Angelette was confused when she heard Su Chen's words.

National destiny?


What is all this?

Angelique just knows that the power of faith is very important to her. The more power of faith, the faster her strength will improve.

Are national destiny and luck the power of faith in the Eastern Immortal World?


Angelite was very happy to hear that her body would soon be promoted to an eight-winged angel or a ten-winged angel.

"not good!"


Angelique suddenly felt a change in her body, and her face immediately changed.

When Su Chen heard Angelite yelling again, he hurriedly asked,

"what happened again?"

Angelit said to Su Chen with an ugly face,

"Su Chen, I'm going back to the God Realm. I'm afraid my body will be advanced, and my consciousness will return to its true form."

Angelit didn't expect that Su Chen was right.

Her body was really about to advance.

She had only been with Su Chen for a few days, and Angelette didn't want to leave Su Chen at this time.


Su Chen was In the dangerous Northern Continent, Angelite did not trust Su Chen to explore the Northern Continent alone.

When Su Chen heard Angelite's words, he hurriedly asked,"Then can you still go down to the next world?" Angelique nodded and replied,"Of course, I am your wife now, and you are like a medium. I can come to Shenyu Continent whenever I want.""

"That's okay, Angelite, you can make a breakthrough with peace of mind. I may reach the fairy world in about a year, and I will go find you then."

"Well, Suchen, then I'm back."

Su Chen touched Angelette's beautiful face and said with a smile,

"Okay, you have to be careful in the fairy world. If you meet someone from the Eastern Fairy World and you are no match, just tell me my name. I still have some reputation in the Eastern Fairy World."

Angelit smiled after hearing what Su Chen said.

Su Chen's sister is a powerful person in the fairy world.

She also believed that Su Chen probably had a high status in the Eastern fairy world, even if Su Chen had no status in the Eastern fairy world.

Just because of the existence of Su Chen's powerful sister, no one in the Eastern Immortal World would dare to offend this bastard.

"I understand, goodbye, my love."Angelit hugged Su Chen and kissed her before disappearing.

"Goodbye, my angel wife!"

Su Chen shook his head when he saw Angelite disappearing.

The angel wife he had just acquired left in just a few days.

Su Chen was really speechless.

How could Angelite change so much? ?

Other women don’t seem to have the same changes as Angelette.

Is it a matter of swearing a love vow? Then should every woman swear a love vow to herself?

Su Chen shook his head and felt that he was thinking too much,

Angel Even if other women took the oath, I'm afraid there won't be any changes. It seems that

I will know more about those beautiful angels in the future.

In the hinterland of the northern continent, after Su Chen arrived, he moved all the ferocious beasts he encountered. A thousand miles away, with

Su Chen's current strength in the Tribulation Realm, he was too lazy to kill these ferocious beasts blocking the way. The ferocious beasts in the Mahayana Realm and the ferocious beasts in the Tribulation Realm were not a threat to Su

Chen at all.

Chen can now be said to be invincible in the same realm.

Along the way,

Su Chen encountered all kinds of spiritual flowers and grasses and did not let them go. Even when Su Chen encountered some strange crystal stones, Su Chen also dug three feet into the ground to search for them. Everything is clean.

There are spiritual flowers, spiritual fruits, spiritual fruits, and various crystal mines here.

Although these are useless to him.

But Su Chen has a big business, his women, and the female ghosts under him. He had to raise the Shadow Assassins and even the millions of black-armored legions.

Su Chen saw that there were too many treasures in this area, so he released all the female ghosts.

Su Chen was right These beautiful female ghosts ordered,"Collect the spiritual flowers and herbs here, and don't let go of the spiritual fruits and crystal minerals either.""

"Yes, master!"

When more than a hundred female ghosts heard Su Chen's order, they all dispersed to collect the spiritual flowers and herbs here. Su Chen was very surprised when he saw Nie Xiaoqian who was practicing in seclusion next to the spiritual stone. Su Chen Just giving Nie Xiaoqian's four daughters less than one percent of the Human Emperor's energy, which is still one percent of the newly obtained Human Emperor's energy, Nie Xiaoqian was able to be promoted to the realm of transcending tribulation. This is incredible. Su Chen touched it Chin then guessed,

"Nie Xiaoqian actually advanced to the Tribulation Realm? This is really unexpected. Lin Qing'er, Lan Yincao, and even Xiao Li are probably at the same level as Nie Xiaoqian."

Su Chen was sitting under a big tree.

He watched the beautiful female ghosts picking spiritual flowers and herbs happily.

Su Chen felt good.

He felt a lot more relaxed when he had men to do this.

Su Chen Sitting under the tree, he was not idle.

As long as a powerful beast came,

Su Chen would move the beast a thousand miles away. He would not let the powerful beast here kill the beautiful female ghost under his command.

The female ghosts looked around cautiously at first, but after discovering that Su Chen was protecting them, these beautiful female ghosts chatted and picked the treasures here.

At this time, a beautiful female ghost came Su Chen saluted beside him and said,"Master, I found some rubies on the left. Those rubies look very extraordinary.""


Su Chen was very confused when he heard what the female ghost said.

Why is there ruby ​​here?

Ruby is not a treasure, but the female ghost said that those rubies are not simple, which made Su Chen think that there cannot be any ordinary red jade here. Jade

"Master, I don’t know if it is ruby, but it is different from crystal, but it is somewhat familiar to jade."

"Take me to see it!"

"Yes, master!"

Su Chen and the female ghost walked to a sinkhole.

He was very surprised when he looked at the red rubies below. These rubies looked like they were cultivated with blood.


How can there be humans here?

He Damn it!

That human being couldn't see through her cultivation level?


Su Chen discovered that there was a hazy woman's figure in the sinkhole, and Su Chen couldn't see that woman's strength at all.

This made Su Chen... He was very shocked.

Su Chen is now a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm. In the Shenyu Continent, this is the most powerful existence. But why can't he see the cultivation realm of that woman?

That woman must not be a Ordinary people, how could ordinary people appear in this dangerous area?

After Su Chen looked at the hazy woman in the sinkhole, he hurriedly said to the female ghost beside him,"Xiaoyu, gather your sisters!"

Su Chen guessed that the woman whose face could not be seen clearly was not simple, and might not even be human.

He was also worried that the female ghosts under his command would be killed by this mysterious woman.

Su Chen thought it was better to take back the female ghosts first, so that he could It's much easier to escape

"Yes, master!"

At this time, the woman in the sinkhole said coldly to Su Chen,

"Human, you should not have come to the depths of the Northern Continent, and you should not have discovered the existence of the Blood Heart Stone."

"Who are you?"

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