After Tang Sanzang accepted Monk Sha,

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie also talked to Monk Sha one after another.

Sun Wukong was now the senior brother, Zhu Bajie was the second senior brother, and Monk Sha was the third junior brother.


Zhu Bajie quickly took on the heavy responsibility. Let me give you Sha Monk.

Su Chen looked at the gathering team and shook his head.

From now on, the team is complete, and the monsters he will encounter in the future will probably be stronger and more cunning than the last.

Su Chen thought for a while and continued to play tricks.

He was no match for the monsters the team would encounter in the future. He was probably not even a match for the weakest White Bone Demon.


Is the White-bone Demon the unlucky guy from Jiejiao Shi Ji?

Skull Mountain?

Bone Mountain?

The White Bone Demon and Shi Ji still live in the White Bone Cave.

There seems to be some connection between them?

Su Chen thought of what Mother Wudang had told him about Empress Shi Ji. Shi Ji seemed to have been granted the title of Yue Yuxingjun, so the White Bone Demon might not be the unlucky person Shi Ji was.

At this time, Sun Wukong was very surprised to hear that Monk Sha could not cross the Liusha River.

"What? Junior Brother Sha, there is nothing you can do to help Master cross the Liusha River?"

Monk Sha said to Sun Wukong with a serious face,"Elder brother, I can fly across the Liusha River with Master on my back, but it is impossible for Master to cross the Liusha River by boat."

Zhu Bajie looked at Monk Sha and shouted,

"Flying over the Liusha River? If you could take the master to fly across the Liusha River, would it still be of use to you?"

"Both Monkey Brother and I can take the master to fly across the Liusha River, but the master cannot fly across the Liusha River. We have to go to the West to learn scriptures like mortals, and we cannot use magic to help the master go to the West."

Monk Sha was confused when he heard Zhu Bajie's words.

He couldn't carry Tang Sanzang across the Liusha River. He had to cross the river like a mortal, so how could he cross the Liusha River?

It was impossible to sail in the Liusha River, and even goose feathers floated on it. How are they going to cross the Liusha River if they can't afford it?

Tang Sanzang's face also turned bitter.

He originally thought that Monk Sha could cross the Liusha River after collecting the Sha Monk, but he didn't expect that Monk Sha would not be able to cross the river. Could it be that these eight hundred miles Is it really impossible to cross the wide Liusha River?

Tang Sanzang walked to Su Chen and called a Buddha's name and asked,"Amitabha, General, do you have a way to cross the Liusha River?""


Su Chen looked around and nodded and replied. Tang Sanzang was very happy when he heard that Su Chen had a way to cross the river. The Yaochi God General is indeed the Yaochi God General. No one can figure out how to cross the river. Liusha River, and Su Chen could figure it out. Tang Sanzang guessed that Guanyin Bodhisattva sent Su Chen to go to the West with him to obtain scriptures, which probably meant that Su Chen would help him along the way. He hurriedly asked Su Chen,

"any solution?"

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha also looked at Su Chen. They also wanted to know how Su Chen could help Tang Sanzang cross the river.

Su Chen took a sip of wine and smiled and said,



When Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong's masters and disciples heard Su Chen's words, they all looked at Su Chen in bewilderment.


Wait for what?

Can they cross the quicksand river in a while?

Su Chen ignored Tang again. Sanzang and others, he lay on the stone and closed his eyes.

Muzha, the boy of Guanyin Bodhisattva, would arrive soon, and he was not in a hurry to cross the Liusha River.

Su Chen was thinking about what would happen ahead and why. Will his mind be restless?

Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong watched Su Chen close his eyes and rest. Although they were anxious, they did not dare to disturb Su Chen anymore.

Su Chen's identity was different.

If Su Chen refused to tell them the reason, Tang Sanzang would It was impossible for Sanzang and the others to ask anything from Su Chen.

"Alas, let’s take a rest here first! Tang Sanzang shook his head and said to Sun Wukong and others,

"Yes, master!"

The next moment, in a mountain forest hundreds of miles away from Liusha River, a luxurious villa rose from the ground.

In the villa, there were Guanyin Bodhisattva, Wudang Virgin, Great Witch Nine Phoenix, Fairy Chang'e, Seven Fairies, and Blue Bird. Let's discuss together for a while how to meet Su Chen.

When the Holy Mother heard Guanyin Bodhisattva's plan, she thought it was feasible.

Guanyin Bodhisattva asked them to turn into a large human family to test Tang Sanzang's master and disciples when they went to the West. Determination to learn scriptures. If they do it, they will not only be able to see Su Chen, but they may even get some heavenly merits.

This will be beneficial to them without any harm, and they have no reason to object. There is no need to be a holy mother. Looking at the other people, he smiled and said,"Guanyin's idea is good. Not only can we meet Su Chen, but we can also test the character of Tang Sanzang's people.""

"I agreed!"

Jiu Feng nodded and hurriedly agreed.

She felt that this was a pie-in-the-sky thing.

It was just a test for some of Tang Sanzang's masters and disciples. Not only could she complete the mission of Empress Ping Xin, but she could even gain some heavenly merit. This way She won't miss a good thing

"I......Forget it, I agreed."

Chang'e looked at the girls and was very confused.

She didn't want to do these messy things, but if she didn't do this, I'm afraid Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Our Lady would not let her see Su Chen.

Chang'e thought about it and agreed. Although doing this will damage her reputation, it can gain some heavenly merits, which will also be of great help to Chang Xi's recovery. The

Seven Fairies and Blue Bird were a little anxious beside them.

These powerful people had already discussed what they were going to do. Do it?

They are all little minions with low strength. They cannot participate in testing Tang Sanzang at all.

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw that the girls all agreed, which made her feel at ease.

Guanyin Bodhisattva originally wanted to be inside the Buddhist sect. Bodhisattvas, come to test the masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang, so that the Buddhist Bodhisattvas can also obtain some heavenly merits.

However, the arrival of these quasi-sages disrupted Guanyin Bodhisattva's deployment.

However, there are these powerful people who test Tang Sanzang. Even if Buddha Tathagata knew about it, Buddha Tathagata would not be able to object.

After all, these great powers all represent a powerful force, such as Jiufeng, the great witch of the Wu clan, Chang'e, the good corpse of the demon clan Chang Xi, Jie Jiao The Wudang Virgin Mary, the seven fairies of the Queen Mother of Heaven, and the messenger Qingniao of the Queen Mother of West Kunlun. The total of these forces is very powerful, and it is impossible for Buddhism to offend so many forces at once.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at the women and said coldly ,

"Now that everyone has agreed, I will tell you how to test Tang Sanzang’s masters and disciples. I, Wudang Shengsheng, Jiufeng, and Chang’e, one of the four of us will play a mother, and the other three will play the daughter. The Seven Fairies and the Blue Bird will change. For eight maids."

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