In the sea, after the sea monster reveals its entire body from the sea, the sea monster hundreds of meters long is very scary.

Moreover, this sea monster actually has eight heads like dragon heads, eight huge snake tails, and eyes like red lanterns. It is bright red, its back is covered with moss and broken wood, eight dragons have eight-colored clouds floating on their heads, and its body is as huge as eight mountain peaks.

Su Chen looked at the whole picture of the sea monster and blurted out,

"Holy shit, this is actually Yamata no Orochi."

Su Chen didn't expect that the evil god from Japan would appear here and be so powerful.

Yamata no Orochi, it's not that easy to kill this monster.

Angelite asked in confusion when she heard Su Chen's exclamation,"Yama no Orochi? Do you know this sea monster?"

Su Chen nodded and replied,

"I've heard, Angelette, I'm afraid you can't kill this big sea monster, Yamata no Orochi."

The scales of Yamata-no-Orochi are so hard that ordinary spiritual weapons cannot break through the scales of Yamata-no-Orochi.

And even though one head of Yamata-no-Orochi was beheaded, as long as the other heads are still there, the scales of Yamata-no-Orochi will be broken." The beheaded head will grow back.

Unless the eight dragon heads of the Yamata-no-orochi are cut off at the same time, the Yamata-orochi can be killed.

Otherwise, the Yamata-no-Orochi cannot be killed because the eight dragons have hard scales. Qi Orochi is as hard to kill as Xiaoqiang.

Angelite looked at Su Chen and said mockingly,

"Humph, you don’t need to provoke me, I can’t possibly kill this Yamata no Orochi."

"what ever!"

Su Chen shook his head and ignored Angelette.

Although he couldn't defeat the Yamata-no Orochi, if he ran away, the Yamata-no Orochi wouldn't be able to catch up with him.

The succubus stood next to Su Chen, and she looked hundreds of meters away. The tall Yamata no Orochi is very powerless. With its powerful terrifying aura, extremely hard scales, and even its huge body, the Yamata no Orochi is simply not something humans and their demons can deal with.

Boom boom boom......

The Yamata no Orochi that rushed out of the water kept hitting the protective cover on the warship, and the protective cover on the warship also had cracks. I am afraid that the protective cover will be completely broken after a while.

"Oops, the protective shield is about to break."

"Oh my god, what kind of sea monster is this? How can it be so big?"

"Damn it, if the protective shield is broken, people with low strength may be torn apart by the terrifying aura of the sea monster. Hold on, the crystal protective shield can never be broken."

"No, I want to escape, I want to escape, this sea is not something we can deal with at all"

"boom! Don't run away. If anyone dares to run away again, I will kill you. Run away? This is the vast sea, where to escape? Give me more mana to maintain the protective shield."

After everyone on the warship saw the true form of the sea monster, they were all very frightened.

Especially after the protective shield cracked, some people on the warship were afraid and wanted to escape.

At this moment,

You Ji and Bi Yao and the masters of the Ghost King Sect appeared on the other side of the warship. They were very frightened when they saw the Yamata no Orochi as tall as a mountain.

Youji grabbed Baguio and reminded,"Baguio, one Will follow me closely, we are in big trouble this time"

"I.....I know Aunt You!"

Baguio was frightened when she saw the Yamata no Orochi.

She had never seen such a huge sea monster, a sea monster as high as a mountain, with eight huge heads and eight huge snake tails. Its body exuded terror. How could such a terrifying sea monster exist in the Shenyu Continent?

You Ji looked at the other people in the Ghost King Sect and ordered,"Everyone, protect the young lady. If something happens to the young lady here, you should understand how the Ghost King will deal with it." us"

"Yes, the Suzaku Holy Envoy!"

Baguio took Youji's hand and said with a pale face,

"Aunt You, if Su Chen were here, he would definitely have a way to deal with this sea monster."

You Ji shook her head when she heard Baguio's words.

She also knew about Su Chen's strength. How could a cultivation level in the Cave Realm kill the sea monster in the Mahayana Realm?

This little girl seemed to have grown up. She was right That Su Chen really was in love.


Baguio wouldn't have thought of Su Chen when she was in danger.

You Ji touched Baguio's hair and said,

"Yao'er, no matter how powerful Su Chen is, he can't be the opponent of this sea monster."

"The sea monster is probably about to break through to the Tribulation Realm. It is huge in size, has hard scales, and has eight heads and eight tails. Such a sea monster is even difficult for immortal cultivators in the Tribulation Realm to deal with."

Baguio explained to Youji with a look of conviction,

"Su Chen can definitely do it. He even abducted the holy beast Water Kirin from Qingyun Sect. The sea monster should be as powerful as the holy beast Water Kirin. Su Chen will definitely be able to kill this sea monster."

"Maybe!" boom....bump!


At this time, the protective shield on the warship was completely shattered by the impact of the Yamata no Orochi.

Poof! puff! puff!

On the warship, some people of various races with low cultivation levels vomited blood and fell to the ground. The terrifying aura of Yamata no Orochi made it impossible for those with low strength on the warship to stand up at all.

"Quick, everyone flees!"

"Run, run away!"

"help me!"

"Holy Soul Mercenary Group, please run away to the northwest. Run away quickly."

"Don't leave me, save me."

After the crystal protective cover on the warship was shattered by Su Chen, thousands of people on the warship flew up like bees and fled in all directions.


When the Yamata no Orochi saw the humans, it fled away.

Its eight huge heads roared at the surroundings at the same time, and the terrifying aura quickly spread to the surroundings with the roar.

The humans who escaped in the air fell into the sea one by one like dumplings.

On the warship, the succubus looked at the thousands of people falling from the sky.

Her body trembled and she murmured to herself,"It's too scary. Not one of the thousands of people of all races escaped."

The thousands of people who had just escaped Among the people, cultivators at the Golden Core Realm accounted for more than half.

There were also many immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul Realm and the Out-of-Orient Realm. Even the cultivators at the Distracting God Realm did not escape.

This is not to mention the more than a thousand cultivators who cannot escape the realm of heaven and human beings.

After Angelite looked at Yamata no Orochi's aura attack, she didn't care about the lives and deaths of thousands of people who fell into the sea. These people who went to the Northern Continent were not worth saving. Each of these people had killed countless creatures. , Angels will not save these evil people.

Seeing that Su Chen was still standing here motionless, Angelette asked in confusion,

"Su Chen, why don't you run away?"

"I want you to take care of it!"Su Chen turned around and rolled his eyes at Angelette and said angrily.

It's not that Su Chen didn't want to escape.

He just found Baguio who had escaped.

Baguio has now fallen into the sea. If he hadn't been worried that Baguio was in danger, Su Chen He teleported away long ago


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