In the Heavenly Court and the Lingxiao Palace,

Su Chen and Empress Nuwa looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

It had been a while, but none of them gave in.

Empress Nuwa wanted Su Chen to give those human emperors a chance. A way out, but Su Chen resolutely refused.

I go!

Isn't the Nuwa Empress really as beautiful as she is?

Her phoenix eyebrows are light-eyed, her snow-skinned lips are red, her flawless cheeks are as crystal clear as jade, and her face is cold and cold, like the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain, looking unapproachable to ordinary people.

With a tall and curvy figure and a cold and beautiful face,

Su Chen was unconsciously confused as he stared at Nuwa Empress.

Su Chen had been angry and busy before, and he didn't pay close attention to Nuwa.

He and Empress Nuwa were now competing with each other. Su Chen's mouth went dry as he stared at Empress Nuwa. The stunningly beautiful Empress Nuwa was indeed the most beautiful woman in the world.

Empress Nuwa also noticed something was wrong with Su Chen.

She saw Su Chen looking at her with lust in his eyes, which made Shanshi's cold face become even colder.

Damn you bastard,

Nuwa's good corpse is now eager to kill this shameless Emperor with one palm.

She has never been looked at like this by anyone.

The saints and powerful people in the ancient world of immortality are not trained to be lecherous, but this The Emperor of Heaven is an exception.

She had seen clearly just now the friendship that the Queen Mother and the other women had towards this bastard.

There is such a lustful person in the heaven, and I don't know whether it is good or bad for the heaven. How can the heaven grant this bastard the status of emperor.

Empress Nuwa glared at Su Chen fiercely and said,

"Su Chen, I can give you three innate spiritual treasures to save the lives of Fu Xi and those human emperors, and at least give them a chance to reincarnate."

Su Chen saw Nuwa Empress glared at him, and he was a little embarrassed.

Su Chen guessed that Nuwa Empress must have noticed that he was looking at Nuwa Empress's face and figure just now.

Su Chen shook his head and put aside the previous With random thoughts, he looked at Nuwa and said coldly,

"Madam Nuwa, I have always killed all my enemies, and I will not leave any hidden dangers in the world."

"I can guarantee you that if Fuxi and those Human Emperors seek revenge on you after reincarnation, I will kill them with my own hands."

"Can you really guarantee that?"

"Su Chen, I can swear an oath of heaven!"

When Empress Nuwa saw Su Chen's somewhat relaxed tone, she hurriedly assured Su Chen that she would even take the oath of heaven.

Empress Nuwa felt that only by doing this could Su Chen leave a reincarnation for those human emperors. opportunity.

When Su Chen heard what Nuwa said, he felt that it was okay to give Nuwa a face.

Besides, Nuwa had already made an oath of heaven, and Su Chen was not worried that Nuwa would go back on her word.

Those Human Emperors were If you are reincarnated as a human being, you will not be able to achieve much in the future. After all, the period of the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors has passed, and there is nothing to do in the prehistoric immortal world that can gain merit from heaven.

"I answer......."

Boom boom boom.......

Just when Su Chen was about to agree to Nuwa Empress's condition, the Great Ancient Immortal Realm suddenly shook.

Su Chen did not continue talking. The shaking in the Great Ancient Immortal Realm must mean that something big happened.

Empress Nuwa was very speechless.

Su Chen was about to agree.

At this time, the world of immortality was shaken, which made her very helpless.

Empress Nuwa waved her hand gently, and an image appeared in the Lingxiao Palace. Empress Nuwa's expression changed when she saw this image.

Su Chen's face turned dark when she saw the image.

The ruthless empress looked at the eight people in the image with an indifferent expression.

She guessed that these eight people were the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and they were also the people she wanted to kill in the future.

In the prehistoric fairy world, there was a sudden shock, which made everyone in the prehistoric fairy world check what big thing happened.

However, when the immortals in the prehistoric immortal world discovered that eight human emperors from Huoyun Cave appeared in the sky, the immortals in the prehistoric immortal world were very surprised.

Are the human emperors from Huoyun Cave going to start a war?

Are the human emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave going to attack Heaven?

In the sky above the Fire Cloud Cave, eight Human Emperors were lined up.

Human Emperor Fuxi looked at the millions of human troops under the Fire Cloud Cave. After he looked at the direction of the Heavenly Palace in the Ancient Immortal Realm,

Human Emperor Fuxi activated his magic power. Start informing the entire prehistoric fairy world,

"I am a human race, Emperor Fuxi"

"Since the birth of the human race in the ancient world of immortality, it has experienced countless sufferings. Many sages of the human race have died for the development of the human race."

"Until now"

"The human race is the largest clan in the prehistoric fairy world, and it is also the protagonist of the world."

"The ancient heaven is the heaven that rules all living beings in the ancient world, but the emperor of the heaven is just a little human immortal. The human race does not need a little human immortal to rule the ancient world and the human race."

"Emperor Su Chende is not worthy of his throne"


"I am Fuxi, the emperor of the human race. As the emperor of the human race, I order the human race immortals in the prehistoric immortal world and the human race immortals in the prehistoric heaven to return to the human race. The human race does not need the heaven."

"The human race must strengthen itself! The human race must be self-reliant!"

At this time, the Human Emperor Shennong also opened his mouth to announce to the entire prehistoric immortal world,

"I am the human race, the Earth Emperor Shennong. As the human race’s earth emperor, I order the human race immortals in the prehistoric fairy world and the human race immortals in the prehistoric heaven to return to the human race. The human race does not need the heaven."

"The human race must strengthen itself! The human race must be self-reliant!"

Then, the Human Emperor Xuanyuan also took a step forward and passed through the entire prehistoric immortal world.

"I am the human race, the Human Emperor Xuanyuan. As the human emperor, I order the human immortals in the prehistoric immortal world and the human immortals in the prehistoric heaven to return to the human race. The human race does not need the heaven."

"The human race must strengthen itself! The human race must be self-reliant!"

Then, a personal emperor began to announce to the entire prehistoric immortal world,

"I am the Human Emperor Zhuanxu. As the Human Emperor, I order all the human immortals in the prehistoric immortal world and the human immortals in the prehistoric heaven to return to the human race. The human race does not need the heaven."

"The human race must strengthen itself! The human race must be self-reliant!"........

The Immortal World fell silent for a moment.

The immortals in the Immortal World did not expect that Huoyun Cave would openly rebel against heaven. Even the Human Emperor of Huoyun Cave actually announced to the entire Immortal World that all the human immortals in the Immortal World should return to the human race.

This Something big is going to happen!

There are more than millions of human immortals in the prehistoric fairyland.

Ever since the two races of lich and demons retreated from the prehistoric fairyland in defeat, in the past tens of millions of years, the human race’s monks and immortals have been the most in the prehistoric fairyland. Although there are no strong human immortals, But this large amount can make one’s scalp numb.

"Su Chen, I didn’t know this would happen, and I didn’t expect the Human Emperors in Fire Cloud Cave to do this."

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