Sun Wukong bowed his head when he heard Su Chen's words, monster?

Is he a monster?


He is not a monster.

Sun Wukong thought of the monsters he encountered while protecting Tang Sanzang.

He was fundamentally different from those monsters.

Those monsters were insidious and cunning, killing innocent people indiscriminately. How could he be a monster like those monsters?

Su Chen looked at Sun Wukong and shook his head.

Sun Wukong had forgotten what he had said before. I am afraid that Buddhism had also completely forgotten about using him as a chess piece. Could it be that Buddhism used the Heart Sutra on Sun Wukong? Was Sun Wukong brainwashed by Buddhism again while he was away?

At this time,

Tang Sanzang came from afar and bowed to Manjushri Bodhisattva. Then he turned around and said to Sun Wukong,

"Wukong, let's get on the road, the Flame Mountain has been extinguished"

"Yes, master!"

The Bull Demon King next to him saw the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang leaving, and he could not stop him.

Although the strength of Manjusri Bodhisattva was weakened by the leader of Tongtian, he and Taiyi Golden Immortal could not deal with it.

Su Chen looked at the Bull Demon King He just shook his head.

He was too lazy to care about the Bull Demon King.

It would be a good thing if Su Chen didn't kill the Bull Demon King. The Bull Demon King had harassed Princess Iron Fan. He also saw the pitiful appearance of the Bull Demon King's wife and children. Su Chen decided to spare him this time.

The leader of Tongtian and Saint Jieyin were fighting in chaos.

Su Chen didn't know what the outcome would be, and he couldn't control it.

Whether Master Tongtian won or Saint Jieyin won, it would not matter to him. It makes no sense.

A month and a half later, the four masters and disciples of Tang Sanzang and Su Chen arrived at Jisai Kingdom.

Su Chen looked at a high tower in front and laughed.

This plot is about the nine-headed insect stealing the Buddha's relics. It’s just that there is no Halloween Princess this time. Did the Nine-Headed Insect steal the treasure by himself? Or did he steal the treasure with other monsters?

At this moment, on a fairy island in the East China Sea,

Xi He and Su Yan appeared here.


Tian Hou Xi He had an ugly look on his face at the moment, while Su Yan was smiling and happy.

In the past month,

Xi He and Su Yan had been searching for news about Su Chen everywhere in the ancient fairy world, and they also thoroughly understood everything about the Emperor Su Chen.

Tianhou Xihe did not expect that Su Chen had unified the Great Desolate Immortal World, and there were more than twenty quasi-sage powers under his command.

Except for the Saint Sect, all other races and forces in the entire Great Desolate Immortal World had surrendered to the Emperor Su Chen.

Tens of millions of Heavenly soldiers and generals, and all of them were immortals and above. The human race rebelled against the heavens. Su Chen actually slaughtered all the human emperors and more than 50 million human troops. Queen Xihe felt that Su Chen was more powerful than the demon emperor Jundu, and the demon emperor Jundu did not unify the prehistoric immortal world, but Su Chen, a little golden immortal, completed the unification. The once overlords of the prehistoric times, the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan, also surrendered to the Emperor of Heaven, Su Chen.

Xi He now looked at that little scumbag Su Chen with admiration. ,

Su Yan looked at Xi He who was thinking about something and smiled. Su Yan did not expect that his father was actually the Emperor of Heaven, and that all races and forces in the prehistoric fairy world had surrendered to her father. In the prehistoric fairy world, the human race resisted the heaven with force. She didn't encounter this, and

Su Yan felt a little pity, especially the various legends in the ancient immortal world, and his father's murder of more than 50 million monks and immortal armies.

Su Yan was also shocked when he heard that five thousand Tens of thousands of human beings? Su Yan couldn't even think about it, but his father killed him whenever he asked. Even the Eight Human Emperors were executed. When

Xihe saw Su Yan's smile, she turned to Su Yan with a cold face. asked,

"Little girl, are you happy now?"

Su Yan immediately said with a smile on his face when he heard Xi He's words,

"No, no, I'm not happy at all!"

"Humph, you are now the first princess in the Heavenly Court of the Ancient Immortal Realm, and you are also the most noble princess in the entire Ancient Immortal Realm. Shouldn't you be happy?"

"Haha, senior, when will we go to heaven? I also want to see what it is like in heaven."

"Don't think about it. I'm in a bad mood now. Just stay with me."

"How long will that take?"

"Hundreds or thousands of years!"

Su Yan was very speechless when he heard Xi He's words.

If Xi He didn't let him leave,

Su Yan couldn't escape at all.

During this time,

Su Yan also understood the realm of cultivation in the prehistoric immortal world. Xi He was in the prehistoric immortal world. The most powerful group of people.

Su Yan!

No, even if her father Su Chen was here, her father Su Chen couldn't be Xi He's opponent.

Seeing Su Yan's depressed look, Xi He smiled. Su Yan is an eccentric little girl. Over the past month or so, Xi He has also fallen in love with this little girl.

Xi He patted Su Yan's little head and said,"Don't be depressed. We will go there in a few days." Heaven, I want to go to the Taiyin Star to meet my sister Chang Xi"

"Lunar star? Senior, is there Fairy Chang'e in the Taiyin Star?" Su Yan's eyes lit up when she heard Xi He's words. Oh, the Taiyin Star! There is the Immortal Chang'e living in the Taiyin Star. Su Yan really wanted to see the legendary Immortal Chang'e.


"I want to go to the Taiyin Star. I want to see Fairy Chang'e. Senior Xihe, please take me to the Taiyin Star too. Xihe stroked his hair and said speechlessly,

"Yes, Chang'e has a close relationship with your father Su Chen, and she will be very happy to see you."

Xi He also didn't expect that Su Chen would have such a good relationship with Chang Xi and Chang'e.

Chang'e even ignored her life and death to save Su Chen.


Chang Xi cut off the contact with the good corpse, which also made Xihe unthinkable. Understand, why did Chang Xi separate her good corpse? This will have a great impact on Chang Xi’s future cultivation.

"What? Did my father get Fairy Chang'e?"

Su Yan was dumbfounded.

She didn't expect that her father was so good at picking up girls. Her father had even taken care of Fairy Chang'e. If her father could also take care of the Queen Mother, then her father would be so awesome. Boom boom boom boom.......

At this time, the prehistoric fairy world suddenly shook, and nine huge sounds suddenly came from the nine heavens.

After a while, blood rain fell from the sky.

Xi He looked up at Jiutian with a surprised look on his face and said,

"The bells of heaven are ringing, the sky is raining blood, and a saint has fallen."

When Su Yan heard Xi He's words, she was very shocked.

Heaven rang the bell!

Blood rained from the sky!

Saints fell!

She didn't know these things in the ancient fairy world.

"saint? Senior, aren’t saints immortal? How could a saint fall?"

"Little girl, the saint is indeed immortal. The saint's soul is entrusted in the way of heaven. Even if the saint falls, the way of heaven will resurrect the saint."

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