The Holy Mother of Wudang nodded when she heard the words of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Su Chen could join the Buddhist scripture-seeking team, which would allow him to get some heavenly merits.

Su Chen has not yet become an immortal. If that bastard can get the heavenly merits, it will be beneficial to his practice. It's very beneficial

"I understand, this time I'm just asking Su Chen to talk about something, I won't ruin Journey to the West for Buddhist scriptures"

"That's fine."

Guanyin Bodhisattva also relaxed.

She didn't want Wudang Madonna to come and ruin her journey to the West.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna didn't deal with each other before, but since they got involved with Su Chen, Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Madonna The relationship in Shenyu Continent is pretty good.

Even for Su Chen,

Guanyin Bodhisattva doesn’t want Wudang Holy Mother to make a mistake

"Um? Another quasi-sage has arrived?"

"OK, who could it be? This smell is very unfamiliar to me."

Our Lady of Wudang and Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly sensed that a quasi-sage was rushing here.

They looked at each other and were very confused. The great powers of the three realms knew about

Buddhism's journey to the west this time. This was the great trend of heaven that made Buddhism flourish. , Buddhism also attaches great importance to this journey to the West to seek scriptures. How can there be a quasi-sage coming?

"No need, let's go see who's coming"


Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang disappeared in an instant.

They were worried that the coming quasi-sage would not only disrupt the journey to the West to obtain scriptures, but might even come for Su Chen.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang would not let anyone threaten them. Arrive at Su Chen.

The next morning, when Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie woke up, they found that they had slept in the wilderness all night, and Sun Wukong's eyes had completely healed.

Zhu Bajie looked around and asked in confusion," Brother Monkey, is this what happened? Why is the thatched house missing?"

Sun Wukong patted Zhu Bajie's pig head and said,

"Idiot, that old woman last night must be an immortal, maybe even an immortal sent by Guanyin Bodhisattva to help us."

"That’s it, Brother Monkey, what should we do now?"

Zhu Bajie understood what Sun Wukong said.

No wonder the old woman would save Sun Wukong's eyes and even knew about the Samadhi Kamikaze of the Yellow Wind Monster.

It turned out that this was the Guanyin Bodhisattva who sent people to help them.

"I'll go to Lingji Bodhisattva to borrow the Wind-Fixing Pill. You and your white horse are waiting nearby for me to come back."

"Okay, Brother Monkey, you have to hurry up, otherwise Master and Suchen will be eaten by monsters."

"I know, I, the old grandson, will go too!"

In the Yellow Wind Cave,

Su Chen lay on the stone and waited boredly for Sun Wukong to come and save him and Tang Sanzang.

One night passed, and the Yellow Wind Monster didn't bother them.

This made Su Chen even more suspicious that the Yellow Wind Monster not only knew Tang Sanzang's identity. , even his identity is known

"Amitabha, God General, why do these monsters ignore us? How about we escape."

At this time,

Tang Sanzang came to Su Chen from another cave entrance and asked suspiciously.

Tang Sanzang was very confused now.

When he woke up in the morning, he walked around nearby, but he didn't find a monster guarding him. He, Su Chen, and Tang Sanzang were thinking about whether they could escape from the monster.

Su Chen reminded Tang Sanzang before he got up,

"Monk, there are no monsters here, but it doesn’t mean there are no monsters guarding the entrance of the cave. We are not in danger here now. Let’s wait for Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie to save us."

"Otherwise, if we escape and are caught, those monsters may tie us to the pillar again."

When Tang Sanzang heard Su Chen's words, he hurriedly called out the name of Buddha and said,"Amitabha, what the general said is right."

"Tang Sanzang, what are the benefits of being a monk?"

"Monks do good deeds and accumulate virtue, of course, in order to practice and become Buddhas."

Su Chen said disdainfully when he heard Tang Sanzang's words,

"Tang Sanzang!"

"To become a monk, you need to have your six senses pure and not be contaminated by worldly things. If all people have to abandon their parents, wives and children in order to become a monk, wouldn't it be contrary to human ethics?"

"Besides, if everyone becomes a monk, who will cultivate the land? Where did the Empire's soldiers come from? Who will support the elderly parents? Who will take care of my wife and children?"

"If everyone became a monk, did not cultivate the land, did not marry and have children, hundreds or even thousands of years later, Tang Sanzang, do you think our human race would still exist in the world?"

Tang Sanzang was stunned when he heard Su Chen's words.

He didn't expect that Su Chen would say this.

Although Buddhism accepts disciples, he really hasn't thought about these things.

Tang Sanzang thought that if everyone became a monk,

The consequences would be really serious.

A large amount of land would be abandoned, the empire would have no soldiers to protect the country, and even the newborn children would be cut off.

In this case, mankind may not be far from annihilation.

Tang Sanzang thought of this He was sweating profusely and said,"Amitabha, Buddha only saves those who are destined to be saved!

Su Chen looked at Tang Sanzang sweating profusely and curled his lips and asked,"A destined person?" Tang Sanzang, do you think I have a connection with Buddhism? Tang

Sanzang looked at Su Chen and nodded affirmatively, saying,

"Yes, the God of Yaochi can be familiar with Guanyin Bodhisattva, and you must be a destined person in Buddhism."

I guess!

Is he related to Buddhism?

Su Chen has killed thousands of monks.

What the hell is he related to Buddhism?

"Maybe there is!"

Su Chen didn't want to instill poisonous chicken soup into Tang Sanzang anymore. If those in the Buddhist sect found out, he would probably be doomed.

For the sake of his own life,

Su Chen didn't intend to change Tang Sanzang's mind.

Boom boom boom!

After a while, there was another fight outside Huangfeng Cave.


Su Chen and Tang Sanzang didn't care.

They sat together eating fairy fruits and chatting casually.

However, Tang Sanzang had too many great principles.

In order to make Su Chen believe in Buddhism,

Tang Sanzang He was trying his best to persuade Su Chen. No wonder everyone said Tang Monk was long-winded. Su Chen really saw it this time.

"Master, master!"

"Master, where are you?"

At this time,

Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong were shouting in the Yellow Wind Cave, but they were confused when they found Su Chen and Tang Sanzang.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie saw that Su Chen and Tang Sanzang were not imprisoned or tied up. , Su Chen and Tang Sanzang were actually eating, drinking and talking in front of the stone table.

Were they captured by monsters?

Why were Su Chen and Tang Sanzang better off than them?

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie weren't fighting with the yellow wind monster outside ? Even though they suffered some crimes, Su Chen and Tang Sanzang were fine. They ate and drank in the Monster Cave as if they were traveling.

"Wukong, Bajie, you are here, have the monsters been subdued?"

When Tang Sanzang saw Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie arriving, he also stopped to persuade Su Chen.

Zhu Bajie came over and ate a fairy fruit and said,"Master, the monster was captured by Lingji Bodhisattva."

"Master, that was a yellow-haired marten, and it has been captured by Lingji Bodhisattva. Master, how come you and Su Chen were not imprisoned or tied up by monsters?"

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