Chang'e's face was filled with shame and anger when she heard Su Chen's shameless words.

This bastard,

Guanyin Bodhisattva and the other women had just left, and this bastard was about to attack her.

Chang'e regretted a little.

She should have left with the women like Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Chang'e was wary of this bastard when Su Chen held her hand. If Su Chen dared to touch her, she decided to teach this shameless pervert a lesson.

Su Chen saw Chang'e's blushing and guarded look, and he smiled and said,

"Haha, don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you now, but I won’t be able to say for sure in the future."

"You are so shameless!"

Chang'e was relieved when she heard Su Chen's words.

As long as Su Chen doesn't do anything to her now, we'll talk about the future later.

Besides, this bastard will probably follow him all the time in the future. Chang'e can't tell Su Chen anything about the relationship between them. What's the relationship?

Su Chen took Chang'e and sat on the grass and said,

"Chang'e, I have some reasons to keep you here."

"I want you to help me ask Fairy Chang Xi, can Fairy Chang Xi set up the Zhoutian Star Formation of the Monster Clan? And whose hands are the 365 Great Zhoutian Star Flags arranged in formation?"

Su Chen is determined to win the Monster Clan's Zhoutian Star Array.

This terrifying star array is crucial to the heaven. There are 365 big stars and 14,800 small stars. These stars will be in the future. It is under his jurisdiction.

The Demon Clan’s Zhoutian Star Formation will be the most powerful formation in heaven in the future.

If it weren’t for the Wu Clan’s Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation, which can only be used by the Wu Clan, Su Chen would also I want to get the Twelve Capitals Heavenly God Evil Formation.

However, it is impossible for the Wu Clan to gather twelve powerful ancestor witches or great witches, and the Twelve Capital Heavenly God Evil Formation is also useless.

Chang'e was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words ,

Su Chen actually even knew about the Zhoutian Star Formation. This happened tens of millions of years ago. Except for the powerful people of the older generation, not many people in the ancient world knew about the Zhoutian Star Formation.

Su Chen was a little kid. A monk, how could he know so many secrets?

Chang'e looked at Su Chen and said coldly,

"I know how to set up the formation"

"To set up the Zhoutian Star Formation, I need 365 large star banners, and then gather 365 Da Luo Jinxian, and use the Lunar Star and the Sun Star as the eyes of the array, I can set up the Zhoutian Star Formation"


"Three hundred and sixty-five large star flags were snatched away by Kunpeng from Beihai, and the Hetu Luoshu of the main formation was in the hands of the Human Emperor Fuxi. Without these, the Zhoutian Star Formation would not be able to be deployed at all."

Su Chen frowned and fell silent when he heard Chang'e's words.

Damn it!

Three hundred and sixty-five Da Luo Jinxian?

Are there so many Da Luo Jinxian in the prehistoric immortal world now?

Three hundred and sixty-five big star banners are okay,

Kunpeng If the three hundred and sixty-five star flags were not handed over, Su Chen would have gathered all the girls to kill Kunpeng.


Hetu Luoshu was in some trouble.

The Human Emperor Fuxi, the brother of Empress Nuwa, that petty woman of Nuwa,

Su Chen didn't want to offend the most powerful woman in the ancient world of immortality. Su Chen was worried that Empress Nuwa would cause trouble for him in the future.

Don't think that if Empress Nuwa couldn't appear in the prehistoric world, it would be impossible for Nuwa to cause trouble for him.

A saint. , if Nuwa had any plans,

Su Chen might not be able to guard against it.

Su Chen thought about it and asked Chang'e,

"Chang'e, can I use 365 Taiyi Golden Immortals to set up the formation? You also know that there are probably not even three hundred and sixty-five Daluo Golden Immortals in the entire prehistoric immortal world."

Chang'e nodded when she heard Su Chen's words and said,"Yes, but the Zhoutian Star Formation can only attack three times. Taiyi Golden Immortal's magic power is not enough to maintain the Zhoutian Star Formation for a long time."

Su Chen smiled when he heard Chang'e's words.

As long as Taiyi Golden Immortal can lay out the star array in the sky.

Taiyi Golden Immortal lacks mana?

This is a trivial matter for him.

Those flat peaches in the flat peach garden, When the time comes, prepare a batch for those Taiyi Golden Immortals who are in formation.

If you don’t have any mana, just eat a flat peach.

"It's easy to say that the flat peaches in the flat peach garden can be used by 365 Taiyi Golden Immortals to restore mana."

Chang'e looked at Su Chen speechlessly.

This bastard is just a big dog.

The Queen Mother's peach will be occupied by this bastard from now on. I'm afraid this bastard will not hold another peach banquet in heaven.

"What about the three hundred and sixty-five large star flags? What about Hetu Luoshu? Without these, the Zhoutian Star Formation cannot be arranged."

"I will think of a way to do this. If Kunpeng doesn't hand over the three hundred and sixty-five big star flags, let the Queen Mother and those women destroy Kunpeng. The Hetu Luoshu in the hands of Human Emperor Fuxi will be a trouble."

Chang'e heard Su Chen say that Kunpeng was going to be destroyed.

She didn't care about killing Kunpeng, but Human Emperor Fuxi?

Chang'e was worried that this bastard would cause trouble again.

Although Human Emperor Fuxi was only a quasi-sage, Human Emperor Fuxi's sister was a female. Empress Nuwa.

If Su Chen snatches the Hetu Luoshu from the hands of the Human Emperor Fuxi, Empress Nuwa may not let it go. Chang'e is very worried about Su Chen.

Su Chen is a bastard who is not afraid of heaven and earth. This The bastard dared to insult and provoke even Heavenly Dao.

If Chang'e didn't remind this bastard,

Su Chen would probably kill even the Human Emperor Fuxi.

Chang'e thought of this bastard's ability to cause trouble, and she turned pale and grabbed Su Chen's hand tightly. reminded,

"Su Chen, you must not snatch the Hetu Luoshu from Human Emperor Fuxi. This may offend Empress Nuwa."

Su Chen said helplessly while holding Chang'e's waist.

"I know I can't force myself. Human Emperor Fuxi, how can I deal with him? Chang'e

's body trembled when Su Chen hugged her.

She was still taken advantage of by this bastard,"You can think of a way later. Let me go quickly. I'm leaving.""

Su Chen smiled and took out a jade slip and said,

"Okay, Chang'e, this jade slip contains a small celestial star formation. Go back and study some more and see if the women like Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Queen Mother can arrange it.

Chang'e was surprised when she heard Su Chen's words and asked,"Little Zhoutian Star Array?" Where did you get it?"

"Ladder rewards"

"Okay, I'll study it with Sister Chang Xi when I get back."Chang'e collected the jade slips and replied to Su Chen,

Ladder to Heaven?

That is really a magical place.

Chang Xi no longer needs to retreat to heal his wounds.

Chang'e has gained dozens of acres of heavenly merits this time. She only needs to give some heavenly virtues to sister Chang Xi. Merit.

Chang Xi's injury will recover quickly.

After Su Chen finished all this, he relaxed now.

Su Chen hugged Chang'e and smelled her fragrance and closed his eyes.

However, when Su Chen discovered that Tang Sanzang The four masters and apprentices were tied up in Wuzhuang Temple.

Su Chen said in surprise,

"Let me guess, why were Master Tang Sanzang and his disciples still caught by Zhen Yuanzi? Chang'e leaned into Su Chen's arms and said helplessly,"Sun Wukong knocked down Zhen Yuanzi's ginseng fruit tree. Do you think Zhen Yuanzi would let Tang Sanzang and his disciples leave easily?""

"Chang'e, let's go and see the excitement!"

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