Ji Ruxihe lowered his head when he heard Guanyin Bodhisattva's words.

Guanyin Bodhisattva must have known some information about Tianxuan Continent, but Tianxuan Continent is the foundation of their Xuanniao family, and she cannot tell anyone at will.

Even if Guanyin Bodhisattva and Su Chen have a close relationship, it is impossible for Ji Ruxihe to tell Guanyin Bodhisattva as long as Guanyin Bodhisattva is not their sister. Ji Ruxihe thought for a while and said to Guanyin Bodhisattva,"Bodhisattva, you can only ask my husband about this matter. Without my husband's permission, it is impossible for me to tell anyone about Tianxuan Continent." Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Ji Ruxihe He shook his head speechlessly,"I knew you couldn't tell. It seems my question was in vain." Ji Ruxi said apologetically to Guanyin Bodhisattva

"Bodhisattva, Tianxuan Continent is very important to my husband, and it is also the foundation of our Xuanniao family. Bodhisattva, please don’t blame my husband. This matter is really of great importance."

Although Ji Ruxihe did not tell Guanyin Bodhisattva about Tianxuan Continent, she also revealed some information about Tianxuan Continent. After all, Guanyin Bodhisattva was of great help to Su Chen, especially in the fairy world.

Without Guanyin Bodhisattva's protection, It is probably impossible for Su Chen to complete the trial of the Holy Soul of the Ladder.

Guanyin Bodhisattva waved his hand and said,

"I understand, you all came to Shenyu Continent from Tianxuan Continent. Even Su Chen’s black armored army was probably dispatched from Tianxuan Continent. Xihe, tell me honestly, does Su Chen want to unify? God Meteor Continent?"

Ji Ruxihe nodded and admitted,"Yes, my husband wants to unify the Shenyu Continent. Our goal is to unify the Eastern Continent first. I'm afraid other mainland husbands will also have arrangements."

"I'm afraid it's impossible for six to seven million black-armored legions to unify the Eastern Continent. There are more than ten empires and dozens of kingdoms in the Eastern Continent, and your army is still too small."

Ji Ruxihe took a sip of tea and said with a smile,

"Haha, Bodhisattva, this is just one combat legion that came to the Shenyu Continent first, and other combat legions will arrive in the future."

"Half a month ago, Su Yan's Black Bird Legion had arrived at the Shenyu Continent, and Su Yan's 400,000 Black Bird Legion had headed for the border."

"Su Yan has already destroyed the Nanzhao Kingdom. Her next step is to prepare to destroy Beiliang of the Liyang Dynasty, and then send her army to destroy the Liyang Dynasty. In the future, there will be a steady stream of combat legions coming to the Shenyu Continent."

Guanyin Bodhisattva was very speechless when she heard that the little girl Su Yan also had an army.

A little girl who was less than ten years old actually led an army to destroy the country. This has never happened in the human world in the fairy world. Su Chen Both of my daughters are so outrageous.

"How many troops does Su Chen have?"

Ji Ruxihe smiled and replied,

"Six major combat legions, millions of black-armored troops, plus Su Yan's Black Bird Legion, there are seven combat legions. Mu Guiying's is the northern combat legion, and other combat legions are also preparing to come to Shenyu Continent. , not counting the millions of slave legions"

"Millions of black-armored troops? And an army of millions of slaves?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was very shocked when she heard Ji Ruxihe's words.

Millions of black-armored troops are already very powerful.

She has also seen the combat capabilities of the black-armored army. It can be said that the black-armored army is the leader of the Shenyu Continent. The most powerful legion, especially the military formation of the black armored legion, can destroy immortal cultivators in the Yuanying realm and the out-of-body realm.

There are millions of such powerful black armored legions. Tianxuan Continent makes Guanyin Bodhisattva... Getting more and more curious

"Madam, a secret message from Mu Guiying, commander-in-chief of the Northern Combat Corps."

At this time, a shadow assassin appeared outside the pavilion. She saluted Ji Ruxihe and said,

"bring here!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Ji Ruxihe took the secret letter and read it and laughed.

The Song Empire was going to be destroyed.

She didn't expect that after Mu Guiying destroyed millions of troops in the Song Dynasty a month ago, the Northern Combat Corps would be depleted so quickly. Surrounded the imperial capital of Song Dynasty

"Notify Madam Bai and ask her to select some powerful immortal cultivators to help Commander Mu Guiying"

"Yes, ma'am! Guanyin

Bodhisattva looked at Ji Ruxihe and asked doubtfully,"Is the Song Empire going to be destroyed?""

Ji Ruxihe nodded and said with a smile,

"Yes, Mu Guiying's Northern Combat Corps has besieged the imperial capital of the Song Dynasty. There are some powerful immortal cultivators worshiping in the imperial capital of the Song Dynasty. Otherwise, Mu Guiying would have conquered the imperial capital of the Song Dynasty long ago."

Guanyin Bodhisattva was surprised when he heard Ji Ruxihe's words and said,"It's really fast. With the six major combat legions, it seems that the Eastern Continent will be occupied by Su Chen in a few years."

Guanyin Bodhisattva also experienced the Battle of the Gods.

The human armies of Great Shang and Great Zhou in the Battle of the Gods were simply unable to compete with the Black Armored Legion.

If not for the large number of immortals participating in the Battle of the Gods.

Su Chen's black armored army might be able to sweep through the armies of Great Shang and Great Zhou.

Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't help but think that if Su Chen's black armored army became immortal soldiers in the future, the heavenly soldiers in heaven would be the opponents of the black armored army. Can the Buddhist soldiers of Western Buddhism stop the attack of the Black Armored Legion?

Guanyin Bodhisattva thought of Our Lady of Wudang who had been with her.

She thought about it and decided to help Our Lady of Wudang once. Our Lady of Wudang just wanted to save some people. Disciples of Jie Jiao, these things should be very simple for Su Chen.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Ji Ruxihe and said with a smile,

"Xihe, let Our Lady of Wudang go too. She asked for something from Su Chen, but Su Chen never agreed. Our Lady of Wudang’s request is not too much. This time, let Su Chen owe Our Lady of Wudang a favor."

"this......Okay, then let Mother Wudang and Xiaobai lead some people over."

Ji Ruxihe thought for a while and agreed.

Since Guanyin Bodhisattva said so, it's probably not too much for Our Lady Wudang to ask Su Chen. Besides, with the help of the great God Wudang Holy Mother, Ji Ruxihe is also very relieved.

"Auntie, I want to go too, I want to go too!"

At this time,

Su Yue, who was playing outside the pavilion, heard Ji Ruxihe's words. She hurried over and shouted.

Ji Ruxihe and Guanyin Bodhisattva were very speechless when they heard Su Yue's cry.

A Su Yan girl is enough The women in the mansion have a headache. I'm afraid

Su Yue, a little girl, will also be led astray by Su Yan.

Ji Ruxihe pulled Su Yue and said gently,"Yue'er, you are still young, so don't go there. It's too It's dangerous. Su

Yue blinked her big bright eyes and asked doubtfully,"Auntie, my sister can lead the army to destroy the country, why can't I?""

"Yue'er, your sister is a crazy girl. Don't imitate your sister."

"My sister is not a crazy girl. Look, aunt, this is the golden bell that my sister sent me. My sister said in the letter that this was the treasure she used to blackmail my father, and she also blackmailed me with a treasure."

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