Sun Wukong is also very remorseful now.

If he had not killed the vixen for no reason before, such a thing would not have happened today, and even more than ten Buddhist disciples would not have died.

Sun Wukong felt a little guilty and reminded the Bull Demon King

"Brother Niu, this time it is my grandson's responsibility. I also want to protect Tang Sanzang as he goes to the West to obtain scriptures. You cannot kill Tang Sanzang. The great power of Buddhism is coming. I hope you can stop, Brother Niu."

The Bull Demon King stared at Sun Wukong with his lantern-sized eyes and shouted angrily,

"Bah, I, the Bull Demon King, will not be a human until I kill you today. Sun Wukong, if you don’t fight me, Tang Sanzang will be dead."

Su Chen curled his lips when he heard the words of the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon King was not a human in the first place.

If he killed Sun Wukong, would he become a human?

At this time, in a mountain in the ancient fairy world, a little girl of ten years old appeared. Suddenly appeared here, with a little cyan bird standing on her shoulder

"Wow! This is the prehistoric fairyland. The spiritual energy here is indeed very abundant. It is a hundred times richer than the spiritual energy in the Shenyu Continent. Aunt Qing, are we going to play by ourselves? Or should I go find my father first?"

This little girl is Su Yan, Su Chen's daughter.

Su Yan got a world-breaking order in the ladder trial, and she secretly used the world-breaking order to come to the prehistoric fairyland.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The green oriole on Su Yan's shoulder looked around and screamed.

Su Yan smiled and said,

"Haha, Aunt Qing, let’s have fun in the ancient fairyland first, and then go find my troubled father later."


At this time,

Queen Xihe suddenly appeared next to Su Yan.

She frowned when she looked at Su Yan.

She felt how this little girl was related to the Emperor Su Chen, and even their breaths were very similar.

Su Yan When Yan saw the woman who suddenly appeared next to her, she asked warily,

"Who are you? monster? Or a god?"

Su Yan and Qingying looked at each other and became worried. This woman of unknown origin looked very powerful. Su Yan and Qingying were both worried that this cold woman was a monster.

"May I have your name?"

Xi He looked at Su Yan and Qingying and asked with a frown. There was a young human monk, and the other one turned out to be Qingying who had fallen long ago in the prehistoric times.




This is the era of dragons and phoenixes in the prehistoric times. Of all the royal family of birds, when did the royal Qingying appear again in the prehistoric fairy world?

"My name is Su Yan, Great Immortal. I am just a little human girl. Just let me go!"

When Xi He heard Su Yan's words, he continued to ask with a cold face,

"Su Yan? Who are you, Su Chen?"


Su Yan was stunned when she heard Xi He's words.

She didn't expect that this cold beauty would know about her father.

Su Yan thought that her father was also a scum when he came to the ancient immortal world. How could his father know such a powerful woman? And It seemed like this woman still had a grudge against her father.

Su Yan couldn't answer for a while.

"Say it quickly, you'd better not lie to me, or I'll check your memory!"

"No, Su Chen is my father."

Xi He was very surprised when he heard Su Yan's words.

This little girl turned out to be the daughter of Emperor Su Chen.

However, why did Su Chen let his daughter appear alone in the ancient world of immortality? Isn't that bastard afraid that something might happen to his daughter? ?

"You are actually the daughter of the Emperor Su Chen. Haha, that’s right. I said you have such a similar aura to that bastard Su Chen. It turns out that you, little girl, are that bastard’s daughter."

Su Yan is even more confused now,

Emperor of Heaven?

How could her father be the Emperor of Heaven?

Su Yan guessed that her father's cultivation realm is at most just becoming an immortal. Both

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Holy Mother have said that all realms below the Golden Immortal are Scumbag, her father is still a scumbag even after becoming an immortal. This has nothing to do with the Emperor of Heaven!

"Emperor of Heaven? Great Immortal, you are mistaken, my father is just a young monk, he is not an emperor of heaven."

Xihe snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"Humph, do you think I can check errors based on my cultivation? What's your title?"

"Princess Changle!"

"Princess Changle? It seems that your bastard father likes you very much. Su Yan, please follow me from now on."

Xi He thinks she is very lucky.

She just came out of Tanggu and met Su Chen's daughter.

Didn't that bastard dare to tease her?

Now that his daughter is in his hands, Xi He doesn't believe that shameless person. The disciples would not come to her.

Su Yan felt that she was extremely unlucky this time.

She and Qingying had just arrived in the Great Desolate Fairyland, and they met her father's enemy.

Before she and Qingying had a good stroll in the Great Desolate Fairyland, she might have to She became a hostage.

But, is her father really an emperor?

Su Yan looked at Xi He and asked,"Great Immortal, do you have a grudge against my father?" Also, is my father really the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Your father is a shameless bastard!"

"Well, I think so too, so is my father the Emperor of Heaven?"

"you do not know?"

"Great Immortal, I have just arrived in the prehistoric immortal world, and I haven’t seen my father yet."


Xi He didn't expect that Su Yan had just arrived in the ancient world of immortality. Could this little girl be the bloodline left by that bastard in other small worlds when Su Chen had not yet become an immortal?

Xi He looked at this clever little girl and nodded. He said,"Your father is really the Emperor of Heaven in Heaven, this is true."

Su Yan was stunned when she heard Xi He's confirmation.

How long has it been? More than ten days?

Even if the speed of time in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm is different from that of the Divine Meteor Continent, her father actually became the Emperor of Heaven in about a year. ?

Su Yan thinks her father is too awesome.

Su Yan has always admired her father very much. Although her father is sometimes unruly, he is also a master of causing trouble everywhere. However, Su Yan did not expect that her father Su Chen would become the Emperor of Heaven..Su

Yan thought for a while and asked Xihe,"Great Immortal, isn't my father a puppet emperor?"

Xi He shook his head and replied,"I don't know about that. Just as it happens, I also plan to get to know your father, so you can go wandering around the prehistoric fairy world with me first."

Su Yan nodded quickly and said,

"Okay, okay, I originally planned to walk around the prehistoric fairyland with Aunt Qing"

"My name is Xihe, you will call me senior from now on"

"Xihe? One of my aunts is also named Xihe, and her full name is Ji Ruxihe."

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