Guanyin Bodhisattva clenched her fists with a cold face.

She did not expect that Su Chen actually knew Empress Pingxin of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

But how could this be possible?

She knew everything about Su Chen in the fairy world.

She did not find out about Su Chen at all. Chen Chen has been to the six realms of reincarnation. How did Su Chen meet Empress Pingxin?

It's just that it's impossible for the great witch Jiufeng to lie. Damn that bastard.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is about to explode with anger. She wants to catch that bastard immediately and give him a good beating.

Chang'e looked at Jiufeng and found it unbelievable.

Empress Pingxin and Chang Xi were from the same generation. How could Empress Pingxin know that shameless pervert? He even specially sent the great witch Jiufeng to give Su Chen a mount?

After the great witch Jiufeng summoned a huge Nine Nether Bird from a distance, she said to Our Lady of Wudang,

"What I said is true. This is the Nine Nether Bird of Daluo Jinxian. It used to be the mount of Hou Tuzu Witch. Since Hou Tuzu Witch sacrificed his life to open up the six paths of reincarnation, the Nine Nether Bird has never been used. This time it is a normal mount. Empress Xin specially asked me to deliver it to Su Chen."

Our Lady of Wudang and Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at each other.

They were also undecided now.

Although there was no hostility towards Jiufeng's arrival, the Witch Clan was involved too much. They didn't even want to deal with Su Chen's troubles. Su Chen has something to do with the Witch Clan again.


There is also the Monster Clan!

Our Lady of Wudang and Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Chang'e again.

Chang'e is Chang Xi's good corpse.

Chang'e probably came because she wanted Su Chen to help, a Witch Clan. It was enough for them to have a headache. Now another monster clan came. Wudang Madonna and Guanyin Bodhisattva really didn’t know what to do.


Wudang Madonna and Guanyin Bodhisattva, and even Jiufeng and Chang’e, these women all looked at their fellow women. In one direction, they all found that some people were coming.

Although the people who came this time were not very strong, they all wanted to know who was coming this time.

"I’ve met some seniors!"

At this time, after the seven fairies arrived, they saw that there were four powerful quasi-sages here. They hurriedly saluted Guanyin Bodhisattva and several others.

Guanyin Bodhisattva breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that it was the seven fairies.

The seven fairies in the Yaochi Pantaoyuan They are Su Chen's direct subordinates, so it's not surprising that they come here.

"Hong Yi, why are you here?"

Hongyi hurriedly said respectfully to Guanyin Bodhisattva,"Back to Bodhisattva, we are here to deliver the best spiritual wine, fairy tea, and fairy fruit to Yaochi God General on the order of the Queen Mother."

The Holy Mother Wudang curled her lips and didn't care about this.

She knew the relationship between the Queen Mother and Su Chen.

Among the powerful powers that Su Chen was familiar with, apart from Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Queen Mother was the closest to Su Chen.

The great wizard Jiufeng and Chang'e heard that it was the Queen Mother. Seven fairies were sent to deliver fairy fruits and fairy wine to Su Chen.

They were all a little impressed by that bastard Su Chen.

Not only did Su Chen occupy the Queen Mother's Yaochi Wonderland and Peach Garden, he even asked the Queen Mother to send people to deliver these fairy things. The skills of that bastard Su Chen surprised them

"Here comes another one!"

At this time,

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked into the distance and said with a headache.

Our Lady of Wudang, Jiufeng, and Chang'e were also aware of it. They were all speechless and wanted to see who was coming this time.


A little blue bird appeared. In front of these powerful beings,

Our Lady of Wudang asked the blue bird directly,"Blue Bird? Are you sent by the Queen Mother of the West?"

Qingniao looked at so many powerful people and exclaimed,"Ah, why are there so many powerful people? I was sent by the Queen Mother of the West to find Brother Su Chen. Are you also looking for Brother Su Chen? Guanyin

Bodhisattva looked at the Blue Bird and asked,"Blue Bird, why did the Queen Mother of the West send you here?""

The blue bird flew in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva and said softly,"The Queen said that Brother Su Chen was going to do some Buddhist scriptures. She was worried that Brother Su Chen was in danger, so the Queen sent me to protect Brother Su Chen."

The Blue Bird didn't tell these powerful people that the Queen Mother of the West was still angry.

A few days ago, the Queen Mother of the West scolded Su Chen for two days in West Kunlun. The Blue Bird also felt that the Queen Mother of the West was right in scolding Su Chen. When

Su Chen came to West Kunlun, he didn't come. Look at her, she didn't even enter the palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

Qingniao thinks that the Queen Mother of the West should scold Su Chen for three days and three nights, so maybe Su Chen will come to West Kunlun to see her in the future. When the girls here heard what the Blue Bird said, they They all shook their heads.

Will something happen to Su Chen?

They all knew exactly what happened to Su Chen in the Yellow Wind Monster's cave.

With Su Chen's majesty and power, they dared to confront Su Chen along the way. I'm afraid there are not many monsters who take action in the morning.

Unless they are those monsters who don't know Su Chen, otherwise even if you lend those monsters ten courages, those monsters will not dare to take action against Su Chen.

Guanyin Bodhisattva rubbed his forehead and said to the girls ,

"Let's do this. Let's wait for Su Chen behind the Liusha River. Then I will arrange for you to meet Su Chen."


"no problem!"

"We listen to the Bodhisattva!"


Jiu Feng, Chang'e, Seven Fairies, and Qingniao all agreed that they just had to wait for a while, and they didn't care. The Holy Mother Wudang was also very helpless when she looked at these people.

When the time comes, all of them will be here, and she can't possibly do it in front of them. When the girls faced Su Chen and mentioned the incident, Our Lady of Wudang had to tell Su Chen about the Golden Spirit Mother and Yunxiao in private. A month later, Su Chen followed Tang Sanzang and his disciples to Liusha River. Su Chen saw Looking at the fast-flowing Liusha River, he was very surprised. There were huge waves one after another in the river, which were much bigger than the huge waves on the sea. Su Chen thought of the plot of the plot. The Liusha River is thousands of miles long and eight hundred miles wide. Especially in this place where the terrain is dangerous and crisscrossed by quicksand, just looking at the Liusha River makes people feel timid. Zhu Bajie looked at the Liusha River and shouted,"My dear, this river is too big. Moreover, the current is not suitable for boating because of its huge current. How are we going to cross this river?" The Liusha River is actually nothing to Zhu Bajie, Su Chen, and even Sun Wukong, but Tang Sanzang is an exception. Tang Sanzang can't fly, and even others can't fly across the river with Tang Sanzang. This is Buddhism's view of Tang Sanzang. The test. Tang Sanzang could either ride a horse or go by boat. Even Tang Sanzang could go on two feet, but Tang Sanzang could never be led by others. Looking at the flowing sand river, Tang Sanzang anxiously asked Sun Wukong,

"Wukong, how do we cross the river?"

"Master, look there is a stone tablet here."Sun Wukong shouted when he saw a stone tablet by the river.

Tang Sanzang came to the stone tablet and read,"The boundary of eight hundred quicksands, the depth of three thousand weak water, the goose feathers cannot float, and the reeds sink to the bottom."

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