Su Chen looked at Tang Sanzang and Zhu Bajie drinking river water and shook it. Tang Sanzang and Zhu Bajie were happy now, but they would feel uncomfortable soon.

I go!

Why did Sun Wukong and Monk Sha start drinking too?

What a mess! What a mess!

All four of Tang Sanzang’s masters and disciples were attacked, so who would get them the spring water from which they were born?

When Su Chen saw Sun Wukong and Monk Sha starting to drink, he stood aside in confusion and didn't know whether to stop them.

Forget it,

Sun Wukong and Monk Sha have already drank the spring water of Zimu River, and Su Chen has no time to stop them now.

It was almost evening,

Tang Sanzang's master and his disciples and Su Chen arrived at the Xiliang Daughter Kingdom.

"The West Liang Girl Country, Brother Monkey, this is actually a country where all women are"

"My grandson saw it!"

"Haha, I like the daughter country of Xiliang"

"Idiot, don't embarrass yourself here!"

At this moment, the women of the Xiliang Daughter Kingdom saw men arriving. The women of the Xiliang Daughter Kingdom were shocked. They all ran to the street to watch the men arriving.

"Wow, are these men? Why are there some ugly men in there? They're so ugly."

"Yes, there is a pig head, a monkey, and one that looks like a evil star. This is really ugly."

"There are two other nice men. The man on the horse is good-looking. The man behind is even more handsome. I like the man behind."

"I also like to look at the man in the back. That man has a very special temperament."

"Well, well, I was attracted to the man at the back as soon as I saw him. He is handsome and has a noble temperament. There is such a nice man in the world." Su Chen 's face turned dark when he heard the comments from the women of the Daughter Kingdom around him. What the hell, Su Chen felt like he had become an animal in a zoo. The women around him were pointing at him like tourists. No, I can't go with Tang Sanzang to see the Queen of the Daughter Kingdom for a while, otherwise the queen may not like Tang Sanzang that monk again. Su Chen is worried that this time he will steal the role of Tang Sanzang. Zhu Bajie listens After hearing what the women around him said, he looked at Su Chen and said in amusement,

"Su Chen looks like a pretty boy. Look, all the women here want to eat Su Chen!"

"Idiot, you look like a pig. It’s a good thing that the women here don’t regard you as a monster."

Sun Wukong smiled and patted Zhu Bajie's pig head and said mockingly.


Sun Wukong felt that Su Chen had stolen Tang Sanzang's limelight.

In the past, whenever they met a woman,

Tang Sanzang would be surrounded by women.

Now that Su Chen has arrived, people are watching Tang Sanzang. All the women were watching Su Chen, and Su Chen seemed to be the protagonist among them.

Tang Sanzang looked back and saw that Su Chen didn't say anything.

He was also happy to see this, otherwise those women were watching him,

Tang Sanzang It’s not a matter of whether Sanzang rushes or not.

In front of the daughter king’s palace,

Su Chen did not go in with Tang Sanzang

’s master and apprentice. Su Chen was really afraid that the queen of the daughter kingdom would fall in love with him, a mortal queen of the kingdom.

Su Chen I don’t want to provoke him.

Besides, he is a Heavenly Emperor now, and he doesn’t want to have anything to do with a human woman in the ancient immortal world.

"Young Master, why didn't you enter the palace?"

At this time, a beautiful palace maid came over and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen leaned on the pillar and shook his head and said,"There are too many rules in the palace. I prefer freedom."

"Young Master is right. There are many rules in the palace. Young Master, how about I take you to the side hall to rest?"

"All right!"

Su Chen looked around and agreed.

The maids around him were all looking at him secretly. Su Chen didn't want to stay here any longer.

In a side hall, a pretty woman poured a cup of tea for Su Chen and said with a smile. ,

"Sir, please have tea!"

"Thank you!"

The pretty woman looked at Su Chen drinking tea and smiled.

When she first saw Tang Sanzang, she thought that the monk was very good-looking, but the young man outside the palace was even more handsome.

This The palace maid is not a palace maid from the Daughter Kingdom. This pretty woman is a scorpion spirit from the scorpion cave a thousand miles away from the Daughter Kingdom.

She came to the Daughter Kingdom because the new queen has just ascended the throne, and she wants to see what the queen of the Daughter Kingdom looks like.

But I didn't expect to meet Tang Sanzang's master and disciple, and also meet such a good-looking man as Su Chen.

Scorpion Spirit took out a pipa from the side and said to Su Chen,"Sir, let me play a pipa for you!""

"Can you also play the pipa?"

"The little girl knows something"

"Okay, then you play it......"

I'll do it! lute?

Damn it, isn’t this the scorpion spirit?

Japan and Europe!

Shouldn't the Scorpion Spirit be secretly observing Tang Sanzang?

How could she find him?

Su Chen looked at this pretty woman and started to check it out.

He just thought that this palace maid was an ordinary woman. Su Chen didn't have Sun Wukong's piercing eyes. Even with his low level, he couldn't tell whether this palace maid was a monster.

When the Scorpion Spirit saw Su Chen staring at her, she asked doubtfully,

"Sir, what's wrong? Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Ahem, just play it!"

After Su Chen checked the scorpion spirit, he found that there were mana fluctuations on the scorpion spirit, but he did not find out the hidden realm of the scorpion spirit.

Su Chen did not want to expose the scorpion spirit.

He was only at the level of a golden immortal, and the scorpion spirit was not Even Sun Wukong can't deal with it.

Su Chen doesn't want to conflict with the scorpion spirit, and he doesn't want to be stung by the scorpion's tail sting spirit.

This is going to be troublesome.

If he had known better, he wouldn't have allowed the system to hide his cultivation level, so the scorpion spirit wouldn't dare to tempt myself

"Mr. Su, it's not good. Your friends drank water from the Zimu River and are now screaming in pain. They all ask you to come over quickly."

At this time, a palace maid hurried over and shouted to Su Chen,

"Oh, okay, I'll go there right away!"

Su Chen left in a hurry after hearing what the palace maid said.

This was an opportunity.

He didn't want to face the female monster Scorpion.

"Hum, you, a little monk, can't escape my grasp!"

When the scorpion spirit saw Su Chen leaving, she stood up with her pipa and snorted coldly.

Then, the scorpion spirit returned to her original appearance with a wave of her hand. She looked around and disappeared instantly.

"Su Chen, please save us, we are all going to have a baby."

"Su Chen, my grandson has never asked you for anything. You must help me this time."

"sky....., Su Chen, Lao Sha, please save Lao Sha."

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