Youji shook her head when she heard Baguio's words.

She had also heard about what happened at Qingyun Sect, and after the Ghost King learned that the leader of Qingyun Sect, Daoxuan, had died, even the sect-protecting sacred beast Shui Qilin was abducted. But I was happy for several days.

You Ji is also very curious about Su Chen, who is so powerful!

Elite army!

There is even a powerful immortal background.

How did Wu Xiangjun and Su Chen Youngqing do it?

How did Baguio meet Wu Xiangjun Su Chen?

Youji looked at Baguio's indignant look, and she felt that the relationship between Baguio and Wu Xiangjun was not simple.

Baguio only wanted to meet Su Chen at Qingyunmen for a few days, so why was she so resentful of Su Chen?

"Baguio, tell me honestly, are you in love with that Wu Xiangjun Su Chen?"

Baguio hurriedly shouted after hearing You Ji's words,

"No, how is that possible? How could I like that shameless bastard?"


"Of course it's true, that bastard is a horny bastard."

Youji took a sip of tea and said with a smile,

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to ask you"

"However, Wu Xiangjun Su Chen is also good. Su Chen is not only powerful, but his army is also unable to fight back against the Song Empire. It will be a matter of time for the Song Empire to be destroyed."

"Su Chen will be the emperor of a new empire in the future. If you fall in love with Su Chen, Baguio, I believe your father will not object."

When Baguio heard You Ji's words, she lowered her head with her face flushed.

Although Baguio had some affection for Su Chen, she had never thought about marrying Su Chen.

Besides, that bastard was a shameless person. Damn, how could she fall in love with that bastard Su Chen?


Baguio has never forgotten Su Chen.

During this period of time,

Baguio has been thinking about her and Su Chen’s past in Qingyun City. Could it be that she really likes that person? Are you a bastard?

On the warship,

Su Chen and Angelite also came up.

This warship is really expensive, costing five hundred gold coins per person, which is hundreds of times more expensive than taking a boat in the Eastern Continent.

On the warship,

Angelette saw that the succubus who was following them also came onto the warship.

She looked at Su Chen and teased,

"Your succubus beauty has also come up. It seems that the succubus beauty has taken a liking to you."

Su Chen looked at the succubus coming behind him and said,"That's because my young master is so charming."

Angelette heard Su Chen's words and mocked disdainfully,"Tsk, you're very charming? I think the succubus won't give up until she kills you."

"There were many beauties who wanted to kill me before, but in the end they all loved me with all their hearts."

Su Chen looked at the arrogant Angelite and smiled.

What Su Chen said this time was true.

In Tianxuan Continent,

Shi Guanyin wanted to kill him,

Shui Rou (Mrs. Ye Di) wanted to kill him, and what else could he do? There are Yaoyue, Jellyfish Yinji, etc. These beautiful and peerless beauties all wanted to kill him in the beginning.

Aren’t they all his wives now?

Su Chen felt very strange when he thought about it.

Most of his wives From the beginning, he wanted to kill himself. Is this the so-called beating, kissing, scolding, or love?

Does killing count as beating?

Angelette was very ashamed and angry when she heard Su Chen's words.

What does this bastard mean? She wants to kill Will this bastard fall in love with this bastard in the future?

How is this possible?

Angelette glared at Suchen and sneered,"Tsk! Do you think I would like a mortal?"

"Hey, you're being sentimental, I didn't tell you anything"

"Do you want to die?"

Su Chen curled his lips and said,

"Come on, I won’t say anything anymore. Angelette, as long as you can’t defeat me, will you only threaten me?"

"Huh, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Angelit felt a little embarrassed when she heard Su Chen's words.

She seemed to have said a lot of things about killing this bastard, but it was all because of this heretic.

If it weren't for the irritating words this heretic said, she would have kept asking. Do you mean to kill this bastard?

"The ship is sailing, the ship is sailing!"

At this time, the warship started to move.

Su Chen walked to the side of the ship and looked at the sea in the distance and felt confused.

Every time he took a boat, accidents would happen, and there were no exceptions.

Su Chen was also worried that something would happen again this time. What kind of accident happened? This place is close to the Northern Continent. If an accident happens to this warship, the trouble will be much more dangerous than before.

"Are you worried? Or are you afraid of the sea?"

Angelit was very confused when she saw Su Chen's uneasy look.

This bastard was not even afraid of her pursuit, so why was he worried on the boat?

Is this heretic afraid of the sea water?

Su Chen looked at Angelique He said specifically about worry,

"I'm afraid the boat will sink. Angelette rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said,"Your worries are unnecessary. This route is very safe. Sea monsters do not dare to approach the Northern Continent.""

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Angelette's words and explained,"Angelette, let me tell you, I have never been able to reach my destination safely on a boat, and accidents usually happen halfway."

"How many times have you been on a boat?"

Angelit was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

This bastard has never reached the destination safely in a boat? Does this heretic always sink the ship every time he takes a boat?

"Many times!"

"Didn’t you reach your destination safely even once?"

"No, all the boats I've been on sank midway."

Angelit was speechless when she heard Su Chen's words,"I'm afraid you are attracted by the goddess of misfortune."

Angelit is now also worried that something will happen to this warship.

This bastard is simply obsessed with the goddess of misfortune. If the ship will continue to have accidents this time.

Even if the ship sinks,

Su Chen's luck will be really bad. When

Su Chen heard Angelette's words, he asked doubtfully,"Goddess of Doom?" Benshaba?"

"Do you actually know Beshaba, the goddess of misfortune?"

Angel Angelite was very surprised when she looked at Su Chen.

The goddess of misfortune, Benshaba, is impossible for humans to know about her in the Holy Continent. The Greek gods also don't know about the world of Godfall Continent. How is it possible for Su Chen? Know the goddess of misfortune Benshaba?

Suchen did not expect that Angelette actually knew the goddess of misfortune.

Isn’t the goddess of misfortune a god in Greek mythology?

Angels should be gods in Christian mythology.

Is it possible that there are not only gods in Christian mythology in the Western divine world? There are even gods in Greek mythology.

Are there also gods in Nordic mythology?

Su Chen looked at Angelite and said disdainfully,"Tch, I also know Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom."

"who are you? You can't be from the Godfall Continent"

"Hey hey hey! Angelette, if I tell you who I am, I might scare you."

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