Xuandu, Guangchengzi, and Buddha Duobao saw more than twenty powerful quasi-sages behind Su Chen.

Their expressions changed.

They did not expect that Su Chen would have the support of more than twenty quasi-sages, especially the Emperor Su Chen who laughed disdainfully.

This was a slap on both sides of them, and even on their respective sects. face

"Hahaha, my Emperor Haotian is back!"

At this time, a sound of laughter was heard from Honghuang Waiwai, and then a figure quickly appeared above the battlefield. When all the creatures on the battlefield saw Haotian coming, they all looked at the arrogant big man with idiotic expressions. Haotian laughed.

Haotian looked at Su Chen and mocked,

"Su Chen, I came to take over the Heavenly Court on the order of Daozu. If you have the sense, please give up the Heavenly Court to me."


Su Chen's eyes lit up when he saw Haotian's arrival.

The list of gods and the divine whip are still in Haotian's hands. He must not let Haotian leave this time.

As for Dao Ancestor's order,

Su Chen doesn't care. He is an old yin. Come on,

Su Chen has to wait for the saints and Taoist ancestors to appear this time.

Otherwise, he may not be able to help Nuwa.

Suddenly , a ray of light appeared over the battlefield, and a boy's voice rang out from the white light.

"The disciples of Jiejiao obeyed the orders of the saints of the Qing Dynasty. The disciples of Jiejiao immediately left the heaven and were no longer allowed to obey the orders of Emperor Su Chen. Those who disobeyed the order were expelled from Jiejiao."

When the disciples of Jiejiao heard the holy order from Master Tongtian, all the disciples here looked very ugly.

They did not expect that Master Tongtian would issue such an order. This made the disciples who served as Jiejiao in Heaven a little bit. They were at a loss.

The Jiejiao disciples in the Heavenly Camp all looked at the three daughters of the Jinling Holy Mother. The Jiejiao disciples were now in charge of the Jinling Holy Mother. They could only wait and see what decision the Jinling Holy Mother would make.

Master Xuandu,


Buddha Duobao, and even Haotian and the Human Emperors all looked at Su Chen with a look of gloating.

Didn't Su Chen have many quasi-sages?

After a while, these quasi-sages would be killed one after another Encourage them to leave and scare them away.

Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Wudang, and Fairy Yunxiao, all of them looked pale and at a loss what to do.

They did not expect that Master Tongtian would make such a decision.

One was their master, Master Tongtian, and the other was someone they hated. Su Chen, who I love again, and the three girls of Golden Spirit Holy Mother were also hard to decide for a while.

"well! Just leave, I won't blame you."

Su Chen shook his head and said to the three daughters of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit,

Master Tongtian still made the wrong choice,


There will be no more of the Jiejiao in the prehistoric fairy world in the future.

Su Chen originally looked at the face of the three daughters of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit. In the future, he She would help the girls rebuild the Jie Sect, but this time the choice of the leader of Tongtian Church completely ruined the future of the Jie Sect. The

Virgin Mother Wudang took a step forward with an ugly face, she took out the Qingping Sword, the symbol of the Jie Sect, and said angrily,

"Water and Fire Boy, this is the teacher's spiritual treasure Qingping Sword. You can bring it to the teacher. Wudang will quit Jie Jiao from now on. He will no longer be a disciple of Jie Jiao and no longer an immortal of Jie Jiao."

After Madonna Jinling and Yun Xiao heard what Madam Wudang said, they were both very surprised.

They did not expect that Madonna Wudang would rather quit teaching, and Madam Wudang would also help Su Chen.

Madonna Jinling and Yunxiao looked at each other After taking a look, they had to make a decision.

Strictly speaking, Holy Mother Jin Ling and Yun Xiao were no longer disciples of the Jie Cult. After all, they had died during the Conferred Gods period, and their spirits were still controlled by the Conferred Gods List.

They thought of the Wudang Holy Mother. They can do this for Su Chen, so why can't they?

During this period of time, they also know Su Chen very well, and it is impossible for the Golden Spirit Mother and Yun Xiao to watch Su Chen's accident.

"Jin Ling, quit Jie Jiao from now on. From now on he is no longer a Jie Jiao disciple, no longer a Jie Jiao immortal."

"Yunxiao quit Jiejiao from now on, and will no longer be a disciple of Jiejiao, nor an immortal of Jiejiao."

In the Heavenly Court camp,

Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of Jinling, and Fairy Yunxiao all announced their withdrawal from Jiejiao. The disciples of Jiejiao were all very surprised. The direct disciples of Lord Tongtian, Our Lady of Jinling and Wudang, withdrew from Jiejiao. It was tantamount to betraying the leader of Tongtian.

Fairy Yunxiao, who was also a disciple of the disciple, she also quit the Jiejiao.

The remaining three quasi-sages of the Jiejiao have all quit the Jiejiao. There is still hope for the Jiejiao to resume the past ten thousand immortals in the future. Scene?

"Qiongxiao quits Jie Jiao from now on, and will no longer be a disciple of Jie Jiao or an immortal of Jie Jiao."

"Bixiao, quit Jie Jiao from now on, and will no longer be Jie Jiao’s disciple or Jie Jiao immortal."

"Zhao Gongming quit the Jie Jiao from now on and will no longer be a disciple of the Jie Jiao or an immortal of the Jie Jiao."

"Shiji, quit the Jie Jiao from now on, and will no longer be a disciple of the Jie Jiao, nor an immortal of the Jie Jiao."

"Wen Zhong, quit Jie Jiao from now on, and will no longer be a disciple of Jie Jiao, nor an immortal of Jie Jiao.".......

Subsequently, each of the disciples of Jiejiao announced their withdrawal from Jiejiao.

These disciples of Jiejiao in heaven were all disappointed with the leader of Tongtian.

Jiejiao originally existed in name only.

The relationship between the three daughters of the Golden Spirit Virgin and the Emperor Su Chen was obvious to all. In the future, Jiejiao If the sect wants to re-establish the sect, it will definitely require the help of the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen.

But at this time, the Tongtian Cult Leader actually asked Jie Jiao's disciples to betray the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen. Doesn't this mean that the Jie Jiao will destroy themselves?

Boom boom boom......

At this time, there was a roar and a click in the nine heavens, and the last bit of Jiejiao's luck also dissipated.

Jiejiao was completely extinct. puff!

Above the nine heavens, the Tongtian Cult Master suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the saint bleeded. After the Tongtian Cult Master's fate of intercepting the Cult completely dissipated, he was also bitten by the prehistoric fate.

The other saints looked at Master Tongtian and shook their heads.

Master Tongtian had completely destroyed the religion, and all his disciples had betrayed him.

Lord Tongtian has completely become a polished commander

"Rebels, traitors, are all rebels."Tongtian Cult Leader shouted with a terrifying aura all over his body, boom boom boom.....

Just when Master Tongtian took action to kill Jin Lingsheng's men, a warning from Heaven came.

If Master Tongtian dared to take action, Heaven would expel Master Master Tongtian or even imprison Master Master Tongtian.

"Tongtian, stop immediately if you don’t want to be imprisoned."

When I saw Tiandao's warning to Master Tongtian, he immediately reminded Tongtian loudly.

Master Tongtian looked angrily at the disciples in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm.

He was also very helpless.

Tiandao prevented the saint from entering the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, and he couldn't even do it. Attack the creatures in the prehistoric fairy world.

No matter how angry he is, the leader of Tongtian Cult is helpless against the disciples who judge the sect.

"Wudang, this is the Zhuxian Sword. If you don't have the Qingping Sword, the Zhuxian Sword will be your spiritual treasure from now on.

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