Xiao Qing saw that Su Chen didn't answer her for a long time. The bastard was in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiao Qing pinched Su Chen's waist and continued to ask,"Why don't you answer me?"

"Hiss, Xiaoqing, do you want to strangle me to death?"Su Chen rubbed his waist and shouted.

He didn't expect Xiao Qing to pinch his waist.

Women and banshees really have something in common.

Xiao Qing rolled his eyes at Su Chen and continued to ask arrogantly,"You What are you thinking about?"

Su Chen also understood after hearing Xiao Qing's words.

Xiao Qing was worried that she was perfunctory just now.

Xiao Qing Snake really had her own way of doing things.

Su Chen shook her head and explained,

"Xiaoqing, let me tell you, Shui Rou and Ji Ruxi are not as gentle as water before. They killed a lot of people in Tianxuan Tianlu. They can even be described as female devils. But now they usually don't go out. In the future You'll understand when you see them facing the enemy"

"The devil?"

"Well, Shui Rou, Ji Ruxi and they are also pyramid-like figures in Tianxuan Continent. Shui Rou used to have a very violent temper, and Ji Ruxi and Ji Ruxi are the leaders of a sect. They are both female devils who kill without blinking an eye."

Xiao Qing's eyes gleamed when she heard Su Chen's words. She didn't expect that Shui Rou and Ji Ruxi were the same kind of people as her. In Hangzhou City, she really didn't notice it at all.

"Haha, I didn’t see it at all. It turns out that we are all the same kind of people."

Su Chen hugged Xiaoqing, kissed her and said with a smile,"Of course, I only like you and love you because you are the same kind of people."

Xiao Qing leaned into Su Chen's arms and smiled.

It's just that Su Chen will send the mermaid to the Western Continent tomorrow, so she is with Su Chen.

Xiao Qing is also very reluctant to let go of Su Chen.

However, she also knows that Su Chen Chen had to go in person this time. The Western Continent was thousands of miles away, and only Su Chen's space ability could quickly go there and come back quickly.

Su Chen touched Xiao Qing's hair and enjoyed the temporary peace.

Su Chen smiled when he thought about the madness last night. The snake demon was really crazy. Xiao Qing was much crazier than Xiao Bai. If Su Chen hadn't been physically strong, Su Chen might have been defeated by Xiao Qing. Xiao Qing suddenly Thinking of Su Yan, she reminded Su Chen,"Husband, after you set off tomorrow, stop by and see Su Yan. That girl is so crazy. She led the army to destroy the country at such a young age. Tian Linger will be killed." Yan Yatou was led astray"

"Well, anyway, I'm passing by, so I'm going to teach that girl a lesson."

"Tsk, will you teach your daughter a lesson?"

Su Chen's face darkened when he heard Xiao Qing's words.

He really couldn't bear to teach that girl Su Yan a lesson.

Su Chen thought that before he practiced, as long as that girl Su Yan was unhappy, he would even offend her. Su Yan He would challenge him to compete in martial arts, but he was knocked down many times by Su Yan's so-called martial arts competition.

A few years passed, and Yan Yatou was slowly growing up.

Time passed so fast.

Two days later, in

Dali City, this The black-armored legions of Princess Tianchai have completely controlled the Nanzhao Kingdom. Except for some escaped Nanzhao troops, all the cities in the Nanzhao Kingdom are controlled by the black-armored legions.

Only the Miao King of Nanzhao Kingdom is still there. It was not found, but the net has arrived, and it is only a matter of time before King Miao is found.

In the Nanzhao King's Palace,

Princess Chai and Su Yan were sitting together drinking fairy wine. The Butterfly Demon took Shui Qilin to Qilin Cave to recover the Fire Spirit Pearl. , with the water unicorn present, the fire unicorn in the unicorn cave was not enough evidence at all.

Princess Chei put down her wine glass and looked at Su Yan and asked,"Yan'er, are you really going to attack Beiliang next?"

Princess Chai really had nothing to say to Su Yan.

She had just destroyed the Nanzhao Kingdom, and

Su Yan was planning to continue attacking other kingdoms. Princess Chai was also very troubled by this war-mad little girl.

Su Yan sat on the chair and swayed his little feet and replied,"Well, aunt, Aunt Mu Guiying is attacking the Song Dynasty. The only one close to us is Beiliang, so we will operate on Beiliang.""

"Yan'er, Beiliang is not easy to deal with. There are 300,000 cavalry in Beiliang. We only have 10,000 black-armored cavalry. The rest are infantry. We are going to attack Beiliang. My cavalry army cannot catch up."

"Auntie, write a letter to Auntie Mu Guiying and ask her to dispatch a cavalry regiment to us. This will be more than enough to deal with Beiliang in the future."

Princess Chai was really speechless to Su Yan.

Fortunately, Su Yan's Black Bird Combat Legion did not arrive this time.

Otherwise, this little girl would have become even more lawless.

After thinking about it, Princess Che felt that we could conquer a few more countries. Well, in this way, even if other combat legions arrive, the empires and kingdoms around the Song Dynasty will be destroyed by their northern combat legion, and other combat legions can only attack empires and kingdoms that are far away.

Princess Che thought After thinking about it, he nodded and said,

"Okay, I will send a letter to Commander Mu Guiying, but Beiliang belongs to the Liyang Dynasty after all. The Liyang Dynasty may not watch Beiliang be destroyed. The two legions may not be enough to destroy Beiliang and the Liyang Dynasty. reinforcements"

"I will ask Commander Mu Guiying to dispatch two legions. This way we have three legions, 150,000 black armored legions, and it will be easier for us to destroy Beiliang."

Seeing that Princess Chai agreed, Su Yan flattered her with a smile and said,"My aunt is very thoughtful, so let's do it this way. In addition, let Hangzhou City send city guards to take over Nanzhao Kingdom as soon as possible."

"Well, I will notify Hangzhou City, Yan'er, what should I do with Bai Miao?"

"Auntie, since Bai Miao surrendered without resistance, and Bai Miao and Hei Miao also have a feud, we will support Bai Miao to contain Hei Miao"

"Is this good? Aren't you afraid that Bai Miao will rebel against us when he becomes stronger?"

"Auntie, we will become stronger and stronger in the future. If other combat legions arrive, Baimiao will have more than one million people in total. Will they dare to rebel? Are they capable of rebellion?"

"Okay, tomorrow we will meet the leader of Bai Miao first."

At this moment, in Bai Miao's priest temple,

Saint Aunt and her disciples Anu and Gai Luojiao are discussing the matter of the Black Armored Legion.

Although Bai Miao surrendered without resistance, they are also worried that the Black Armored Legion will attack Hei. Like Miao's army, they massacred Bai Miao's surrendered army.

Anu said to the holy aunt with a worried look on his face,"Master, since we are worried that the black armored army will massacre our army, why do you still order the surrender?""

The holy aunt explained with a helpless expression on her face,

"Anu, are our more than 100,000 White Miao troops a match for the Black Armored Army? We couldn't even defeat Heimiao's army, but the Black Armored Legion destroyed all Heimiao's troops in just a few days. Will our army also be slaughtered by the Black Armored Legion?"

Anu was also very helpless after hearing the words of the holy aunt.

A war?

Their Bai Miao army is no match for the Black Armor Legion.

Now that the Bai Miao army of more than 100,000 people have surrendered,

Anu is very worried. The Black Armor Legion Just like the surrendered troops of the Black Miao, they massacred the surrendered troops of the White Miao.

"But the Black Armored Legion kills prisoners. If the Black Armored Legion also massacres our Bai Miao surrendered troops, we will be the sinners of the White Miao."

The holy aunt stood up and looked at her two disciples.

She was also betting that the general of the Black Armor Legion would not take action against the surrendered Bai Miao. Although this was a bit risky, there was nothing she could do. The

Black Armor Legion and She has seen the battles of the Black Miao Army.

The Black Armored Army is simply not a match for the White Miao Army.

"No, there is probably a reason why the Black Armored Legion massacred the Black Miao troops. The Black Armored Legion cannot wait until now if they want to massacre our surrendered White Miao troops."

"Two days have passed, and the Black Armored Legion has not massacred our Bai Miao surrendered troops. The Black Armored Legion will not massacre our Bai Miao surrendered troops again."

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