Butterfly Demon, Princess Che and Delia heard Su Yan's question. They were also very interested in the spirit beads on the table.

Especially the butterfly demon, she is very familiar with these spirit beads. These spirit beads look very beautiful, and even these spirit beads have some functions, but it is impossible to say that these spirit beads are spiritual treasures.

The power of Lingbao cannot be so small.

If these Lingbao are Lingbao, then Zhao Ling'er suddenly used Wind Lingzhu to attack her earlier. The butterfly demon cannot be simply repelled. She may even be seriously injured by the Lingzhu attack..

Su Chen took out the water spirit beads and thunder spirit beads from the system space. The five spirit beads of different colors were shining brightly.

He pointed at the five spirit beads on the table and explained to the girls,

"These spirit beads are all very powerful spiritual treasures. However, in the Shenyu Continent, these spirit beads have been sealed. The current spirit beads are just ordinary magic weapons."

"Wow, so beautiful!"

"They are very beautiful. The five kinds of spiritual beads are much better than ordinary jewelry."

"Big spiritual treasure? Sealed?"

"Su Chen, are these really powerful spiritual treasures?"

Su Yan, Princess Che and the other girls looked at the colorful spiritual beads on the table. They looked at these spiritual beads without blinking. If these spiritual beads were not spiritual treasures, these women would probably divide the beautiful five spiritual beads.

Su Chen put away the Five Spirit Pearls and said to the girls,"The Five Spirit Pearls are very difficult to obtain in the fairy world. When you go to the fairy world in the future, you will know how powerful the Five Spirit Pearls are."

Su Yan pulled Su Chen and blinked her big eyes and said,"I don't know how many years it will take before I can go to the fairy world. Father, with my talent in the realm of heaven and human, can't my seal be unlocked?"

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Su Yan's words.

This little girl has already reached the realm of heaven and human beings before she was ten years old. This is already very remarkable.

Unlock the seal?

Su Chen will not untie it for Su Yan.

If the seal is unlocked and

Su Yan becomes a powerful immortal cultivator at such a young age,

Su Yan will probably never grow up like Nezha. This is not what Su Chen wants to see.

"Yan'er, you are still young. Your seal cannot be broken, otherwise it will affect your body. You don't want to look like a little girl in the future. When you are fifteen or sixteen years old, your father will give it to you. Unseal"

"Well, I'll just live with it for another six years or so."

Su Yan shook her head hastily.

She didn't want to remain like a child forever.

If she stayed like this child from now on, it would be more uncomfortable than killing her.

Su Yan had to wait until he grew up to make a career. In the world, after she grows up, her father, mother, and even her aunts will no longer look after her. When the time comes, the world will be vast and the sky will be bright for her to roam freely.

Princess Che and the other girls were shaken when they looked at Su Yan Shaking his head,

Su Yan can be said to be very lucky.

With a father like Su Chen,

Su Yan, and Su Yue, these two girls will have great achievements in the future. They will become powerful immortal cultivators when they grow up, and even She would become the empress of a powerful empire.

At this time, by the valley lake thirty miles away from Dali City, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult and King Miao appeared in the house of Zhao Ling'er, who was imprisoned.

In the room,

Zhao Ling'er's cultivation had been The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was sealed. She was thinking about what she had done in the past few days with dull eyes. Zhao Ling'er didn't care at all about the arrival of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

"Zhao Linger, look who I brought here."The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult shouted to the frustrated Zhao Ling'er.

King Miao looked at Zhao Ling'er in the room and asked in surprise,"Ling'er? Is this my daughter Linger?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked at King Miao and laughed and said,

"Ha ha....., Yes, King Miao, this is you and the high priest's daughter Zhao Ling'er, how about it? I have reunited your father and daughter. King Miao, should you thank me?"

"you......You actually caught my daughter a long time ago?"

He didn't expect that Zhao Ling'er had been caught by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult. King Miao looked at Zhao Ling'er in front of him with very complicated thoughts.

This daughter he had not seen for more than ten years now appeared in front of him, but I'm afraid this was The last meeting.

King Miao knew that the leader of the Moon Worshipers would sacrifice Zhao Ling'er to the water beast, but he was powerless.

King Miao's life and death were also in the hands of the leader of the Moon Worshipers. He did not dare to oppose what the leader of the Moon Worshipers wanted to do. everything

"King Miao, I was also the one who caught Zhao Ling'er two days ago. This seems to be God's will. Since you agreed to me sacrificing your daughter, I didn't expect that Zhao Ling'er would appear outside Dali City. It seems that God has agreed to my sacrifice. Zhao Linger."

Zhao Ling'er trembled when she heard the words of the Moon Worshiping Leader and King Miao.

She didn't expect that her father, King Miao, was also captured by the Moon Worshiping Leader.

However, when she heard the Moon Worshiping Leader said that she would sacrifice her to the water Warcraft, and even her so-called father agreed, which made Zhao Ling'er turn pale and shed tears.

Is this her father?

Is this the father she was desperate to save a few days ago?

Zhao Ling'er thinks she is too stupid. For a father who killed her mother, for a father who wanted to sacrifice her to the water monster, she would actually take action against Su Chen's daughter, and even fight against her life-and-death friend Butterfly Demon. Zhao Ling'er's eyes were blank. She wanted to die, but she no longer had the face to see Su Chen.

King Miao looked at the Moon Worshiping Leader anxiously and asked,"Moon Worshiping Leader, you have already captured Ling'er, why are you still arresting me?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult smiled and said mockingly,

"King Miao, after much thought, I still think it would be better for you and your family to die together. King Miao, you are no longer useful. The Nanzhao Kingdom has been destroyed, and you are also a bereaved dog. You have no use value to me at all."

"you.....You want to sacrifice me to the water monster too?"

"Guessed it!"

King Miao was frightened when he heard what the Moon Worshiping Leader said. He didn't expect that the Moon Worshiping Leader would also sacrifice him to the Water Monster.

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to be eaten by the Water Monster.

King Miao panicked. He shouted to the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult,

"No, no, Lord of the Moon Worshiping Cult, I have agreed to you sacrificing my daughter. You cannot sacrifice me to the water monster. I am the king of Nanzhao Kingdom, I am the king of the Black Miao Tribe, and I still have millions of people. My subjects, I can still make a comeback, but you cannot sacrifice me."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was very disdainful when he saw King Miao who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

"The king of Nanzhao? Black Miao King? Do you think you still are? All the troops in Nanzhao could not deal with the 50,000-strong black-armored army. The black-armored army of Lord Wu Xiang of Hangzhou City numbered 600,000 to 700,000."

"King Miao, why do you make a comeback? A useless Nanzhao king is used to sacrifice to the water monster, which is the best thing."

King Miao collapsed on the ground after hearing the words of the Moon Worshiping Leader.

He knew that he was dead this time.

It is impossible to change the things decided by the Moon Worshiping Leader. Is he really going to be sacrificed to water by the Moon Worshiping Leader?

"Lord of the Moon Worshiping Cult, are you and King Miao the same people who killed my mother?"

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