Leader Tongtian looked a little embarrassed when he heard Su Chen's words.

After he failed in the Conferring God Calamity Tribulation, he hid in Chaos out of frustration.

He really didn't care about Jie Jiao anymore. Death of death, betrayal of betrayal, after all the immortals came to the Jie Jiao Reunion, there was only one Wudang Virgin left. Jie Jiao was already almost exterminated.

Leader Tongtian thought of the efforts of these disciples over the past tens of millions of years, and he also felt sorry for those disciples.

Seeing Tongtian's embarrassed look, Su Chen felt that Tongtian would not take action again.

Su Chen hurriedly said to Jiufeng and Yunxiao,

"Yunxiao, Jiufeng, go and help Guanyin. She is not safe there."


"We'll go there now."

When Jiufeng and Yunxiao heard Su Chen's words, they nodded and disappeared.

Leader Tongtian looked at Yunxiao leaving and said with regret,

"These disciples of mine are all good, what a pity, what a pity."

Su Chen cursed when he heard what Master Tongtian said,

"You're not bad at all. Your eldest disciple Duobao is an old bastard. He has never had a good heart since he became your disciple."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Master Tongtian cursed angrily,

"Nonsense, what do you know, you bastard? Duobao was also captured by me and was forced to rebel."

Su Chen looked at Master Tongtian with disdain and mocked,

"Yeah? But I don't think so"

"stupid.....Ahem, Master Tongtian, have you ever thought that since Duobao was forced to rebel against his master, why would he take refuge with Buddhism along with three thousand Jie Jie disciples?"

"Are the three thousand disciples of Jiejiao really willing to rebel with Duobao? Or were the three thousand disciples of Jiejiao controlled by Duobao before?"

"Also, Duobao clearly knows that the Zhuxian Sword Technique suppresses Jiejiao's luck, and using the Zhuxian Sword Formation will destroy Jiejiao's luck. Why does Duobao want you to set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation?"

"Even after the Zhuxian Sword Formation was finally forced, why did Duobao attack me after taking away the Zhuxian Sword Formation diagram? Why didn't Duobao attack the weaker Original and Western Saints?"

"Lord Tongtian!"

"It is said that Long Er Dingguangxian is the biggest traitor to Jiejiao. In my opinion, Duobao is the root cause of Jiejiao and its destruction."

"Duobao is so tolerant that he can endure it for tens of millions of years, and he is also so good at pretending. If you can't find his flaws, you will be deceived by him for the rest of your life."

Su Chen saw comments about Duobao in some novels.

He felt that Duobao was an old bastard.

As Duobao is the disciple of Lord Tongtian, wouldn't he know what happened in Jiejiao? During the Lich Period Some Jie Jiao disciples eat people, why did Duobao ignore it even though he knew clearly?

Duobao may have seen the hidden dangers of Jie Jiao at that time.

Jie Jiao teaches without distinction and has many disciples. Sooner or later, this will be a huge hidden danger for other saints in the prehistoric times. Will he see Jie Jiao's family becoming the dominant one?

I'm afraid Duobao had different intentions at that time. During the Conferred God period, Duobao might have seen the danger of Jie Jiao being destroyed.

He might have hooked up with me at that time, otherwise Zhu Xian After the sword formation was broken, why was Duobao so impatient to attack me?

At that time, the outcome had been decided, and there was no need to continue the fight.

Duobao attacked me but was captured, and the three Yunxiao sisters only contradicted Yuanzi. He was killed. There was nothing fishy about it. Su Chen definitely didn't believe it.

But later I was also deceived by Duobao.

I asked Duobao to establish Hinayana Buddhism to share the fate of Buddhism, but Duobao turned around and defected to the two sages of Buddhism. , and even became the top leader in the Buddhist sect besides the saints.

Why is this?

This is because Duobao joined the Buddhist sect with three thousand Jiejiao disciples.

Duobao has the support of many Jiejiao disciples, and he must be more powerful than Ran Deng Da, the unlucky guy Ran Deng was abandoned by the Second Saint of the West. From being the top leader of Buddhism to the ancient Buddha of Burning Deng, Duobao naturally became the Buddha of Buddhism.

Tongtian's face darkened when he heard Su Chen's words. , the more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Su Chen said made sense, but he still didn't believe that Duobao was the biggest traitor after the Jiejiao was destroyed.

"I do not believe!"

Su Chen shook his head and reminded,"Don't believe it? Duobao is right there. You can capture him and check his memory, wouldn't you know?"

"You want me to take action against Duobao?"Tongtian Cult Master glared at Su Chen and shouted,

"You don’t have to take action, I’m just suggesting it, it’s up to you whether you listen or not"

"Damn thing!"

Tongtian Cult Leader was very helpless when he heard Su Chen's words.

Now he also wants to search Duobao's memory.

Although Tongtian Cult Leader does not believe that Duobao is a traitor to Jiejiao, everything Duobao does is right. He is very advantageous, which makes the leader of Tongtian have to doubt

"Boy, if there is nothing wrong with Duobao, I will not let you go."

Tongtian leader glared at Su Chen and disappeared.

Tongtian decided to catch Duobao and check his memory. If he didn't check it this time, he would be uneasy in the future. Su Chen's words were like a thorn in his mind. I feel very uncomfortable.

Oh my!

I finally got the leader of Tongtian.

He is too scary. I will never be so reckless in the future.

Su Chen wiped the cold sweat on his forehead when Tongtian left.

Su Chen was also strong just now. Pretending to be calm, how could he not be afraid that a saint's good corpse was going to kill him , but the situation here meant that Su Chen couldn't find help. Fortunately, the unlucky guy from Tongtian Cult Leader was easy to fool, otherwise he might really be dead today. When the Holy Mother came to Su Chen, she smiled and said,

"Su Chen and the Three Emperors were all captured by us. This is Hetu Luoshu."

The Queen Mother of the West and Fairy Jinling also nodded and smiled at Su Chen.

Su Chen accepted the Hetu Luoshu and said hurriedly,

"Yes, Wudang, you go and help Guanyin and the other girls, Jin Ling, you go and help Fairy Chang Xi, Queen Mother of the West, you go and help Empress Houtu. You just need to block the saint's good corpse. There is no need to engage in a life-and-death battle with them."

"We understand!"

When the three Wudang Virgins heard Su Chen's words, they also knew that the war was not over yet.

Although the three Wudang Virgins didn't know what Su Chen had planned, they would all obey Su Chen's arrangements.

Su Chen was in Wudang San After the woman left, he put away the Hetu Luoshu and looked at the battlefields everywhere.

"Let me go, are the Queen Mother and Chang'e going to destroy Haotian?" Su Chen felt a little ashamed when he saw the Queen Mother and Chang'e brutally killing Haotian. He did not expect that the Queen Mother and the cold Chang'e would be so violent. Haotian obviously had no ability to resist, and they continued to kill Haotian. No part of Tian's body is intact anymore, and he is so bloody and miserable that people who know Haotian may not recognize him now. Su Chen looked at the other battlefields and said with a frown,

"We need to speed up, otherwise the quasi-sage reinforcements from Chanjiao and Buddhism will arrive."

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