Under the sea of ​​the Aegean, the mermaid army, led by Delia, quickly retreated to the second line of defense.

The battle between the Mermaid Queen and Bruce is getting more and more intense, and Delia is also worried that the mermaid army will be affected by the powerful battle. The eldest prince Chris kept thinking when he saw Su Chen hearing his threat. He felt that Su Chen should be frightened. There are six powerful holy earth magic gods and fighting gods in the church, and there is even one Holy Sky Dharma God. This is the most powerful force in the Western Continent. The eldest prince feels that it is impossible for Su Chen to kill him and provoke the Holy Church.

"Your Excellency, as long as you let me go, I can give you half of the mermaids I captured this time, and you can even gain the friendship of the Sunset Empire and the Holy Church."

"Are you finished?"Su Chen curled his lips and asked after hearing the eldest prince's words,

"Are you still not satisfied?"

"I am satisfied with your size, eldest prince, do you think I will be afraid of the Holy Church? You will die no matter what this time"

"Damn it, you can't live even if you kill me"

"There is no need for you, the great prince, to worry about this."

The eldest prince Chris looked at Su Chen with an ugly face.

He didn't expect that Su Chen would kill him. Money, beauty, and even noble status, this bastard didn't care at all. The eldest prince Chris touched his neck. He was very helpless about the necklace.

This was a special treasure given to him by his aunt, and it was also a must-win item when participating in the selection of the Holy Son of the Holy Court. If he used this treasure now, he would lose the chance to compete for the Holy Son of the Holy Court. qualifications

"Bastard, you bastard, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, just die."

The eldest prince Chris pulled off the necklace around his neck and crushed it into pieces.



A beam of light suddenly shone from the sky to the bottom of the sea.

The entire sea was shaken by the beam and kept rolling, and the giants on the sea The waves were also beating violently one after another.

Under the sea, the mermaid army was staggered by the sea water, and some mermaids were even knocked against the stone wall.

The Mermaid Queen and Bruce also stopped fighting, and they looked at the sky. The light beam coming down was also very surprising.

"Su Chen, what happened?"The Mermaid Queen quickly came to Su Chen and asked doubtfully,

"There must be a clone of an immortal from the immortal world coming to the lower world."

Su Chen's face was also very ugly. He didn't expect that the eldest prince had a treasure that could summon the immortals from the lower realm.

This is difficult to deal with.

The immortal clones from the lower realm of the immortal world are at least in the realm of transcending tribulations. He is not in the realm of transcending tribulations yet. The opponent of the immortal clone.

The Mermaid Queen was surprised when she heard Su Chen's words and said,

"Fairyland? You are talking about the God Realm, right? How could the Great Prince Chris summon the Divine Realm of God Realm?"

Su Chen shook his head and said,

"The eldest prince Chris is the nephew of the Pope of the Holy See. Perhaps the Holy See gave Chris a life-saving treasure. The gods in the lower realm of the gods should have been summoned by that treasure."

"What to do?"

Su Chen looked at the beautiful mermaid queen beside him, but there was nothing he could do.

He could not be his opponent in the god of the gods.

Su Chen thought about it and decided to lure this god away. As long as he got to the Eastern Continent, the little fox, Guanyin Bodhisattva , Wudang Madonna, even Qingying can deal with this god

"Mermaid Queen, I will lure away the gods from the lower world in a moment, and you will destroy all the human armies on the sea without leaving any one behind."

The Mermaid Queen looked at Su Chen and asked worriedly,"You.....Are you sure?"

The Mermaid Queen did not expect that Su Chen would lure away the incoming god.

This is very dangerous.

It is not certain whether Su Chen can escape the pursuit of the god.


Su Chen will lure away the incoming god for her mermaid kingdom. , she was also very moved by Su Chen, a stranger.

Su Chen looked at the light beam and shouted,"I'm pretty sure, but there's nothing I can do about it. The gods from the divine world are coming soon, and I can't care anymore." So much"

"Then be careful"

"I know that if I tell Delia that she promised me to touch her fish tail, I will do it again in the future. This time I may escape back to the Eastern Continent, and I will not say goodbye to Delia."

The Mermaid Queen was surprised when she heard Su Chen's words and shouted,"What? Delia promised you to touch her fish tail? How is this possible? You are not allowed to touch her tail."

Can the mermaid's tail be touched casually?

Damn it,

Delia doesn't like this human, right?

How is this possible?

Mermaids cannot intermarry with humans. Humans are very insidious and cunning. Although Su Chen She saved their mermaid kingdom, but she couldn't allow Suchen and Delia to marry.

"Then I can touch you!"

Su Chen said and quickly hugged the mermaid queen to control her.

He reached out and touched the golden fish tail of the mermaid queen. The golden and smooth fish tail was very comfortable for Su Chen to touch. It was like touching Like smooth jade

"Bastard, I'll kill you!"

The Mermaid Queen was hugged by Su Chen, and this bastard even touched her fish tail.

This made her confused for a moment.

She was actually touched by a human?

In an instant, the Mermaid Queen's face turned red. She felt that her body was limp and powerless.

Su Chen held the arrogant Mermaid Queen in his arms. He looked at the angry and blushing Mermaid Queen and wanted to kiss her, but Su Chen did not dare to kiss the Mermaid Queen rashly. He was also afraid of kissing the Mermaid Queen.

This beautiful mermaid queen was completely annoyed.

If the mermaid queen turned against him, there would be trouble in the future.

Su Chen touched the mermaid queen's fish tail for a while and then laughed and said,

"Haha, it feels good, Mermaid Queen, see you later. There are many mermaid captives on the sea who still need you to rescue, so I will send you there for free."


Su Chen said and moved the Mermaid Queen out. If the Mermaid Queen stayed, I'm afraid she would fight with him. This is not what Su Chen wants to see.

"Space prison!"


Su Chen looked at Bruce next to him, and he immediately used the space prison to imprison Bruce too.

"Leave with me!"

Su Chen appeared in front of the eldest prince Chris in an instant. He grabbed the trash with one hand and rushed out of the sea.

The gods from the lower realm of the gods must save the eldest prince Chris first, so Su Chen could only hold the eldest prince Chris hostage and lead him away. The coming god.


At this time, the light of the light pillar suddenly burst out with a burst of bright light, and a blond woman with a pair of white wings on her back suddenly appeared on the sea. Holy shit!

Is this an angel?

Or a birdman?

Su Chen He was also very confused when he saw a blond beauty with a pair of white wings suddenly appear, even wearing a pair of silver armor.

"Are you an angel? Or Birdman?"

"Heretic, you are seeking death!"

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