The three masters and disciples of Saint Aunt and Delia looked at Su Chen and were very confused.

They were the only ones here.

How could Su Chen hear the voices of other women?

After Su Chen looked at the women here, he then looked at Lin Qing'er's stone statue.

He understood that the woman's voice just now should have come from Lin Qing'er's stone statue, but why didn't other people hear it? This made Su Chen very confused.

"Your Majesty, do you think the sound was made by the high priest just now?"

The holy aunt saw Su Chen staring at the stone statue of the high priest, which made her feel that Su Chen might not have lied just now.

She guessed that the high priest might have a spirit in heaven, and the high priest might want to say something to Su Chen.

Anu, Gai Luojiao, and Delia all looked surprised.

The high priest had become a stone statue. How could the high priest make a sound? Or even just to Su Chen?

Su Yan was stunned when he heard the saint's words. Rushing to the stone statue, she didn't think her father would talk nonsense here. Could this stone statue really be alive?

"Lin Qinger!"

Su Chen shouted at the stone statue.

Su Chen also thought that Lin Qing'er's soul had not dissipated in the plot.

When Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao arrived,

Lin Qing'er used the soul-returning fairy dream technique to let Li Xiaoyao return. To rescue Zhao Ling'er as a child more than ten years ago.

After Shenggu and others heard Su Chen's cry, they all looked at the stone statue of Lin Qing'er without blinking. They all wanted to know if Lin Qing'er was dead. ?

"Who are you? Why do I feel yours is different?"

At this time, the woman's voice came out again.

After Su Chen heard the woman's voice, he was now 100% sure that it was Lin Qing'er's voice.

Su Chen looked at the stone statue and asked doubtfully,"Lin Qing'er. , are you dead or alive?

Lin Qing'er's soft voice said to Su Chen,"Me?" He should be considered dead. There is only a trace of my remnant soul in the stone statue. However, this remnant soul of mine will not last long."

"So that’s it, Lin Qing’er, what else do you have unfulfilled?"

"I want to know how my daughter is doing now?"

"Zhao Linger? She is very good, and she is also a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm. You don’t have to worry about your daughter."

"That's good, that's good," Lin Qing'er felt relieved when she heard that Zhao Ling'er had grown up safely and even her cultivation level was not low.

Shenggu and Delia just heard that Su Chen While talking to themselves, they still didn't hear the woman's voice.

This made them look at Su Chen and wonder, why could Su Chen communicate with Lin Qing'er's stone statue? Why couldn't they even hear the voice?

Delia Pulling Su Chen, he asked doubtfully,"Su Chen, why can't we hear Lin Qing'er's voice?"

Su Chen looked back at the girls and explained,

"That’s because your mental power is too low. Lin Qing’er is just a remnant soul. People with weak mental power cannot hear the sound transmission of Lin Qing’er’s mental power at all."

"Your Majesty, can the high priest be resurrected?"

The holy aunt looked at Su Chen and asked eagerly.

If it hadn't been for Su Chen's arrival this time, she really wouldn't have known that the high priest was not dead yet.

For more than ten years, the high priest might have been paying attention to all this, but Her cultivation level is too low, and it is impossible to communicate with the high priest. The holy aunt now very much hopes that Su Chen can resurrect the high priest.

Su Chen shook his head and replied,

"This is probably very difficult. The Shenyu Continent is just a world of immortal cultivation. There may be a way to resurrect Lin Qinger in the Shenyu Continent, but there is nothing I can do."

The Holy Aunt heard Su Chen's words and said in despair,"Is the high priest really hopeless?"

"It's not impossible, forget it, this method is too special, and the high priest Lin Qing'er may not be willing to"

"Your Majesty, what is the solution?"

Su Chen looked at Lin Qing'er's stone statue and felt very pity.

He wanted to save Lin Qing'er, but this is not the fairy world.

If it were in the fairy world,

I am afraid that any immortal could save Lin Qing'er, but here is In the Shenyu Continent, Su Chen did not have the elixir or magic to restore the soul body.

Su Chen also suddenly thought of the ruthless empress's sky-swallowing magic jar.

The sky-swallowing magic jar has a physique that can swallow everything, and the empresses in the sky-swallowing magic jar There are still a lot of special constitution essences that are not needed.

If Lin Qing'er absorbs the essence in the sky-swallowing magic jar, she may be able to repair her soul and even reassemble a body.

But the consequences of this will be that Lin Qing'er She is no longer Lin Qing'er, she will be like a new human being.

The new Lin Qing'er will no longer be a descendant of Nuwa, and has nothing to do with Zhao Ling'er's blood connection.

"Reshaping the soul means that even if Lin Qing'er is resurrected, she is not the original Lin Qing'er. The reshaping of the soul and body has nothing to do with the original Lin Qing'er."


Aunt Saint was confused when she heard what Su Chen said. After Lin Qing'er was resurrected, she was no longer Lin Qing'er. What should she do? If the high priest is no longer the high priest, what will happen to the Bai Miao people in the future?

Others also fell into deep thought after hearing Su Chen's words.

They also understood that

Su Chen's method was to let Lin Qing'er be reborn, but after rebirth, Lin Qing'er is a new human being. She and the previous Lin Qing'er It has nothing to do with it.

At this time,

Lin Qing'er's soft voice said to Su Chen,

"Su Chen, I will not use your method to resurrect. I am Lin Qing'er and a descendant of Nuwa. I will never give up this identity. Even if I really disappear in this world, I will have no regrets."

"Lin Qing'er, I respect your thoughts. I hope this spiritual stone can help you. I can only do so much for you."

Su Chen said to Lin Qing'er, he took out a top-quality spiritual stone and placed it on the forehead of Lin Qing'er's stone statue.

Although Lin Qing'er is a broken soul, the top-quality spiritual stone should have a certain effect on Lin Qing'er. It has a certain effect and can even alleviate the dissipation of Lin Qing'er's broken soul.

"Thanks a lot, I feel better than ever."

After the Saint Aunt heard Su Chen's words, she guessed that the high priest must have rejected Su Chen's method, which made the Saint Aunt feel even more uncomfortable.

A person's soul has been trapped in a stone statue for more than ten years, unable to move. Being able to move, the Holy Aunt was very heartbroken for the High Priest.

She didn't want the High Priest to continue like this, and she didn't want the High Priest's soul to completely dissipate in the future.

The Holy Aunt just walked to Lin Qing'er's stone statue. After bowing, she looked back at Su Chen and begged,

"Your Majesty, I agree, use your method to resurrect the high priest. The high priest has done enough for the Bai Miao people. I don’t want the high priest’s soul to completely dissipate. The high priest must have been very miserable these years, so let the high priest After the priest is resurrected, let's live a good life for herself!"

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