Lan Yincao, Lin Qing'er, and Nie Xiaoqian all nodded hurriedly.

These women all sensed each other's existence, and they also knew that these women were women Su Chen trusted.

Lin Qing'er suddenly thought of Su Chen's sister and hurriedly said,"Xiao Li, why don't we call Su Chen's sister? Su Chen's sister is very powerful."

Xiao Li shook her head and explained,"We don't call her Su Chen's sister at all. If that woman doesn't come out, she should be recovering now, and we won't be able to call Su Chen's sister to come out."

Nie Xiaoqian watched Su Chen's forehead dripping with sweat, and even her clothes were soaked.

She was worried and hurriedly urged,"Let's do it quickly, the master is very uncomfortable now."

Xiao Li nodded and hurriedly ordered,

"Okay, let's use mana to suppress Su Chen's luck, and use all the mana to inject it into the sea of ​​Su Chen's luck."



"let's start!"

Boom boom boom........

At this time, the four girls of Xiao Li put their hands on Su Chen's body one by one, and they used all their magic to suppress the riot in Su Chen's sea of ​​destiny.

There was a huge roar in the cave.

It was like thunder rolling continuously inside the cave. The deafening roar caused the rocks outside the cave to roll down continuously, and even the surrounding trees were uprooted and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the golden human emperor's energy in Su Chen's sea of ​​luck was transmitted through Su Chen's body like the four girls of Xiao Li.

Although this is only less than 1% of the human emperor's energy, it is of huge benefit to the four girls Xiao Li.

The four girls Xiao Li felt that luck was flowing into their sea of ​​luck, which made them very panic.

Everyone's luck was very important. Su Chen's luck flowed into their sea of ​​luck. This made them very panic. I'm afraid the governor is very unfavorable to Su Chen. But the four girls couldn't stop it even if they wanted to.

"what to do? How could Su Chen's luck flow into our sea of ​​luck?"

"I don’t know, I can’t stop it at all"

"Me too, what the hell is going on?"

"Don't panic, luck is not so easily plundered. I'm afraid this is Su Chen's intention. If we continue to increase our magic power, Su Chen's will should always be awake."

The four girls of Xiao Li calmed down after being panicked.

They all felt that Su Chen was doing this. Luck can only be plundered through certain things. It is impossible to directly transport luck like this. For the time being, they can only believe that Su Chen is sending them luck.

Boom boom boom.......

At this time, in addition to Xiao Li,

Lin Qing'er, Nie Xiaoqian, and even Lan Yincao were constantly making breakthroughs. In just half an hour, the cultivation realm of Lin Qing'er and the three daughters directly broke through to the Mahayana realm.

This made Lin Qing'er and the three girls very surprised.

At this time,

Xiao Li's body was glowing white, and her body seemed to be reshaped.

Xiao Li felt that she would not need to use magic power to maintain her body in the future, and her body would not dissipate anymore. Xiao Li felt that She was a real human being herself now.

After a while,

Su Chen's fate riot stabilized, while Lin Qing'er, Nie Xiaoqian, and Lan Yincao looked at each other in confusion.

In less than an hour, their cultivations were like riding a rocket. The three of them were now in the realm of transcending tribulation, which made them all feel as if they were in a dream. It was very unreal.

Xiao Li's flesh and blood body has also been reshaped.

Xiao Li is now a real human being.

She will no longer have to worry about the energy in her body being used up and her body will dissipate.

Lan Yincao was confused as she felt the state of her cultivation.

"What exactly is going on? Can luck improve our cultivation level so much?"

"I know it too! Lin Qing'er looked at Su Chen and shook her head and replied.

Nie Xiaoqian stroked her hair and couldn't figure it out,"It's so weird. Is the master's luck so strong?""

Xiao Li looked at the girls and said seriously,

"I'm afraid this is not ordinary luck, this......It should be the Human Emperor’s luck. Ordinary luck can only make us practice twice the result with half the effort. Although I don’t know much about the Human Emperor’s luck."

"But in my memory, the Human Emperor's luck is very unusual. We can only know this after Su Chen wakes up. Lan

Yincao looked at Xiao Li and asked in confusion,"The fate of the Human Emperor?" What is the Human Emperor? Is the Human Emperor the emperor?"

Lin Qing'er looked at Xiao Li and asked with a frown,

"Human Emperor? There should be no emperor in this world. Xiao Li, did you guess wrong?"

Nie Xiaoqian looked at the girls without saying anything.

She knew some of Su Chen's secrets, but she couldn't tell Su Chen's secrets at will. Without Su Chen's order, she couldn't tell anyone all the secrets.

Xiao Li Said seriously,

"Remember, you have never heard about the Human Emperor. If other immortals know that Su Chen is the next generation of Human Emperor, he may be targeted by all the immortals in the immortal world, and even all the immortals will take action against Su Chen."

"We understand!"

Lin Qing'er, Lan Yincao and Nie Xiaoqian all nodded hurriedly and replied.

Xiao Li waved his hand and said,"Let's all go back to practice in seclusion. We have all benefited greatly this time."

After Lin Qing'er and the other girls nodded to each other, they disappeared one by one beside Su Chen. They really got huge benefits this time, and could even be said to have reached the sky in one step. The level of cultivation in the Tribulation Realm,

I'm afraid they won't be able to achieve it even if they practice for decades.

Outside the cave, after Angelette calmed down in the cave, she hurried back to the cave.

When she saw that Su Chen had calmed down, this bastard's body Shangya no longer sweated in pain.

Angelette was relieved.

Two days later,

Su Chen's body suddenly erupted with a powerful aura, and the clothes on his body were shaken to pieces and fell off.


Su Chen's His body suddenly made a loud noise, and the powerful breath calmed down instantly. Su Chen also successfully advanced to the level of cultivation in the Tribulation Realm.

When Su Chen opened his eyes, he saw Angelette next to him watching him. , but Su Chen was not wearing clothes now, and the clothes on his body were shattered by the breakthrough just now.

Su Chen looked at Angelette and said speechlessly,"Angelette, are you acting like a hooligan?""

"shameless bastard!"

Angelit also reacted when she heard Su Chen's words. She hurriedly cursed Su Chen and turned away.

She also forgot that Su Chen's clothes were shattered, damn bastard!

She didn't expect that When Su Chen woke up, he turned into a shameless pervert.

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