After Su Chen arranged these things, he also relaxed.

Today was really thrilling, but he finally got through it without any danger.

The human race wanted to resist the heaven with force and was annihilated. After the tens of millions of human armies were wiped out in the prehistoric fairyland, no one in the prehistoric fairyland would dare to resist the heaven again. Su Chen also controlled the entire prehistoric fairyland.

Sage sect?

This is still a trouble, but now is really not the time to destroy the Saint Sect.

The boundary war has disrupted some of Su Chen's previous decisions, but there is nothing that can be done about it.

After Su Chen saw that all the girls had left, he took a rest and said helplessly to himself,"It's time to continue participating in the Journey to the West. This is really fucked up. I am a majestic Emperor of the Ancients, but I still have to accompany him." Tang Sanzang went to obtain scriptures?"

Su Chen thought that he had completely offended Buddhism this time, and he wanted to go to the Western Heaven with Tang Sanzang. He didn't know if the Buddhists would directly destroy him after arriving in the Western Heaven.

But he had to complete the trial of the ladder.

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly when he thought of this.

A month later, peace returned to the prehistoric fairy world, but the influence of the human race's force against the sky has not dissipated at all.

The creatures in the primitive world are full of fear and worship of the new Emperor of Heaven.

Su Chen's domineering power,

Su Chen's decisive killing, and

Su Chen's heroic words all made the creatures in the prehistoric immortal world see a different prehistoric emperor.

A Heavenly Emperor who is different from the previous Heavenly Emperor Haotian. The current Heavenly Court fills the creatures in the Great Desolate Immortal World with fear. Such a Heavenly Court is the true Heavenly Court that rules the Prehistoric Immortal World.

Boom boom......

Suddenly, the prehistoric fairy world suddenly shook, and a towering fortress suddenly appeared between Xiniu Hezhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou.

This makes all the creatures in the ancient world very confused. Why did a fortress appear in the ancient world for no reason? And it also appears between Xiniu Hezhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou. clang clang clang clang.....

In the ancient heaven, a loud bell suddenly sounded, and the immortals in the ancient immortal world hurriedly looked in the direction of the heaven. boom!

After the Nantian Gate in the Heavenly Court was opened, countless armies appeared from the Heavenly Court in the clouds and mist. After appearing, a large number of armies rushed towards the newly emerged fortress.

One hundred thousand!

Half a million! one million! five million!

Eight million!

The creatures in the prehistoric world saw as many as eight million immortal armies coming out of the heaven.

These creatures became worried.

With so many immortal armies appearing and even heading towards Xiniu Hezhou, the creatures in the prehistoric immortal world were worried about the heaven. To launch a war against Buddhism.

At this time,

Taibai Jinxing appeared at Nantianmen.

Holding the imperial edict in his hand, he opened it and read loudly,

"The ancient heaven, the decree of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Five hundred years later, the Realm War begins. In order for the prehistoric immortal world to win the Realm War, immortals who have reached the realm of immortals or above can join the two major immortal combat legions in heaven."

"The headquarters of the Western Immortal Combat Legion in Heaven, the Prehistoric Xiling Fortress"

"The headquarters of the Heavenly Oriental Immortal Combat Legion, the Prehistoric Starry Sky Fortress"

"Realm wars are related to the survival of the Great Desolate Immortal World. The immortals in the Great Desolate Immortal World should all contribute to the Great Desolate Immortal World. Heaven will use all its resources to cultivate all the combat legions of Heaven."

"The Emperor’s decree!"

"Heaven's Western Immortal Combat Legion, commanded by Empress Houtu, recruits an army of 12 million immortals"

"The Heavenly Oriental Immortal Combat Legion, commanded by Demon Saint Bai Ze, recruits an army of 40 million Immortals."

After the creatures in the prehistoric fairyland heard Su Chen's decree, the entire prehistoric fairyland began to boil.

"Is the Realm War about to start again? Why are there two fortresses this time?"

"Yes, what is the use of the Prehistoric Starry Sky Fortress? Didn’t the Western God Realm begin to attack our prehistoric fairyland from Xiniu Hezhou?"

"Yes, I can’t think clearly either!"

"Broken, something big is going to happen this time. The Prehistoric Xiling Fortress will definitely have to face the Western God Realm, and the Prehistoric Starry Sky Fortress will probably have to face another realm. The Emperor of Heaven will definitely get the news that other realms will also attack the Prehistoric Immortal Realm."

"No wonder, no wonder the Emperor of Heaven wants to recruit so many immortal armies. It turns out that there are two realms that are going to attack the prehistoric immortal realm."

"What are you waiting for? Let’s all join the army of immortals in heaven. Otherwise, the prehistoric fortress will be breached and our prehistoric immortal world will probably be destroyed."

"Yes, I want to join the heavenly army"

"Let’s go together! Let’s go together!"





_ Chen was slapped in the face, how could Jie Yin and Zhunti hand over a special fortress.

However, neither Zhunti nor Jie Yin expected that

Tiandao would actually build another Xiling Fortress between Xiniu Hezhou and Dongsheng Shenzhou.

They thought that if the heavenly army or the immortals in the prehistoric fairy world did not come to support the Buddhist-controlled Xiniu Hezhou fortress after the war started five hundred years later, the

Buddhists would probably have to pay a huge price to defend the Xiniu Hezhou fortress.

There is even a possibility that the fortress will be breached by the army of the Western God Realm.

The good corpse who was brought in said with a livid face,

"We underestimate the Emperor of Heaven."

Zhunti's face was also very ugly.

He did not expect that Emperor Su Chen would do this. Is Emperor Su Chen really the illegitimate son of Tiandao? How could Tiandao agree to build another Xiling Fortress?

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Jie Yin shook his head but there was nothing he could do.

The Xiling Fortress has been established, and the army of heaven has begun to station. Now even if he lowers his face and goes to see the Emperor Su Chen, he may not be able to convince the Emperor Su Chen. Jie

Yin smiled bitterly. After a while he said,

"Let's wait and see. There are still five hundred years before the war in the realm. Let's contact other saint sects first, hoping that the human sect and the Chan sect will help us protect the fortress of Xiniu Hezhou."

"Alas, that’s all it can do."

In the Heavenly Court,

Su Chen originally thought that he could continue to go to obtain scriptures with Tang Sanzang, but troubles in the Heavenly Court came one after another.

The equipment of the immortal army in the Heavenly Court, the materials and training resources of each combat legion, all of which needed Su Chen to distribute.

This is still With the help of the Queen Mother and the other girls, Su Chen would have been even more dizzy with work otherwise.

"His, reform, the immortal positions in heaven must be reformed, are all those immortal officials free of charge? Why can't I do anything well? This is not as efficient as my own Xuantian Empire."

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