The Mermaid Queen looked at the surrounding tiger shark clan and human army, and her expression changed.

The combined army of more than 100,000 people made the Mermaid Queen very worried, and two powerful auras stared at her. The Mermaid Queen also guessed The two most powerful humans are also preparing to take action.

However, the Mermaid Queen heard Su Chen's muttering next to her, which made her look at Su Chen with beautiful eyes and felt surprised.

She did not expect that Su Chen wanted to kill the eldest prince of the Sunset Empire, and even two powerful humans were prepared to kill him. killed.

Su Chen was even planning whether the Sunset Empire would change and whether it would be attacked by other empires. The Mermaid Queen somewhat believed that Su Chen said there was a powerful human being.

The Mermaid Queen thought for a while and said to Su Chen,

"Su Chen, the two strong men in the human race have been wary of me. If you can defeat the two strong men in the human race, what will you do with these combined armies?"

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard the words of the Mermaid Queen.

The Mermaid Queen is a powerful god, the God of Earth. The combined army here should be a piece of cake for the Mermaid Queen. Has the Mermaid Queen forgotten her? But this war The protagonist? Why does he have to do everything?

"Isn’t this also you? Queen, you are a powerful holy earth magic god. Are you still unable to deal with these armies?"


The Mermaid Queen was stunned when she heard Su Chen's words.

Didn't this bastard just say that he wanted to kill the eldest prince of the Sunset Empire, and also kill the two strong men among humans? Didn't the coalition army also fall under the jurisdiction of this bastard? ?Why is she now asked to take action against the combined army of tiger sharks and humans?

Isn't this bastard just boasting?

"yes! You don't want me to deal with these armies too?"

"I......., I understand, as long as you can deal with those two powerful humans, I will deal with the rest of the army"

"Don't worry, leave those two strong human beings to me."

The Mermaid Queen said to Su Chen with a cold face,

"I hope you do what you say."

The Mermaid Queen can only count on Su Chen now. If Su Chen can really kill two powerful humans, she can also deal with the remaining coalition of humans and tiger sharks.

Delia smiled. Looking at Su Chen, she was very satisfied that Su Chen could agree to help the Mermaid Kingdom deal with the strongest among humans.

Although Su Chen is a perverted bastard, this bastard is really a person that people can rely on.

"Mermaid Queen, surrender immediately, otherwise the Mermaid Kingdom will completely disappear into the Aegean Sea this time."

At this time, the eldest prince Chris of the Sunset Empire appeared outside the second line of defense with some strong men and shouted.

Su Chen looked at the eldest prince Chris in the distance and mocked,"Young boy, come back if you come from there. Go there, otherwise your life may be left here"

"Um? Humanity? Boy, why did you appear in the mermaid kingdom?"

The eldest prince Chris did not expect that a human would appear in the mermaid kingdom.

This surprised the eldest prince Chris.

The mermaid kingdom is very repulsive to humans. How did this human appear in the mermaid kingdom? The mermaid queen did not kill this person either. Humans didn't even expel this human?

Su Chen pretended to be very arrogant and mocked,"I am in the Mermaid Kingdom. Do I need you, a pretty boy, to take care of me?""

The eldest prince Chris heard Su Chen call him a pretty boy, which made him very angry,"You are presumptuous, I am the eldest prince of the Sunset Empire, and I am also the first heir to the Sunset Empire. You kid wants to die. ?"

Su Chen said disdainfully when he heard the threat from the eldest prince Chris,"Oh? Pretty boy, can you kill me?"

Bruce, the Holy Earth God of Magic, looked at Su Chen and frowned.

He also didn't expect that there would be humans in the Mermaid Kingdom, and this human was very weird. With the strength of an intermediate magician, how could he be free in the sea? Breathing and movement?

This human being was not enchanted. How come he was not affected at all in the sea?

Bruce thought about it and reminded the eldest prince,"Your Highness, this person may be from the Eastern Continent. I am in his body." There is no magic element or fighting spirit perceived."

The eldest prince Chris was very surprised when he heard Bruce's words.

The Eastern Continent is the most powerful continent in the Divine Fall Continent. It is far from being comparable to other continents. If he provokes the immortal cultivators of the Eastern Continent, I am afraid that his eldest prince His status was about to come to an end.

The eldest prince Chris looked ugly and asked hurriedly,"Eastern Continent? Is this bastard a cultivator from the Eastern Continent?"

Bruce reminded the eldest prince with a serious face,

"No, Your Highness, this person only has the strength of an intermediate magician, but he is probably protected by powerful immortal cultivators. The immortal cultivators in the Eastern Continent are very powerful and mysterious. We can't tell whether there are powerful immortal cultivators hiding next to him. Know."

The eldest prince Chris asked hurriedly in anger,"Damn it, why did something unexpected happen? Could this bastard be the young master of a powerful family in the Eastern Continent?"


The eldest prince's face was ugly and helpless.

He was very worried about Su Chen's identity.

If this bastard was not the young master of a powerful force or family, he would not be too worried.

He is now afraid that this bastard is a powerful force or family. As the heir, he will offend a powerful cultivator force or family, which will be a disaster for him and the Sunset Empire.

"Boy, you have nothing to do here. If you leave, Chris, the great prince of the Sunset Empire, can be your friend."

"friend? You are not qualified yet."

Su Chen was also very surprised when he heard what the eldest prince Chris said.

How could this eldest prince let him go?

Did the eldest prince of the Sunset Empire have a brain convulsion? Or did the two strong men discover his hidden cultivation?

The Mermaid Queen looked at Su Chen very unexpectedly.

The Mermaid Queen did not expect that Su Chen's arrogance would make the prince of the Sunset Empire very wary of him. The identity and strength of this bastard seemed really mysterious. The mermaids around him They also looked at Su Chen.

They did not expect that Su Chen would mock the eldest prince of the Sunset Empire like this, but the eldest prince of the Sunset Empire would let Su Chen go. They were all very curious about Su Chen's identity.

The eldest prince Ke When Reese heard Su Chen's insult to him, he couldn't help but threaten Su Chen,

"you......, don’t push yourself too far. The Mermaid Kingdom has been surrounded by more than 100,000 troops of mine. I’ve been tolerant enough to you. Don’t force me to take action against you."

"Haha, more than 100,000 troops? Pretty boy, do you think I care about these more than 100,000 troops?"

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