Half a month later,

Su Chen and Tang Sanzang's masters and disciples had left Skull Mountain.

The journey was relatively calm, and no demons or ghosts appeared.

It was just that the team was a little dull without Sun Wukong in the group.

Su Chen sat under the tree and listened to the conversation between Tang Sanzang's master and his apprentice and shook his head.

Without Sun Wukong,

Tang Sanzang would be hungry and full in the past half month.

"Junior Brother Sha, I'm going to find something to eat. You have to keep an eye on the master."

"Second Senior Brother, don’t worry, I will definitely protect the master."

"Phew, I am Senior Brother now, Junior Brother Sha, you will call me Senior Brother from now on."

Su Chen smiled when he heard Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha.

This should be the place where the demon Kuimulang descended from heaven to earth. This time Tang Sanzang seems to be suffering again.

Kuimulang of the Twenty-Eight Constellations?

Pixiang Palace"Hundred Flowers Shame"?


Su Chen touched his chin and thought about the details in the plot, but there were some things that Su Chen couldn't understand.

Why can Bai Huaxian be reincarnated in the lower world?

It is impossible for a little maid to reincarnate just because she wants to. Is there anything I don't know about?

And Kui Mulang?

Kui Mulang is just a small star. He knows that heaven does not allow immortals to fall in love. Kui Mulang not only fell in love with Baihuaxi, but also fell in love with Bai Huaxian. Dare to secretly descend from heaven, how did Kui Mulang know that Baihuaxi was the princess of Baoxiang Kingdom? Could he go to the underworld to check the life and death book?

Su Chen didn't understand any of this.

Su Chen leaned against the tree While resting, he muttered to himself,"Does that unlucky Shiji guy not want her body anymore? It's been more than half a month, why hasn't Shi Ji come to find me?"


Who has arrived?

Su Chen suddenly felt a strange aura.


Come on!

A giant hammer suddenly hit Su Chen hard, and

Su Chen immediately teleported away.


"Haha, Emperor of Heaven? Today I will send you back to the west."A bearded Taoist priest suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen.

Monk Sha hurriedly took Tang Sanzang away from here.

The arrival of a Taiyi Golden Immortal was something he couldn't handle.

Monk Sha could only ask Su Chen for help. I wish you luck

"Who are you?"

Su Chen looked expressionlessly at the Taoist Taoist who appeared, a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and it seemed that he had escaped from somewhere.

But why did this Taoist Taoist want to kill him?

Did he even know that he was the Emperor of Heaven?

"who I am? Kill your person"

"Old Taoist, since you know that I am the Emperor of Heaven, aren't you afraid that you will be hunted down if you can't kill me?"

"Haha, a little human immortal and a heavenly emperor, I, a Taiyi Golden Immortal, can’t kill you? Emperor of Heaven, don't think about other people coming to save you. The space with a radius of thousands of miles here has been blocked. No one will know that I want to kill you."

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard the words of this insulting Taoist.

The space with a radius of thousands of miles was blocked?

No wonder that when the old Taoist killed himself just now, the Five Directions Revealed the Truth, the Four Levels of Gongcao, Six Ding Liujia and other gods and Buddhas did not come out Save yourself.

Su Chen looked at the Taoist Taoist and asked,

"Old Taoist, you have no ability to stop the Quasi-Saint Power from checking this place. There should be a powerful power behind you, right?"

"You talk too much, go to hell!"Taoist Taoist said, he took the Lingbao Giant Hammer and quickly attacked Su Chen.

"court death!"

Su Chen saw that the Taoist Taoist was about to attack him again. He took out a jade slip given to him by Guanyin Bodhisattva and used his magic power to activate it.


A white light appeared instantly, and the Taoist Taoist was immediately blasted into the nearby mountains. The entire mountain was shattered and collapsed.

And the white light didn't stop yet.

It rushed for hundreds of miles before disappearing.

Come on!

Guanyin Bodhisattva's full blow was so powerful.

Su Chen looked at the hundreds of people in front of him.

He was frightened just looking at the huge crater inside which was so destructed.

The terrifying blow of the quasi-sage power was too powerful. The Taoist who ruined it might not even be able to leave his soul behind.

Su Chen teleported over and picked it up. The ruined Taoist’s Lingbao Hammer has been destroyed both physically and spiritually.

However, why does this ruined Taoist come to kill him? He clearly knows that he is the Emperor of Heaven, but this ruined Taoist still dares to kill himself, and he also has powerful help to cover this place. Mysterious secrets, what kind of power wants to kill me?

Su Chen thought about these things with a serious face,

Damn it!

Who would want to kill him?

Emperor Haotian?

This is possible!

Su Chen robbed Haotian after all. The position of Emperor of Heaven, but does Haotian have the guts?

There are about a dozen quasi-sage powers around Su Chen.

This is well known in the prehistoric immortal world. No matter how stupid Haotian is, he would not dare to come to the prehistoric immortal world to kill himself.

Besides, Haotian Having already fled to Zixiao Palace,

Haotian probably wouldn't dare to appear in the ancient fairyland again.

Empress Nuwa?

She couldn't be that narrow-minded woman, right?

Su Chen felt a little confused when he thought of Empress Nuwa.

If she was really a female Empress Wa sent someone to kill her, so Su Chen would probably have no way to take revenge. How to deal with a saint?

Do you want to run to Chaos to die?

Su Chen thought about it and said with a sullen face,

"No, this matter must be clarified, otherwise he will still be assassinated by strong men in the future."


Su Chen disappeared directly to go to heaven.

He had to figure out who wanted to kill him, otherwise he might have to turn a blind eye during the night.

Monk Sha and Tang Sanzang saw Su Chen.

They were all very surprised. The

Taoist who had just arrived was so powerful that they felt it was difficult to breathe even when they were far away.

However, Su Chen actually killed the Taoist with one blow. , they also have a new understanding of Su Chen, the Emperor of Heaven

"what's going on?"

At this time,

Zhu Bajie flew over and shouted.

Monk Sha hurriedly said to Zhu Bajie,"Second senior brother, just now a Taoist from Taiyi Jinxian secretly assassinated the Emperor of Heaven."

"What? Someone dares to assassinate Su Chen? Where is Su Chen? Was he killed?"

Zhu Bajie was very surprised when he heard Monk Sha's words.

He did not expect that someone would dare to assassinate Su Chen.

Su Chen was not only the Emperor of Heaven in Heaven, but also had a dozen quasi-sages protecting Su Chen. In the end, what happened? Who dares to assassinate Su Chen?

"The Emperor of Heaven is fine. The man who ruined Taoism was beheaded by the Emperor of Heaven. It seems that the Emperor of Heaven has gone to Heaven."

"That's good. It's good that nothing happened to Su Chen. Otherwise, we might be in trouble. But who dares to assassinate Su Chen in the prehistoric fairy world? Are those people desperate for their lives?"

"Second Brother, I'm afraid this is something we can't control. Being able to block the space here and even cover up the secrets of heaven is something that only some powerful people can do."

"That's right."

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