Su Chen appeared on the other side just now, and he heard Sun Wukong's shouting.

Su Chen was happy when he looked over.

Zhu Bajie, Monk Sha, and Sun Wukong, the three of them were rolling and shouting on the ground.

The venomous sting of the scorpion spirit is really terrifying.

No wonder even that old bastard Duobao Tathagata can't stand it. The scorpion spirit should be a golden immortal now. If the scorpion spirit's strength increases, her sting may be even more terrifying.

After the scorpion spirit appeared, he mocked Sun Wukong and said,

"Sun Wukong, tell Mr. Su to come to Pipa Cave to find me in three days. If Mr. Su doesn't come within three days, Tang Sanzang will die."

The Scorpion Spirit didn't care about the pain of Sun Wukong and the others. She grabbed Tang Sanzang next to her and disappeared into the palace instantly.

"Damn it, Su Chen offended this monster after doing it for a long time!"

"Su Chen, what's going on with this monster?"

"Mr. Su, we are all in pain. Come and detoxify us."

After Zhu Bajie and the other three heard what the scorpion spirit said, they all guessed that the scorpion spirit must have come to find Su Chen. It was even possible that Su Chen had offended the monster.

Otherwise, the scorpion spirit would probably take the opportunity to kill the three of them.

"What you are talking about is all nonsense. If I don’t get you the birthplace, will I offend this monster?"

Zhu Bajie shouted angrily when he heard Su Chen's words,

"Is this a matter of taking the spring of miscarriage?"

"The female monster never mentioned the birthplace of the fetus from the beginning to the end. This must be because you peeped at the beautiful female monster taking a bath. Otherwise, how could the monster mention you alone?"

"Zhu Bajie, are you itchy? Am I the one who peeked at the female monster taking a bath? Sun

Wukong looked at Su Chen and shouted,"Su Chen, please detoxify me quickly, it will hurt my grandson to death.""

Monk Sha also shouted to Su Chen in pain,

"Yes, Mr. Su, please detoxify us first. This is really painful."

Su Chen said helplessly after hearing Sun Wukong's words,

"Detoxification is bullshit, I don’t know how to detoxify it, so you should just endure it."

Su Chen will have the antidote, and the Pleiades star official in heaven has the antidote, but why does he want to detoxify these people?

People from the Buddhist sect have been paying attention here. Wouldn't the Buddhist sect come to detoxify Sun Wukong?

Look, Sun Wukong Xiang Su Chen asked doubtfully,

"You really don't?"

"Do you think I can detoxify you?"

"What to do?"

"Idiot, call for support!"

Su Chen was also speechless.

Didn't Sun Wukong ask the immortals for help when he encountered difficulties in the past?

Why was he confused this time?

Zhu Bajie hurriedly shouted after hearing Su Chen's words,

"That's right, Brother Monkey, please call those people from Buddhism to come out and detoxify us. It hurts me to death."

Sun Wukong looked into his mouth and shouted,

"Five directions reveal the truth, six Ding and six armors, four levels of merit, eighteen Dharma protectors, Jialan, come out and see me, Sun."

"The five directions revealed the truth, and the eighteen Dharma protectors Jialan met Sun Dasheng."

At this time, more than 20 Buddhist people appeared next to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong saw that only the five directions and the eighteen protectors appeared, which made him confused.

Gong Cao, why didn't you show up at this time?

"Where are the Six Ding Liujia and the Fourth Level Gongcao?"

The golden-headed Jiedi looked at Su Chen beside him and coughed and said,

"Ahem, the Great Sage, Liu Ding Liu Jia and the Fourth Level Gong Cao are the immortals of Heaven, and they have been recalled to Heaven."

Sun Wukong was very speechless when he heard the golden head's words.

He was also dizzy after being stung by the poisonous sting. Six Dingliujia and the fourth-level Gongcao are the gods of heaven. The relationship between Su Chen and Buddhism broke down. Heaven and Buddhism are now But it was a hostile force.

Zhu Bajie looked at Wufang Jiedi and these people and shouted,"Stop talking nonsense, please detoxify us quickly, I, the old pig, will be hurt to death.""

The one with a silver head who was in trouble said to Zhu Bajie,

"Marshal Tianpeng, we people don’t know how to detoxify. This monster is a scorpion spirit. Even Buddha Tathagata was stung by this scorpion spirit and screamed in pain. We little Buddhas have no way to detoxify."

"What? You can't detoxify?"


"So who can detoxify it? You should hurry up and invite me."


After Wufang Jiedi and the eighteen protectors Jialan looked at each other, they were all very embarrassed.

The only person who could detoxify the scorpion poison was the Pleiades star official in heaven.

Now Buddhism and heaven are hostile forces, and the Pleiades in heaven are It is impossible for Xingguan to help Buddhist people

"Damn it, come on, are there any gods that I can't invite?"

"Great Sage, yes.....He is the Pleiades Star Officer of the East Gate in Heaven. Only the Pleiades Star Officer can detoxify the scorpion poison."

"Su Chen, please get Pleiades Star Officer over quickly, we are all going to be in pain."

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Sun Wukong's words and refused,"Sun Wukong, Buddhism has other ways to help you detoxify. It is impossible for heaven to help Buddhism. You should understand this."

Sun Wukong sighed after hearing Su Chen's words.

"this.....Alas, the Five Directions reveal the truth. Let’s quickly find a way to get Buddhist people to come over and detoxify us. Otherwise, Tang Sanzang will be killed and eaten by monsters."

"Yes, Great Sage, we will inform the Buddha in Buddhism right away."

Wufang Jiedi and the eighteen protectors Jialan hurriedly responded.

They had no choice. The Emperor in Heaven said it was impossible, so they could only report back to the Buddha.

Zhu Bajie groaned and looked at it with resentment. Xiang Su Chen, although he knew that Heavenly Court and Buddhism were now hostile forces, they were old friends with Su Chen. This Heavenly Emperor Su Chen just wanted to see them suffer.

At this moment, the Queen of the Daughter Kingdom looked at the five people who appeared. When Fang Jiedi saw the Buddhas, she was very surprised.

The queen also understood that

Tang Sanzang's origin might not be simple.

She could not keep Tang Sanzang at all.

As for Su Chen, she saw the way those Buddhas were afraid of Su Chen.

She It is even more difficult to guess Su Chen's identity. Su Chen is probably more noble than Tang Sanzang.

The Queen of the Daughter Kingdom shook her head with a look of sadness on her face, and she was about to leave.

The Grand Master of the Daughter Kingdom came to the Queen's side , she saw the half-eaten peach in the queen's hand, and the grand master asked the queen in confusion,"Queen, why are you holding a half-eaten peach?""


The Queen of the Daughter Kingdom was very speechless when she looked at the peach in her hand.

She found this half-eaten peach in the attic. She originally wanted to take it out and throw it away, but she also forgot about it after the Five Directions Revealed Buddhas appeared.

"Master, these are the remaining peaches I have eaten. I feel it is a pity to throw them away. I will eat the remaining half of the peaches in a while."

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