After Fairy Chang'e told her about the twelfth-grade pure white lotus, the best innate spiritual treasure, she looked at Su Chen's surprised look, and

Chang'e showed a smile she had never seen before.

Will this bastard still quibble?

The white lotus of Guanyin Bodhisattva can evolve into the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus. This can only be done by the Three Light Divine Water. Although the breath soil of the Nuwa Empress also has this effect, will the Nuwa Empress help the Buddhist Guanyin Bodhisattva?

Fairy Chang'e sat leisurely drinking tea.

She didn't believe that at this time, the bastard still refused to admit it.

Su Chen and Guanyin Bodhisattva, Wudang Holy Mother, were stunned after hearing Fairy Chang'e's words.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus?

They have all forgotten this loophole.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's white lotus was previously an eighth-grade white lotus, but it will evolve into a top-notch innate spiritual treasure, a twelfth-grade pure world white lotus.

This must use the Three Light Divine Water.

They all guessed that Chang'e had the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus, and Chang'e knew that Su Chen had the Three Lights Divine Water.

Jiufeng looked at everyone in confusion, what happened to the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus?

It's just a top-quality innate spiritual treasure.

What does this have to do with the Three Light Divine Water?

Jiufeng looked at a few people and couldn't figure out why.

Su Chen looked at Chang'e, coughed and said,

"Hey, Chang'e, even if I have the Three Lights Divine Water, why should I give it to you?

Chang'e hurriedly promised Su Chen,"I, the Taiyin Star, can promise you a cause and effect.""

"Sorry, I don't need it, and the Sanguang Divine Water has been used up."

Su Chen shook his head and refused.

He was joking.

A Taiyin Star Karma wants to get ten drops of Three Light Divine Water.

How can it be such a good thing?

Three Light Divine Water is rarer than the best innate spiritual treasures. The Taiyin Star Karma is so valuable. ?

"you.....You are talking nonsense!"


"You must still have the Three Light Divine Water, Su Chen, I only want ten drops, I only want ten drops of the Three Light Divine Water"

"there is none left!"

"Bastard, how on earth are you going to give me ten drops of Three Light Divine Water?"

"If I said no, there would be no more."

Chang'e's chest was heaving because of Su Chen's anger.

She wants to strangle this bastard now, doesn't she?

This bastard is telling lies with his eyes open.

She doesn't believe that this bastard doesn't have the Sanguang Divine Water.

"You guys talk, I'll teach that Zhu Bajie a lesson!"

Our Lady of Wudang felt that there was nothing to see.

If Chang'e came to ask for the Three Light Divine Water, she would not worry that Su Chen would be deceived by Fairy Chang'e.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Su Chen and smiled, and she did not intend to care about it. It's a matter of fact.

I'm afraid it's impossible for Su Chen to give Fairy Chang'e the Three Lights Divine Water. The Three Lights Divine Water is a divine object. Fairy Chang'e has nothing to do with Su Chen. It's impossible for Su Chen to give the Three Lights Divine Water to an unrelated person.

Guanyin Bodhisattva He hurriedly said to Our Lady of Wudang,

"Wudang, I'll go with you. Zhu Bajie is not determined to learn from the scriptures. This time, he must teach that pig a lesson."


Jiu Feng saw that Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Virgin were leaving, and she didn't want to stay.

Now that Jiu Feng knew what Chang'e was going to do, she didn't have to continue staring at Fairy Chang'e.

Jiu Feng hurriedly shouted," I'll go too, I'll go too, Zhu Bajie can let me beat him, I just want to vent now."

After a while, the three girls of Guanyin Bodhisattva left the room.

Su Chen watched the three girls of Guanyin Bodhisattva leave.

He originally wanted to leave with him, but Fairy Chang'e stood in front of him in an instant. Su Chen couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

Su Chen Chen looked at the beautiful and cold Fairy Chang'e in front of her and said with a smile,

"Fairy Chang'e, even if you stop me, I still don't have the Three Lights Divine Water. Chang'e stared at Su Chen and said in disbelief,"I don't believe it, Su Chen, how can you give me ten drops of the Three Light Divine Water?" You can mention whatever conditions you have"


Su Chen touched his chin and looked at Chang'e.

Fairy Chang'e is very beautiful, with long shawl hair, a curvy figure, and a delicate and beautiful cold face. The Moon Palace Fairy is indeed the Moon Palace Fairy.

Fairy Chang'e saw Su Chen looking at her shamelessly, and she beat and scolded Su Chen in shame and anger ,

"Shameless and obscene!"

"Ahem, I'm just looking at Fairy Moon Palace. Fairy Chang'e, please don't get me wrong."

"Shameless pervert, do you think I will believe you?"

Su Chen waved his hand and said to Chang'e,

"Fairy Chang'e, we don't need to be too pretentious. Do you want ten drops of the Three Lights Divine Water for Fairy Chang Xi?"

Su Chen also guessed that Chang'e might not want to use the Three Lights Divine Water.

The Three Lights Divine Water is a holy medicine for healing.

He also thought of Fairy Chang Xi.

Fairy Chang Xi did not die in the Lich War, so Fairy Chang Xi's situation should be the same. No. Otherwise

, it is impossible that Chang Xi has not appeared in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

Chang'e was shocked when she heard Su Chen's words. She did not expect that Su Chen would guess that Chang Xi wanted to use the Three Lights Divine Water.

Chang'e felt uneasy. Then he said to Su Chen,

"you......Yes, Sister Chang Xi has not recovered from the injuries she sustained during the Lich War. In the past hundreds of thousands of years, I have not found the holy medicine for healing, so I want to ask for ten drops of the Three Lights Divine Water to save Sister Chang Xi.

Su Chen thought for a while and said to Chang'e,"Since it's Fairy Chang Xi who needs the Three Lights Divine Water for healing, I will give you ten drops of the Three Lights Divine Water.""



"What are your requirements?"

"Request? If you can't do it, let Fairy Chang Xi come and talk to me from now on."

It is impossible to give Chang'e what Su Chen wants. Even Fairy Chang Xi may not be able to do it. What

Su Chen wants is the innate treasure Chaos Bell.

After the Lich War, the innate treasure Chaos Bell was also missing. Su Chen I just want to see if Fairy Chang Xi knows the whereabouts of the Chaos Clock.


Chang'e was very angry when she heard Su Chen's words.

She was worried that this bastard Su Chen would catch Chang Xi's attention.

This bastard was a shameless pervert.

Chang Xi was even more beautiful than her. If Su Chen saw Chang Xi, Xi, I'm afraid this bastard has other intentions.

Su Chen poured out ten drops of the Three Light Divine Water from the jade bottle, and handed it to Chang'e and said,

"Here you go, these are ten drops of the Three Light Divine Water. Don’t tell anyone about this, and don’t go around saying that I have the Three Light Divine Water."

Chang'e took the three-light divine water and smiled.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would have so much three-light divine water. There must be at least dozens of drops of three-light divine water in the jade bottle.

Chang'e rolled her eyes when she heard Su Chen's words. He said slyly,"Give me another five drops of the Three Light Divine Water, and I will forget all about today's events."


Su Chen slapped Chang'e.

He shouted angrily,

"You want to eat farts!"

Chang'e was stunned.

Su Chen dared to hit her?

Does this bastard want to die?

Chang'e suddenly burst out with a powerful aura and enveloped Su Chen.

"Su Chen, you are seeking death!"

"Holy shit! Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I didn’t mean it, it’s me, Chang’e, don’t mess around!"

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