When Su Chen heard that this mysterious woman wanted to kill him, he became anxious.

Who was this mysterious and hazy woman?

What exactly did she do in the northern continent of Shenyu Continent?

Why are you afraid of being discovered?

Su Chen hurriedly begged the system for help in his mind,"System, help me, I'm really going to die this time.""

"Ding, the system can't help you, host, use your advantages."

"I have an advantage. Teleport me out of the Northern Continent quickly, otherwise your handsome host will really die this time."

"Ding, the system is powerless. Host, aren't you very clever at picking up girls? Now is the time to play to your strengths"

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen's face turned dark when he heard what the system said."

Pick up girls?

Can he pick up this incredibly powerful woman? The system is becoming more and more unreliable."

Su Chen looked at the woman who was getting closer and closer to him and hurriedly Asked,"System, who is this woman?"

"Ding, this system can tell you that the person in front of you is Houtu, one of the twelve ancestral witches of the witch clan, and the empress Pingxin of the underworld."

What the hell!

Hou Tu?

Empress Ping Xin?

Su Chen was confused when he heard what the system said,

Hou Tu?

Oh no, it's Empress Ping Xin.

How could Empress Ping Xin appear in the Shen Yun Continent? Isn't she not? Can I leave the underworld?

Su Chen had previously thought about all the female quasi-sages in the prehistoric fairy world, and he didn't dare to think that this woman would be Empress Pingxin of the underworld. You must know that although Empress Pingxin is not a saint, in the underworld, she Even more powerful than a saint.

But why did Empress Pingxin appear in the Shenyu Continent? What was she doing so mysteriously?

Empress Pingxin looked at Su Chen and asked coldly,"Su Chen, the divine general of Yaochi, what is she doing?" Any last words?"

"Yes, I have last words!"

Empress Pingxin nodded and said,"Tell me, I can fulfill your last wish."

Su Chen whispered anxiously,"Can you not kill me? I will never reveal a word about what is going on here. No, I have never been to the Northern Continent at all."

"court death!"

"Empress Pingxin, do you really want to kill me?"

"you.....How do you know I am Pingxin?"

Pingxin was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't show her face, and even the aura of her whole body changed. How could this little monk see that she was Empress Pingxin?

Su Chen smiled and continued,

"Queen Pingxin, you are a kind-hearted person, do you really want to kill an innocent person?"

When Empress Pingxin heard Su Chen's words, she mocked,

"Innocent person? Were there not many innocent people who died during the Lich War? There are innocent people in this world who have no strength or background. So what about innocent people?"

When I think about the Lich War, was the Witch Clan at fault?

But those saints just couldn't stand the existence of the Witch Clan.

The Saints provoked the Lich War for their own gain, and the final outcome was that the top powerhouses of the two Lich Clan All fell, and the remaining members of the Wu Clan were also wiped out.

How many people are left in the Wu Clan until now?

After the complete decline of the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan, the saints were able to dominate the ancient world. Aren't the Wu Clan innocent people? ?

In the ancient world, what if you are an innocent person without strength?

Su Chen was very angry when he heard what Empress Pingxin said.

It seemed that Empress Pingxin really didn't care about anything. She was bent on killing herself.

Su Chen thought for a moment and then threatened Empress Pingxin expressionlessly,

"I agree, Empress Pingxin, I don’t care what you do in the Divine Fall Continent, but if you want to kill me, your plans in the Divine Fall Continent will be exposed in the prehistoric fairyland."

"You should know my identity, and Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang are in the Shenyu Continent. If I am killed here, you should know that Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang will come to check in person."

"Even the Queen Mother of Heaven and the Queen Mother of West Kunlun will go down to see what happened to me. Do you think what you did in the Northern Continent will not be discovered by then?"

Ping Xin's face changed when she heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen was right.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Holy Mother were indeed in the Shenyu Continent. She could sense this. If Su Chen was killed by her in the Northern Continent, , Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna will definitely come to check.

At that time, she will kill the clones of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna, and her plans in the Shenyin Continent will really be exposed in the prehistoric fairyland. This is not what she wants. The results he saw.

When Su Chen saw Empress Pingxin was silent, he felt that it was good to have status.

Su Chen decided that if he went back in the future, he would be nicer to powerful women like Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin.

After all, they all As his reliable backer,

Su Chen proudly asked Empress Pingxin,"How is it? Empress Pingxin, do you still want to kill me?"

Ping Xin is also very helpless.

This human being really cannot be killed. She will complete the hundreds of thousands of years of planning in about a year. Ping Xin does not want her plan to be ruined at this time.

"Yaochi Divine General, you are indeed a flexible human being. I may not kill you, but you must not mention what you saw in the Northern Continent to anyone. Otherwise, what will happen to your women and daughters in Hangzhou City? should understand"

"Are you threatening me?"

Su Chen's face turned cold when he heard Empress Pingxin's words.

His woman and daughter are his enemies.

Even if this woman is Empress Pingxin, if she dares to threaten him with his woman and daughter, Su Chen will If he is not a match for Empress Pingxin, he will try his best to eliminate this threat.

Su Chen believes that other saint sects are very interested in the underworld. Although those saints cannot kill Empress Pingxin, they should still be able to seal Empress Pingxin.

Pingxin saw Su Chen's indifferent face and said indifferently,

"I am the master of the underworld, and I am in charge of the cycle of life and death. You and your women do not want to be reincarnated as animals in your next life. Everything you see here must be completely forgotten."

Su Chen shut up immediately.

It turned out that Pingxin threatened him like this.

He really couldn't do anything about it.

However, as long as he becomes stronger in the future, his women and daughters will live forever, and Empress Pingxin's threat to him will also disappear. Not a threat

"You're awesome, I won't tell anyone about the things here, and besides, I didn't find anything weird, oh? Queen Pingxin, what is the blood heart stone?"

"Shut up and get out of the Northern Continent immediately."

Damn it, isn't Queen Pingxin a gentle and kind-hearted woman?

Everything he said is a lie.

What kind of gentle and kind-hearted woman is she?

She's more like a tigress.


Su Chen curled his lips and teleported away immediately.

He couldn't afford to offend the controller of the underworld.

In the ancient fairyland,

Empress Nuwa and Empress Xinxin were the women he couldn't afford to offend. He was said to be a petty person. Woman, I'm afraid her nerves have gone crazy after being trapped in the underworld for too long.

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