In the Peach Garden, other sad women heard Guanyin Bodhisattva's words. They hurriedly looked at the Yin-Yang Eyes and the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation in the sea of ​​thunder in the sky. After they discovered that the Yin-Yang Eyes and the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation were still there, these The women's faces showed joy

"Su Chen did not die"

"Yes, if Su Chen died, the world-destroying lightning disaster should have dissipated. That bastard did not die."

"hehe......, that shameless bastard did not die after all"

"So what are we waiting for, hurry up and save that bastard!"

"Jiufeng, wait, Su Chen hasn't appeared yet, we can't be reckless. If we appear again under the world-destroying thunder tribulation, not only will we not be able to save Su Chen, but we may also be struck to death by the world-destroying thunder tribulation."

"Yes, we will take action after Su Chen appears!"

"Well, we can't rush there. If Su Chen has any plans, we may mess up Su Chen's plan."

The Queen Mother and the Wudang Virgins were happy that Su Chen did not die, but they did not dare to go to find Su Chen rashly.

Su Chen could still be alive under the law of self-destruction. They also wanted to see Su Chen appear again before doing anything. Plan.

In the prehistoric fairy world, the sky has already brightened, but the strange phenomena of heaven and earth in the sky are still there, the blood-red sky!

The blood rain is still falling, the roar of thunder in the thunder sea, the indifferent and merciless punishment of heaven The yin and yang eyes make all the creatures in the prehistoric fairy world uneasy.

The creatures in the prehistoric fairy world don't know why heaven is angry.

The same vision of the end makes all the creatures in the prehistoric world panic and don't know what to do.

In the air The terrifying and huge Heavenly Punishment Yin and Yang Eyes in the Thunder Sea have been mercilessly watching the space where Su Chen exploded. The World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation keeps rolling and roaring in the air. The

World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation is also very innocent.

It just wants to destroy a creature that insults the way of heaven. , but it exploded before it could chop down the creature.

The world-destroying thunder tribulation has been gathered, and it will probably take several days to dissipate. After all, the world-destroying thunder tribulation is different from ordinary thunder tribulations.

At this moment,

Su Chen is where The chaotic space calmed down, and Su Chen's soul was slowly inspected by the great powers in the wilderness.

"Suchen? Su Chen only has his soul left?"

"well! Su Chen is probably going to be doomed now. The World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation is going to destroy Su Chen's soul!"

"It turns out that the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation has been waiting for Su Chen’s soul to appear."

"The divine general of Yaochi will probably fall in the end."

"Su Chen only has his soul left. It stands to reason that the tribulation has failed. Why would the world-destroying thunder catastrophe destroy even Su Chen's soul?"

"Insulting the law of heaven, provoking the law of heaven, and Su Chen's incomplete fall, where is the majesty of the law of heaven? The law of heaven cannot be insulted!"

After the great powers in the prehistoric fairy world discovered Su Chen's soul, these great powers were surprised and sighed and said that the way of heaven cannot be insulted.

Su Chen not only insulted the way of heaven, but even provoked the way of heaven. I am afraid that the world-destroying thunder catastrophe will be Even Su Chen’s spirit will not be spared.

Boom boom boom.......

The yin and yang eyes of heaven in the sky also discovered Su Chen's soul, and the ruthless and indifferent yin and yang eyes immediately looked down at Su Chen.

The roaring sound of the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation became more and more powerful, but the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation did not strike for a long time.

The world-destroying thunder tribulation was also very confusing.

Su Chen only had his soul left.

Is this considered a failure to overcome the tribulation?

Then should we continue to chop it down?

It's a pity that the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation has no thoughts, and at this moment it can only roar and wait for the instructions of the Yin and Yang Eyes of Punishment.

After Su Chen calmed down in the chaotic space, he found that the Yin and Yang Eyes of Heavenly Punishment in the sky were looking down at him mercilessly.

This made Su Chen worried.

The Tianxuan Continent had not yet been unified, and the system could not use the fate of the country and the fate of the Emperor to help him recover. If his body is struck down by the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation, then he will be finished.

Huh? its not right!

Are you considered dead?

Does that mean that he failed to overcome the tribulation?

The world-destroying thunder calamity should dissipate!

Su Chen suddenly thought that he should be considered a dead person now.

What kind of disaster can a dead person survive?

Heaven should sentence Su Chen to failure in overcoming the catastrophe, and the terrifying world-destroying thunder catastrophe in the sky should also dissipate.

Su Chen thought for a moment and shouted into the air,

"Heavenly Dao, I am already dead and have failed to transcend the tribulation. You should take back the world-destroying thunder tribulation!"

Boom boom boom.......

Above the nine heavens, a terrifying roar rang out, and the creatures in the entire prehistoric world were suffocated by the terrifying aura. Some ordinary prehistoric creatures were forced to kneel on the ground.

Then, a huge, cold eye appeared above the sky,

"The way of heaven, the way of heaven has appeared!"

"Oh my God, what on earth is Su Chen going to do? Why did you even provoke the law of heaven?"

"Heavenly Dao has never appeared since the Lich Catastrophe. A little human immortal actually provoked Heavenly Dao."

"With the appearance of Heavenly Dao, I don't know whether to punish Su Chen or let Su Chen go?"

"It should be to destroy Su Chen. After all, Su Chen insulted Tiandao and even provoked Tiandao."

"You say that the Heavenly Dao that appears today is the Dao Ancestor? Or the way of heaven?"

"Not sure!"

"have no idea!"

In the prehistoric fairy world, after the Eye of Heavenly Dao appeared, these great experts started talking one after another. Heavenly Dao has not appeared for tens of millions of years. None of these powerful people thought that a little human immortal would provoke Heavenly Dao..

In the Pantaoyuan, when the Queen Mother and the Guanyin Bodhisattva found Su Chen, they were all ready to go there, but the appearance of Tiandao made them all worried.

"Heaven has appeared. That bastard must stop talking nonsense."

"If Su Chen dares to provoke Heaven again, and Heaven will not send down a world-destroying thunderstorm to kill Su Chen, I will also strangle that bastard to death."

"I don't know if the appearance of Heavenly Dao is a good thing for Su Chen? Or is it a bad thing?"

"What Su Chen said just now seems to be correct. Su Chen has fallen now. Logically speaking, heaven should not continue to send down thunder and disasters that will destroy the world, right?"

"Chang'e, that bastard Su Chen insulted and provoked Tiandao. Even if Su Chen had his soul left, Tiandao might not be able to let Su Chen go."

"Alas, I will go there later. If Heaven insists on destroying Su Chen, then I will save Su Chen even if I die."

"me too!"

"We'll go together when the time comes."

The Queen Mother and the daughters of Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Tiandao who appeared.

They also said one after another that if Tiandao insisted on destroying Su Chen's soul, they women would go to save Su Chen even if they fell.

At this moment,

Su Chen looked at Tiandao Eye, and then looked at the Eye of Punishment. Su Chen felt that what appeared above the nine heavens should be the way of heaven, and what appeared in the sea of ​​thunder in the sky should be the Eye of Punishment.

"Tiandao, I am dead and the tribulation is over. Shouldn't it be time to put away your Eye of Punishment and the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation?"


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