Su Chen was also extremely worried about the arrival of these women.

Dujie couldn't help him at all, and these women came to him regardless of life or death.

Lei Jie didn't care whether these women were irrelevant people. As long as they got involved, Lei Jie would The tribulation is an indiscriminate attack.

The world-destroying lightning catastrophe is simply not something that these women can withstand, and these women will probably be annihilated together with him.

The Queen Mother gave Su Chen a white look and said speechlessly,

"What's the use of talking about this now? I arrived with no intention of leaving alive."

Our Lady of Wudang glared at Su Chen and reminded Su Chen,"Su Chen, you bastard owe me a favor. If you don't die this time, you must return the favor to me."

"And us, you must return the favor to us too."Our Lady of Jin Ling pulled Yun Xiao and said to Su Chen with a smile.

Our Lady of Jin Ling and Yun Xiao were also very helpless towards Su Chen.

They couldn't understand why they came to this place of death, but Our Lady of Wudang came to Su Chen regardless of all costs. Chen's side.

Whether they were doing it for Wudang Madonna or they wanted to save Su Chen in their hearts,

Golden Spirit Madonna and Yunxiao Fairy also came to Su Chen's side by chance.

"We are all going to die, and we still need this shitty favor."

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard the words of the women.

If the world-destroying lightning disaster came,

Su Chen and these women would be shattered to pieces in an instant, and even their souls might be completely annihilated.

Our Lady of Wudang and The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and Fairy Yunxiao wanted to strangle this bastard to death when they heard Su Chen's words. They were just looking for an excuse.

Don't they know that this is the world-destroying thunder tribulation? The world-destroying thunder tribulation is simply not something they can withstand. Really?

Su Chen smiled when he heard Sister Wudang's words.

He looked at the cold and arrogant Queen Mother of the West beside him, and he hugged this beautiful beauty.

"Queen Mother of the West, you came to save me regardless of life and death, and even wanted to die with me. This moved me very much. If we are lucky enough to survive this time, I will definitely marry you."

Queen Mother Xi's face turned dark when she heard Su Chen's words.

She felt that it was a mistake to come to save this bastard.

Queen Mother Xi didn't know why she came to this bastard. She just saw the world-destroying thunder tribulation appeared, and she didn't even think about it. She hurriedly came to this bastard.

Now she thought about it and felt very speechless.

Su Chen was destined to die in the face of the world-destroying thunder catastrophe.

How could she die with this bastard? Queen Mother Xi couldn't explain it in her heart.

Queen Mother Xi's face was crimson. Staring at Su Chen and shouting,

"Let me go, do you want to die?"

Su Chen hugged Queen Mother Xi's soft body tightly and said,"We are all going to die, just let me hug you."

"You are so shameless!"

The Queen Mother of the West was also helpless.

She looked at the smiles of the women next to her. She didn't care about this bastard hugging her.

These women will die together with Su Chen this time.

For tens of millions of years, the Queen Mother of the West has been living cautiously. , I didn’t expect that I would die for this bastard this time.

Su Chen was very confused when he looked at Chang’e and Jiufeng while holding the Queen Mother of the West. The arrival of women like Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Queen Mother made sense. After all, they had a good relationship with him.

But Chang'e and Jiufeng have nothing to do with each other. How could these two beauties ignore life and death?

Su Chen smiled and asked Chang'e and Jiufeng,"Chang'e, Jiufeng, are you also fascinated by me?""

"Shameless pervert!"

"I'm so obsessed with you!"

Chang'e and Jiufeng were very ashamed and angry when they heard Su Chen's words.

This bastard was about to die, but he still looked like he needed a beating.

They couldn't help but want to beat this bastard hard while he was still alive. once

"Ha ha......"

Su Chen looked at the women and laughed, even crying.

These women were able to save him regardless of life and death, which made Su Chen very happy.

However, he also felt very guilty in his heart.

He didn't want these women to die with him. This was the world-destroying thunder tribulation. Su Chen and these women simply couldn't withstand the world-destroying thunder tribulation. Guanyin Bodhisattva If these women died, their souls would be shattered and they would not even have a chance to be reincarnated.


Guanyin Bodhisattva felt very sad when she heard Su Chen's laughter.

She knew why Su Chen laughed like this.

Su Chen must have been desperate, and even felt guilty for hurting these women.

Su Chen let go of the Queen Mother of the West,

His eyes were a little blurry, so he hugged Guanyin Bodhisattva, and then hugged the Queen Mother, Wudang Madonna, Jinling Madonna, Yunxiao Fairy, Chang'e Fairy, and the Great Witch Jiufeng one by one. These women could come to him regardless of life or death. , or even decided to live and die with him,

Su Chen didn't care who these women were before and what their purpose was.

Are they plotting against themselves?

Or are they asking for themselves?

None of this matters anymore.

From now on, these women can die with him. , Su Chen had already accepted these women in his heart.

When Su Chen hugged the Queen Mother and other women, Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Queen Mother, Wudang Holy Mother, and the Queen Mother of the West, none of them objected. They all hugged Su Chen generously. , this may be their last hug.

As for Jinling Virgin Mary and Yunxiao Fairy, although they frowned when Su Chen hugged them, they also accepted Su Chen's hug.

Chang'e and Jiufeng were relatively angry,

When Su Chen hugged them,

Chang'e and Jiufeng struggled in shame and anger, and even pinched Su Chen's arms and waist.

"Guanyin, Wudang, you have to take care of my family for me from now on."

After Su Chen hugged several girls one by one, he asked Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang to take care of his family in the Shenyi Continent.

He can't go back to the Shenyun Continent, and he can't go back to the Tianxuan Continent either.

Yan It is impossible for him to see the concubine, Ji Ruxi, the ladies, and even his daughters Su Yan and Su Yue.

Su Chen looked at the women around him and prepared to send them away.

These women cannot die here.

This is His calamity,

Su Chen will not let these women who have sacrificed everything for him die with him.

"Su Chen, what are you going to do?"

"You must not do anything stupid. With so many of us, maybe we can withstand the world-destroying thunder tribulation?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang became anxious when they heard Su Chen's words.

They felt that Su Chen might do something.

Although the world-destroying thunder tribulation was not something they could withstand, Su Chen's words made them feel very bad..

The other daughters of the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother of the West also looked at Su Chen.

They also felt that what might Su Chen do?

Otherwise, this bastard would not be able to act like he was arranging funeral arrangements.

Su Chen began to gather mana, the law of space!

Su Chen If Chen explodes the law of space, he may be able to send these women to escape from the world-destroying lightning tribulation.

"None of you can die here. I will send you all away in a while. I can die, but I will not watch you die with me."

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