Mermaid Kingdom, the second line of defense. As soon as the Mermaid Queen arrived at the second line of defense with her guards, she discovered her daughter Delia. Delia came back intact, which made the Mermaid Queen very happy.


"Mother, I'm back!"

Delia heard the Mermaid Queen's cry, and she happily ran over and hugged the Mermaid Queen. Holy shit!

Is this Delia's mother?

Why is she so young and beautiful?

Su Chen was very excited when he saw the Mermaid Queen. The surprise, noble temperament, long sea-blue hair, beautiful face, proud figure, beautiful golden fish tail, especially the revealing dress worn by the mermaid queen made Su Chen very tempted.


Delia's mother is too young.

If it weren't for the Mermaid Queen's mature and steady temperament, Su Chen would definitely think that the Mermaid Queen is Delia's sister.

"Delia, where have you been for more than half a year?"The Mermaid Queen hugged Delia for a while and then asked doubtfully.

After hearing what her mother said, Delia hurriedly said,"Mom, it's like this. Last time I was caught by humans and sold to the Eastern Continent. In the Eastern Continent, I......"

The Mermaid Queen was frightened when she heard Delia's words.

She did not expect that Delia would be caught by humans and even sold to the Eastern Continent.

But who is Su Chen?

Why does Delia look so happy when talking about Suchen? Couldn't that human being bewitched Delia?

Boom boom boom......

At this time, the warships of the Sunset Empire were still bombarding here, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

After the Mermaid Queen heard the sound of the explosion, she knew that the human and tiger shark armies were about to attack. The

Mermaid Queen hurriedly said to Delia,

"Delia, please leave here quickly. Our mermaid kingdom may be destroyed. You must leave. You are the future of our mermaid kingdom. You must lead the mermaids in the mermaid kingdom who are not yet adults to escape from here.

Delia shook her head and asked,"Mother, why did the tiger shark clan and humans launch a war against us?""

"Aren’t those greedy humans just after money? Humans want to capture us mermaids and sell them in the mainland. War is just a way for humans to plunder our mermaids."

"Mother, you are a Dharma God of the Holy Earth. Can't you also deal with the incoming enemy?

"Delia, this time humans have two powerful Holy Earth Dharma Gods and Fighting Gods. I can only deal with one Sacred Earth Dharma God, and I can't do anything with the two."

The Mermaid Queen is also very helpless.

What appears this time are two powerful sacred earth magic gods and fighting gods. Their auras have been locked on her.

When the Mermaid Queen arrives in the second line of defense, those two powerful humans may I have also discovered that there will probably be a powerful battle soon.

The Mermaid Queen does not want Delia to die here, or even be caught again by those greedy humans.

The future of the mermaid tribe depends on Delia. , she could only hold back those powerful beings among humans, so as to buy time for Delia and the young mermaid to escape.

Delia was also very speechless after hearing her mother's words.

She did not expect that humans would actually dispatch two powerful mermaids. There are not many people in the human empire, such as the Holy Earth Dharma God and the Holy Earth Fighting God.

There are even some empires that do not have such powerful people at all.

However, this time, fortunately, Su Chen came with her.

Su Chen’s She was powerful, but she knew that the two powerful Holy Earth Law God and Fighting God were no match for Su Chen.

Delia pulled the Mermaid Queen and said with a smile,

"Haha, mother, you don’t have to worry, I have brought a helper this time. Neither the Holy Earth God of Law nor the Holy Earth God of Fighting will be my friend’s opponent, so you can rest assured."

"Um? Humanity? An intermediate magician (Grand Master)?"

When the Mermaid Queen heard what Delia said, she looked at Su Chen next to her.

The Mermaid Queen did not expect that Delia would come back with a human.

However, this human being was so weak. How could he help the Mermaid Queen? ?

A mermaid swam over quickly and shouted,"Queen, the second line of defense is about to be undefendable. What should we do?""

At this time,

Su Chen shook his head after checking the situation of the war.

If the mermaid had no accident, this war would have been lost.

The tiger shark tribe and the human army are simply not something that the mermaid army can compete with, and There are many more powerful tiger sharks and humans than there are powerful people in the mermaid kingdom.

Many mermaids have been arrested, and there are less than 20,000 mermaids left. How can there be more than 100,000 tiger sharks? and the human alliance.

Su Chen looked back at the Mermaid Queen and ordered,"Order all your mermaid armies to retreat here."

"What did you say?"

The Mermaid Queen originally wanted Delia to leave quickly, but before she could say anything, Su Chen's words surprised her. Su Chen continued with a serious face,"If you don't want your mermaid army to be killed or attacked. Catch, you should order the rest of the mermaid army to retreat here."

"Mother, listen to Su Chen, quickly order the troops to move back."


"Mother, believe me, Su Chen will help us fight off the tiger shark clan and the human army."

Delia saw that her mother was still hesitating, and she hurriedly assured the Mermaid Queen that

Delia knew Su Chen's strength very well, especially along the way, she had seen Su Chen's powerful strength.

Su Chen With her strength, it is a piece of cake to deal with the combined forces of tiger sharks and humans. She also does not want the mermaids to be caught or killed by humans. The

Mermaid Queen thought about it and hurriedly ordered,"Liya, order the rest of our mermaid army to retreat to here."

She looked at Su Chen and shook her head.

The Mermaid Queen didn't know if Su Chen could save the Mermaid Kingdom, but there was no way. The second line of defense could no longer be defended, and retreat would be a matter of time.

Mermaid The Queen is also a dead horse acting as a living doctor

"Yes, Queen!"

Woo woo woo......

The Mermaid Girl's conch horn sounded. When the fighting mermaids heard the horn sound, they all hurriedly broke away from the battle and retreated to the innermost part of the second line of defense.

Delia came to Su Chen and said with a smile,"Su Chen, those two powerful humans will be handed over to you in a moment. You must kill those two powerful humans."

Su Chen crossed his arms to his chest. She smiled and said,"Delia, those two powerful humans are in the Fusion Realm (Holy Earth Dharma God), do you think I can defeat them?"

"Su Chen, if you kill those two powerful humans, I.....I'll let you touch my fish tail just once"


"Humph, you are a shameless pervert, it’s true!"

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