Su Chen did not take away Lin Qing'er's stone statue in the end.

This stone statue was no longer relevant.

Lin Qing'er would be a completely different person from the previous Lin Qing'er when she was reborn. Let Bai Miao continue to worship this stone statue.

Besides, Lin Qing'er will be resurrected in the future.

It is impossible for Lin Qing'er to return to Bai Miao. Su Chen will not let Lin Qing'er return to Bai Miao to serve as a high priest.

"Now that we can go back, we have to continue sending Delia to the Western Continent. Su Yan can also handle the matters here."

Su Chen looked around and then disappeared.

Nanzhao Kingdom has been conquered by Su Yan and Princess Che. He doesn't have to worry about the war. He has many women who can lead the army in war.

The threat of Nanzhao Kingdom There are only water monsters and the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, which is a piece of cake for the water unicorn beside Su Yan.

Even worse, there is Qingying beside Su Yan.

As long as Su Yan destroys the water monster and the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult today, Nan The Kingdom of Zhao will completely belong to him.

By the small lake in the valley, the followers of the Moon Worship Sect have tied Zhao Ling'er and King Miao to the altar by the lake.

At this moment,

Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian were fighting with each other. The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult fought fiercely.

After Li Xiaoyao came out of seclusion and learned that Zhao Ling'er had left, he went to find Zhao Ling'er regardless.

Jiu Jianxian was worried about Li Xiaoyao, so he had no choice but to follow Li Xiaoyao to Nanzhao Kingdom.

They As soon as they arrived near Dali City, they discovered that some believers of the Moon Worship Sect were sneaking around.

After they followed the followers of the Moon Worship Sect to this valley,

Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian discovered that Zhao Ling'er had been arrested, and they hurriedly took action to arrest him. Save Zhao Linger

"Two ignorant people, since you are seeking death, then don't blame this leader."

The leader of the worshiping moon did not expect that things would get out of hand. However, for a cultivator in the early stage of the distraction realm and a young monk in the golden elixir realm, the leader of the worshiping moon ignored them at all.

Li Xiaoyao took the spirit sword and pointed at worshiping the moon. The leader shouted loudly,

"Lord of the Moon Worshiping Cult, let go of Ling'er quickly, or today will be the day you die."

"Haha, a little Jindan realm dares to talk to this leader like this. It seems that you are tired of living."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult did not expect that a small golden elixir realm monk would dare to yell at him, so he waved his hand and hit Li Xiaoyao

"Be carefree, be careful, use your sword to conquer the devil!"


The Jiujianxian saw the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader attacking Li Xiaoyao.

He hurriedly used his sword to resist the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader's attack. The Moon Worshiping Cult Leader was even more powerful than him. If Li Xiaoyao was hit, he would probably suffer even if he didn't die. Seriously injured.

Li Xiaoyao hurriedly retreated after being saved by Jiujianxian.

It was too dangerous just now.

If his master hadn't rescued him in time, he might have been beaten into pieces by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

"Xiaoyao, use your sword skills to help me, I will deal with the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult"

"Yes, master!"

Boom boom boom.......

The Moon Worshiping Cult Leader and the Jiujianxian kept attacking each other, and Li Xiaoyao used sword control to constantly harass the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader.

Although the leader of the worshiping moon is at the peak of the distraction realm, the Shushan sword technique is very powerful. He cannot kill the Jiujianxian quickly for the moment, but as long as he figures out the sword technique of the Jiujianxian, the leader of the worshiping moon can Will kill the Brew Sword Fairy quickly.

At this moment,

Su Yan and Saint Aunt and the other girls also arrived. They saw the fighting at the lake, and even Zhao Ling'er and King Miao who were tied up on the high platform, they all stopped next to them.

"that? that? She is the daughter of the high priest."The saintly aunt looked at the tied Zhao Ling and said excitedly.

The saintly aunt was very excited when she saw the Jiujianxian at first. She didn't expect to meet the Jiujianxian here.

However, she saw the Jiujianxian on the high platform. After Zhao Ling'er was tied up, she became excited. She had seen Zhao Ling'er's portrait more than once, and the holy aunt would not allow Zhao Ling'er to be killed by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

"Yes, she is Zhao Linger."

Su Yan nodded expressionlessly after hearing the words of the holy aunt.

She didn't care about Zhao Ling'er's life or death.

Su Yan came here just to kill the water monster, and by the way, he also dealt with the leader of the worshiping moon and the worshiping moon of Nanzhao Kingdom. teach

"Anu, Gailuojiao, come with me to rescue Zhao Ling'er."

"Yes, master!"

Su Yan saw the three masters and disciples of Saint Aunt going to rescue Zhao Ling'er.

She waved her hand to the black-armored army behind and ordered,"Don't spare any members of the Moon Worship Sect. Kill them all!"

"Yes, Princess!"

"Water Qilin, go to the lake and kill the water monster"

"Ho ho ho!"



When the water unicorn heard Su Yan's order, he ducked and quickly entered the lake.

"Archers, crossbows, shoot!"

Swish swish swish".......

The Black Armored Legion also attacked. The 10,000 Black Armored Legion shot and killed the Moon Worshipers while advancing forward.

More than 3,000 Moon Worshipers were massacred by the three masters and disciples of the Holy Aunt.

At this time, the attack of the Black Armor Legion caused heavy casualties to the Moon Worshipers.

"Damn it, why did the Black Armor Legion come here? Holy Aunt Bai Miao? If I had known better, I should have killed that old woman earlier."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult suddenly saw the arrival of the holy aunt, and even the appearance of the black-armored legion, which made him panic.

The black-armored legion appeared before the sacrifice began. I am afraid that the water monster has been informed by the holy aunt of Bai Miao. Black-armored Legion, his plan may have completely failed.

"Holy aunt?"

"Master, we have the help of the army. The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has panicked. We take the opportunity to kill him."

"We can't kill the leader of the Moon Worshipers, Xiaoyao, let's entangle the leader of the Moon Worshipers first and don't let him escape."

"Yes, master!"

Jiu Jianxian and Li Xiaoyao also discovered that Holy Aunt Bai Miao and the black-armored army were helping them. Although they wondered why the holy aunt and the black-armored army arrived, after all, they were allies against the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult. They also tried their best. Haunt the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult and prevent him from escaping.

Boom boom boom.....

Ho ho ho.....

At this time, a powerful battle also broke out in the lake. The powerful fighting aura caused the entire lake to explode, and the roars of the water monsters and water unicorns were even more deafening.

Su Yan looked at the battle by the lake, and then at the battle in the lake. She didn't care about these battles at all.

With the Black Armor Legion, none of the believers of the Moon Worship Sect can escape.

She does not have to worry about the battle between the water unicorn and the water monster. If the water unicorn in the Mahayana realm cannot kill the water monster, then the water unicorn will be too useless. There is no value in cultivating water unicorns.

Su Yan looked at the mermaid Delia beside him and said with a smile,"Auntie, will you come back after you return to the Western Continent?"

"Yan'er, I'm not your aunt."Delia corrected with a blush on her face when she heard Su Yan's words.

Delia was also speechless to Su Yan.

This little girl kept calling her aunt. Delia said many times that she was not, but Su Yan I don't believe it at all.

It's all because of that shameless pervert Su Chen.

If that bastard Su Chen hadn't been teasing her so much, Delia wouldn't have been misunderstood by this little girl Su Yan.

"hehe......, Auntie, I don’t believe that you will be my aunt sooner or later."

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