Damn it, Butterfly, don't blame me."

Zhao Ling'er saw that she couldn't fight off the butterfly demon several times.

Zhao Ling'er also knew that if she didn't transform, she would be no match for the butterfly demon.

The butterfly demon said coldly with a cold face,

"Zhao Ling'er, since you attacked me, you are no longer my friend, and I will not have you as a friend in the future."

Boom boom boom......

When Zhao Ling'er heard the Butterfly Demon's words, her expression changed and she suddenly transformed.

Zhao Ling'er's huge snake tail kept attacking the Butterfly Demon, and the powerful aura around her made the Black Armor Legion keep retreating.

"Let me go, Zhao Linger is actually a snake demon? Huh? No, Zhao Ling'er is so different from Aunt Xiaobai and Aunt Xiaoqing, but she is somewhat similar to the snake girl Yue Mei."

Su Yan was very confused when she saw Zhao Ling'er's transformation.

She originally thought that Zhao Ling'er was a snake demon, but it was nothing like her aunts Xiaobai and Xiaoqing at home. Su Yan had seen Xiaobai and Xiaoqing's transformations. , she felt that Zhao Ling'er was somewhat similar to Yue Mei, the snake girl from the Southern Continent.

Princess Chei looked at Zhao Ling'er and Butterfly fighting, she turned back to Su Yan and asked,"Yan'er, what are you going to do with Zhao Ling'er?"

Su Yan touched his chin and said with a smile,"Let's see first, Zhao Ling'er is not enough evidence, but the butterfly demon should be my father's woman, otherwise the butterfly demon would not be able to turn against Zhao Ling'er."

"Well, I can see it too. Butterfly is not bad. The women your father finds are all good."

"Auntie, are you praising yourself?"

"Little girl, do you want a beating?"

Su Yan shrank his head and begged for mercy with a smile,"Haha, aunt, I don't dare anymore. I was just talking nonsense."

"You little girl, there is nothing I can do to you."

Princess Chei blushed and shook her head.

There is nothing she can do to Su Yan now. This little girl's mouth is too sweet. There is nothing she can do to Su Yan.

Boom boom boom boom......

Next to them,

Zhao Ling'er and the Butterfly Demon were fighting fiercely. They were of equal strength, and it would be impossible to decide the winner within a short period of time.


Zhao Ling'er took out the Wind Lingzhu and used it on the butterfly. boom!

A gust of wind suddenly blew up, and the butterfly demon was blown upside down by the strong wind without any precautions.

When Zhao Ling'er saw the butterfly demon being beaten back, she flew towards Su Yan quickly.

Su Yan saw Zhao Ling'er flying over. She waved her hand to stop the surrounding black-armored troops from coming to rescue her.

Su Yan patted Shui Qilin and said,"Shui Qilin, suppress this woman who overestimates her capabilities. Don't kill her."." boom!

A powerful aura suddenly burst out from Shui Qilin's body, and the powerful aura directly enveloped Zhao Ling'er who was flying over. bump!

Zhao Ling'er was enveloped by the powerful aura of the water unicorn and fell from the air. She collapsed on the ground and looked at Su Yan in horror. Zhao Ling'er did not expect that there would be a powerful monster beside Su Yan.

Su Yan looked at Zhao Ling'er and said with a tight face,

"Zhao Ling'er, because you know my father, if I don't kill you this time, you'd better not appear in front of me in the future. Also, don't look for my father again. Since you dare to take action against me, you are no longer qualified. be my father's friend"

"Su Yan, can you really not give up attacking Nanzhao?"

Zhao Ling'er was very sad when she heard Su Yan's words. She knew that after attacking Su Yan, she would not have the face to see Su Chen again, but she still wanted Su Yan to give up the attack on Nanzhao.

Su Yan heard what Zhao Ling'er said She was very angry.

At this time,

Zhao Ling'er actually persuaded her to retreat.

This made Su Yan very angry.

"Auntie, order the army to slaughter the surrendered Nanzhao army for me."


Princess Chai was very surprised when she heard Su Yan's words.

She did not expect that Su Yan would massacre prisoners. Wouldn't it be bad if Su Yan killed prisoners at a young age?

"Auntie, do you want me to order it myself?

Seeing the expressionless look on Su Yan's face, Princess Che also knew that she could not dissuade Su Yan.

Princess Che waved her hand and sighed and ordered,"Alas!" Someone came, sent an order, and ordered the army to massacre the captured Nanzhao army."

"Yes, Legion Commander."

When Zhao Ling'er heard Su Yan's order, she yelled in panic,

"No, no, Su Yan, you can't do this, you can't do this."

Su Yan looked at Zhao Ling'er and said mockingly,

"Humph, it’s not the first time I’ve done this but massacre prisoners, so why not?"

At this time, the black armored army began to massacre the prisoners. Archers and crossbows surrounded more than 70,000 prisoners and began to shoot them. Giant shield soldiers and cavalry were around to prevent the captive army of Nanzhao from escaping.

"No, we surrender, don't massacre us"

"Damn it, the black-armored army is going to massacre us. Let’s fight with the black-armored army."

"Don't kill me, I surrender, don't kill me......"

"how so? how so? Didn’t the Central Plains army not kill prisoners?"

"It's over, we're dead."

When the surrendered troops of Nanzhao Kingdom started to shoot and kill them, these captive troops screamed in panic.

The tens of thousands of captive troops fled in all directions quickly, but it was all in vain.

The surrounding black armored troops When the giant shield soldiers and black armored cavalry soldiers saw the prisoners escaping, they did not hesitate to kill them with swords and long swords. When

Zhao Ling'er saw the massacred Nanzhao army, she looked at Su Yan and said He shouted angrily,

"you......Your father will not forgive you if he finds out, you are just a little devil."

When Su Yan heard Zhao Linger's scream, she shook her head and said with a smile,"Little devil? I like this title. My father has the title of Big Devil, and Little Devil is also very suitable for me."

At this time,

Butterfly Demon rushed back.

When she saw that Zhao Ling'er had been suppressed, and the black armored army under Dali City was massacring the captive army of Nanzhao Kingdom.

This made Butterfly Demon confused and didn't know what was going on. , she was just pushed back dozens of miles away by the Wind Lingzhu.

In such a short period of time, what happened here? Who suppressed Zhao Ling'er? Why did the Black Armor Legion massacre the prisoners?

"Aunt Butterfly, come here!"

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