By the lake,

Su Chen suddenly appeared not far from the lake.

He looked around and walked to Su Yan's side. I'm afraid the war here will be over soon. Su Chen also planned to destroy the water monster and Baiyue. After becoming the leader, he took the mermaid Delia and continued on his way to the Western Continent.

When Su Chen heard Su Yan's question, he smiled and replied,

"I will take Delia to the Western Continent soon. Yan'er, you can only stay outside for two years. After two years, you will return home to Hangzhou City. At that time, I will take you to a fun place. Your aunts will also go"

"What fun place?"Su Yan asked suspiciously after hearing Su Chen's words.

"You will know in two years. If you want to know earlier, then ask your Aunt Butterfly, she has been to that place"

"Oh, I'll ask Aunt Butterfly soon."

Boom boom boom......

At this time, a huge water unicorn appeared on the lake and bit another huge monster.

The water in the lake was also dyed red with blood. The battle between the two huge monsters shook the valley and the lake, and the lake water splashed out.

Ho ho ho.....

The water unicorn grabbed the water monster's throat with one claw and kept roaring.

The water monster has been defeated by the water unicorn.

It only takes a moment for the water unicorn to kill the water monster. However, the water unicorn wanted Su Yan to see its power, so he dragged the water monster out of the lake.

"This idiot!"

Su Yan looked at Shui Qilin and patted his forehead.

She also guessed that Shui Qilin was asking for credit. Su Yan was speechless at Shui Qilin's stupidity.

Su Chen smiled when he looked at Shui Qilin's look. When he got up, he also guessed that the water unicorn was asking for credit from Su Yan.

However, it was good for Su Yan to be able to control the water unicorn. Although the water unicorn was a unicorn with impure blood, if the water unicorn could protect Su Yan with peace of mind in the future, Su Yan would Chen doesn’t mind improving the water unicorn’s bloodline either

"Haha, Yan'er, it seems that you are doing well with the water unicorn. The water unicorn is actually trying to please you."

Su Yan shouted in embarrassment after hearing Su Chen's words,"Water Qilin, kill the water monster quickly, don't be embarrassed here."

Ho ho ho!



After the water unicorn heard Su Yan's order, it waved its huge claws and smashed the water monster's head. The water monster died completely without even screaming. By the lake, when the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult saw the water monster being killed, he was so frightened that he wanted to escape quickly. However, the Jiu Sword Immortal kept pestering him. If the Moon Worshiping Cult dared to turn around and run away, he might be killed by the Jiu Sword Immortal. He was also very anxious after being injured.

Su Yan saw the water unicorn destroying the water monster. She looked at the three masters and apprentices of the saint and Zhao Ling'er who were stopped by the black armored army.

Su Yan smiled at Su Chen and asked ,"Dad, Zhao Ling’er is here, don’t you want to see him?"

Su Chen looked at Zhao Ling'er and then touched Su Yan's hair and said,

"No need. Since she has taken action against you, she will no longer have anything to do with me. Yan'er, don't tell your aunts about this matter. After all, Zhao Ling'er had a good relationship with me before. Let's end this matter here."

"Okay, but this is how you want to compensate me?"Su Yan rolled her eyes and blackmailed Su Chen.

This is a good opportunity to blackmail her father.

Su Yan knows that her father has a lot of treasures in his hands.

If she doesn't use this opportunity to blackmail her father, Su Yan will Sorry for calling her the little devil.

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard Su Yan's words. This girl is trying to blackmail him again. This girl is getting more and more ghostly.

"what do you want?"

Su Yan rubbed his little hands and said with a smile,"Ling Bao, I want a powerful Ling Bao."

Su Chen shook his head and explained to Su Yan,

"A powerful spiritual treasure? Yan'er, there can't be spiritual treasures in this continent, and I can't take out the spiritual treasures in my hand now. So, I promise you, if you get to the fairy world, how about I give you two powerful spiritual treasures?"

"That's it! Then I want the Five Spirit Pearls now"

"Okay, I'll give you the five spirit beads, and this golden bell. Give this to your sister when you see her."

"Haha, thank you dad."

Su Chen laughed after taking Wu Ling'er and the golden bell.

Although Wu Ling'er is not strong now after being sealed, his ability is not weak either. Su Yan mainly thinks that Wu Ling'er is very beautiful and beautiful, and she just hangs it on her wrist. It’s also a good pendant

"Su Chen, do I have something to say to you?"

At this time,

Zhao Ling'er shouted to Su Chen in the distance.

Su Chen frowned when he heard Zhao Ling'er's shout.

He didn't want to see Zhao Ling'er again, and he didn't want to hear any explanation from Zhao Ling'er. Zhao Ling'er had no relationship with him anymore. It’s related

"Yan'er, I'm leaving with Delia. Please pay attention to safety in whatever you do in the future."

"I know Dad."

Su Yan looked at Zhao Ling'er and guessed that her father didn't want to see that woman Zhao Ling'er again.

This Zhao Ling'er was just like Zhen Mi back then.


Zhen Mi had corrected herself, and Zhen Mi didn't make a move against her, and so did Su Yan. She accepted Zhen Mi again.

But Zhao Ling'er was different.

She had no friendship with Zhao Ling'er at all, and

Zhao Ling'er dared to attack her.

Su Yan did not let Shui Qilin kill Zhao Ling'er on the spot. She also considered Zhao Ling'er as her father's friend. Su Yan Yan Ke would not speak for Zhao Ling'er.

Su Chen hugged Delia beside him and nodded to Su Yan before disappearing. Su Yan was a little unhappy when she saw Su Chen disappear. In the Shen Yun Continent, Su Chen He didn't have much time with her. Su Yan looked at the still fighting leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, Houjiu Sword Immortal. She shouted expressionlessly,"Shui Qilin, kill the Moon Worshiping Cult!"


"Ho ho ho!"

At this time,

Zhao Ling'er did not wait for Su Chen's reply.

She saw that Su Chen disappeared with a woman.

Zhao Ling'er slumped on the ground with a pale face. She knew that Su Chen could not forgive her for his attack on Su Yan. Zhao Ling'er also hated her impulsiveness a few days ago.


Aunt Saint saw Zhao Linger's remorseful look, and she didn't know how to persuade Zhao Linger. She didn't know why

Zhao Linger took action against Princess Su Yan, but Zhao Linger took action against Su Yan, so it would be impossible for Su Chen to forgive Zhao Linger. , thank God that Su Chen didn't take action against Zhao Ling'er.

Zhao Ling'er stood up and said with a cold face,"I have nothing to do, Holy Aunt, take me to see my mother's stone statue.""

"All right!"

The Holy Aunt nodded when she heard Zhao Ling'er's words.

However, the Holy Aunt just forgot to ask Su Chen if he had resurrected the high priest.

She could only wait until the priest's temple to see if the stone statue of the high priest was still there.

If the high priest was still there, The priest's stone statue was gone, and the holy aunt explained to Zhao Ling'er about the high priest's resurrection. If the high priest's stone god was still there, it meant that the high priest did not agree to let Su Chen resurrect her.

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