After the great elder of Shushan said what he said unintentionally, the leader of the secret guard immediately looked strange. He didn't think so much at first, it was just a proton. But after the great elder of Shushan said this, the leader of the secret guard looked at Princess Xiaoyu of Shushan. His expression changed. Princess Shushan is a very beautiful woman. If the imperial concubine really wants to dedicate Princess Xiaoyu of Shushan to His Majesty the Emperor, it may be possible. After Xiao Yu heard what the elder said, her face turned red and she was at a loss. Xiao Yu was afraid that just like the elder said, he wanted her to marry an old man, oh no, he wanted to dedicate her to an old man. , she doesn’t want to, Xiao Yu can’t be an old man’s woman even if she dies, even if she is the emperor of a powerful empire.

"Great Elder, ask your Shushan Princess to prepare and go to the commander's base camp to meet our princess tomorrow."

The great elder of Shushan left and nodded in agreement,"Yes, sir, Princess Xiaoyu of Shushan will go to see Commander Huang Rong tomorrow."

After the leader of the secret guards nodded and left with a group of secret guards,

Xiao Yu looked at the great elder and frowned.

She didn't expect that the great elder actually agreed.

Wasn't this about retreating him into the fire pit? ?

"Xiao Yu, get ready quickly and go see Commander Huang Rong tomorrow."

The Great Elder is very happy now.

He did not expect that things would turn around for the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire!

He will also be the only emperor in the Tianxuan Continent in the future, and the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire conquered the throne in his twenties. In the entire Tianxuan Continent, His Majesty the Emperor must be a wise and powerful emperor.

Concubine Dongjun Yan of the Yinyang family is the queen of the Xuantian Empire, but their princess from Shushan is not bad either.

If it weren’t for the princess Xiaoyu from Shushan who is still young, Chi After knowing His Majesty the Emperor of Xuantian Empire for several years, the Queen of Xuantian Empire may be the princess of Shushan.

Shushan and the Yinyang family have never dealt with each other.

Concubine Dongjun Yan of the Yinyang family is still the queen of the Xuantian Empire. This The great elder of Shushan has always felt very helpless.

But this time Princess Huang Rong actually gave Shushan a chance.

The great elder of Shushan thought that with Xiaoyu's beautiful face,

Xiaoyu would definitely be favored by His Majesty the Emperor, and

Shushan would be the same in the future. Like the Yin Yang family, they will receive countless resources in the empire and be reused by His Majesty the Emperor.

Xiao Yu looked at the great elder of Shushan and asked with an ugly expression,

"Grandpa, do you really want to dedicate me to His Majesty the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire?"

"Xiaoyu, this is your destiny and our opportunity in Shushan."The great elder of Shushan nodded and replied.

When Xiao Yu heard what the great elder said, he shouted angrily,"But I don't want to be with an old man."

The great elder of Shushan was stunned when he heard Xiao Yu's shouting.

After a while, the great elder came to his senses.

He understood that

Xiao Yu must have misunderstood.

The emperor of the Xuantian Empire was not an old man.

The great elder of Shushan thought. After understanding this, he smiled and said,

"Old man? Haha, Xiao Yu, who told you that His Majesty the Emperor is an old man? If His Majesty the Emperor were an old man, do you think Grandpa would push you into the fire pit?" Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that His Majesty the Emperor was not an old man. However, she still did not want to be presented to His Majesty the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire by Shushan.

"Then I don't want to, I want to find someone I like in the future, and I don't know the emperor of the Xuantian Empire, so I don't want to be sacrificed to the emperor of the Xuantian Empire."

The Great Elder of Shushan sighed and explained,

"well! Xiao Yu, your parents died early, and I am getting old. Shushan will have to rely on your brother for support in the future. I will not be able to help your brother in the future. Yu Ziqi has been here for a few years."

"But you are different!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor is only in his twenties and has only two daughters. From now on, Shushan and your brother will count on you to help"

"From now on, the Tianxuan Continent will belong to the Xuantian Empire. No one dares to object to His Majesty’s orders."

"The Xuantian Empire's six combat legions, millions of elite black-armored troops, in this war on the Eastern Continent, the Xuantian Empire only dispatched one combat legion, which destroyed all the countries in the Eastern Continent."

"What does this mean? You should understand, right?"

"If you become the imperial concubine of the Xuantian Empire in the future, it will be of great benefit to Shushan and your brother. Besides, Concubine Dongjun Yan of the Yin-Yang family is the queen of the Xuantian Empire. It is impossible for our Shushan princess to be taken over by the Yin-Yang family. women compared to each other."

Xiao Yu fell silent when she heard the elder's words.

She understood what the elder said, but she was still very resistant to marrying a strange man in the future.


His Majesty the Emperor is only in his twenties?

Yin and Yang The Dongjun of the family is actually the queen of the Xuantian Empire?

She has never heard of this?

Xiao Yu thought of the changes in the Yin and Yang family over the years, and she also believed that the great elder had not deceived her.

The Yin and Yang family has developed very rapidly in these years, and the great There are dozens of masters and masters in the heaven and human realm, and the Yin and Yang family even moved the sect's headquarters to the southern continent.

These should be the benefits that Concubine Dongjun Yan brings to the Yin and Yang family.

Xiao Yu thought about it and decided to go see her first. Seeing Commander Huang Rong, who is also the imperial concubine of the empire,

Xiao Yu wanted to learn about His Majesty the Emperor from Princess Huang Rong. Although she was not opposed to going to the Xuandiao Palace in the imperial city, she could not easily agree to become the emperor. imperial concubine

"Grandpa, I'm going to see Commander Huang Rong tomorrow. As for what will happen in the future, I can't say for sure."

"Okay, you have a good rest today, and you must leave a good impression on Commander Huang Rong tomorrow."

"I see."

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes and left after hearing the elder's words. In the Southern Continent,

Xuanniao Palace in the Imperial City of Gusu.

In the back garden, under the hibiscus tree.

Concubine Yan, Jing Salamander, Changsun Wuchuan, Hu Ji, Murong Qiudi, Zi Nu, they were all sitting together drinking tea.

Concubine Yan and the others were preparing to let some more powerful women go to the Shen Yun Continent, but they had been discussing it for a few days, and they couldn't decide who to let go.

Hu Ji After looking at the girls, he smiled and said,

"I think we don’t need to discuss it. In a few days, we will see who has arrived. Now we have just decided to let some people go to Shenyu Continent. If some people don’t have time to come, won’t our discussion be in vain? ?"

Changsun Wuchu poured some tea for the girls and agreed,

"Well, that's right, so why don't we discuss it in a few days."

Concubine Yan also felt that it was a little premature for them to discuss this now.

People like Yao Yue, Zhu Yuyan and others are all leaders of the same faction. I'm afraid they don't have time to go to Shen Yun Continent.

Concubine Yan thought for a while and decided,

"Well, that bastard Su Chen has been gone for almost two months. Our army has conquered several empires in the Shenyu Continent. It’s time to send another combat legion there."

"Let’s not talk about the legion. Concubine Yan, Ji Ruxi and the ladder mentioned in the letter from sister, we also need to prepare. When the time comes, all the women in Tianxuan Continent will go there."

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